Hello, is anyone starting chemo in February 2015?

Thank you! Hope the tax goes ok, will be interesting to compare notes about taxotere every 3wks and taxol every week for 3wks. A fortnight off for good behaviour will put me well behind everyone else.

I know what you mean about floaty tops. I wore a t shirt today not a good look seeing as my expander side has been pumped up and let down so many times it looks like the last sad balloon at the childrens party. Trying to fit a sunhat over a turban, runny nose and streaming eyes, all pretence at vanity is gone!

Hi Alison and Jax,
I had my first Doxetaxol today after 3x FEC
Apart from not finding a vein, we’ve had to move onto my feet which was a bit tricky, the infusion delivery was fine. I had the FEC delivered manually but this took an hour in a drip. No pain. Came home, went for a walk, gardened for a bit and have just had supper. No nausea. Hurrah! We’ll see what the next few days bring…
Good luck for tomorrow x

Hey guys I’ve just had my 4th docetaxel yesterday… I’ve got no experience of FEC just what folk have said about theirs.

Side effects of tax usually kick in after a few days… I tend to get really constipated for the first few days then go the other way and get dodgy tum. I also get thrush like symptoms with real itchyness down there it can feel quite “prickly” sorry for the tmi lol!!! I’ve lost my taste… My mouth gets really dry and uncomfortable (got nystatin this time to see if it helps). Losing taste is the worst, everything tastes bland… Day 1 today and went to nandos and I may as well eaten some mashed tattie lol

Hope the se’s are kind girls! Much love xxx

A lot of people complain of aches and stuff, luckily I’m not too bad but think it’s cumulative - after my third one I felt my legs really achey and tired. Walking along a flat road had my legs feeling like I was walking up a real steep hill and had “burn”… It’s doable but some paracetamol and ibuprofen sorted it. I have a bit of a dodgy back and that started acting up a bit if I was walking too much not sure if that’s me or the tax lol

Hi to all you ladies, glad to hear you are all moving on with different treatment hope it treats you all kindly and not too many SE.
I’m carrying on with the lovely FEC and take it that i’m the only one , but it’s number 4 so I’m getting there. Has anyone used Zoladex? To shut their ovaries down , I am but I get this awful pain around my groin area, Onc seems to think it’s everything shutting down but it happens every month and sometimes I feel that it’s so painful to walk but I’m getting chemo tomorrow so I may go and see my BCN
Anyway wish you all the best with your treatments, enjoy the beautiful weather were having at the moment.

Jax I have domperidone for sickness but really haven’t had much nausea at all… Heard FEC is awful for nausea but can’t say I’ve been bothered at all! Taken tabs for first few days just incase but to be honest I don’t think I need them!

From what I’ve heard people tend to suffer more from aches with tax rather than the nausea from FEC lol I thought I was getting off easy as I can handle a dodgy tum etc but near the end of my third cycle just found my legs didn’t have the oomph they did!

Hi Ladies
Think the tablets you take before docetaxel are Steroids not sickness. I usually have Emend for nausea so it’ll be interesting to see if I get them tomorrow. The domperidone is for indigestion. Hope this is helpful, I’m afraid I ask lots of questions at chemo!! Lol
Good luck ladies & big hugs xxx

Hi ladies,
We get steroids for day before tax and then the following two days. I was given 4x 8mg twice a day and was told they are for anti- rejection. I took them for FEC but not the day before. Wasn’t given Emend this time, but an anti- sickness was injected into cannula before tax infusion. The time for the cold cap post infusion was only an hour this time rather than 1.5 hours. I haven’t felt any nausea and have just woken after 5 hours of lovely sleep. Side effects feel much easier than FEC so far… District Nurse coming to give one injection this afternoon, then nothing until next session in three weeks.

No nausea but a lack of taste and a huge steroidy round, red face… Hey ho. Over Halfway there and probably expecting some aches and pains but the end is in sight. Good luck everyone.

Hi Alison, my nurse told me Domperidone was for Anti sickness
Hugs Tina xx

Hi all, hope you are doing okas not so many posts on here lately, but hope that’s a good sign xx I’ve just finished 3 x FEC and on Day two of “T” and I must admit I feel great much better than with FEC. I know it’s still early days and my oncologist said side effects will start to kick in once I stop my steroids, which my last lot are today. Will see what tomorrow brings xx how is everyone else feeling and when did your side effects of any start ? Hugs to all x

Hey Tina :slight_smile: my side effects normally kick in day 4-6 after tax, hopefully the side effects are minimal for u xxx

I am starting weekly taxol paclitaxel next week as I’ve had such a bad reaction to FEC. The oncologist has changed the plan from 3wkly taxotere docletaxel. Start herceptin jabs next week as well.

Hi all what side effects have you been having and how long do they last for x

Hi all. I’m day 6 of first Doxetaxol after 3x FEC.
Tax feels more straightforward for me than FEC. Having said that, I’m on fourth day of significant pains in lower back and pelvis and I’m not up to doing much. I feel as though I have severe period pains andthat I’ve undertaken extreme exercise ( neither of which I’ve experienced for 5 years or so!) Have resorted to Tramadol at night to be able to sleep.
My mouth is lined with white and taste is very impaired. Feeling rather fed up and hoping to feel less achey tomorrow. This round is really dragging…
Good luck everyone x

Hi Tina & all the lovely ladies,
I’m on day 7 after first docetaxel, have found SE’s have been more on the physical side with lots of aches and very tired. Appetite has been ok though and no sickness. I haven’t taken my domperidone ( Tina, I just assumed because I was taking it before eating that it was to aid digestion ? ) or any extra anti sickness. Back ache is quite bad so my hot water bottle is firmly glued to my back!!
Feeling a bit brighter this morning so I’m going to try & get out today. Waiting for some wool to arrive to start a new crotchet project.
Some days I’m not sure I can keep up the positive attitude but I read through your posts and I know I’m not alone.
Thank you xxx

Hi Alison and all, its so nice for us all to keep in touch on here, as when we are going through all these horrid side effect at least we know we aren’t on our own feeling like this. I have my white cell injection boost called lenograstin starting again on Saturday which I have had from chemo cycle one and everyone cycle since. I have to have them on day 5 of chemo for 5 days. These make me feel like I have the flu all my bones hurt, so I won’t know if it’s the injections or the side effects. Will you let me know how long your aches etc last for please. I’m only hoping I’m not going to be in even more pain than usual. What medication have you taken for yours, apart from a hot water bottle lots of hugs to all from Tina xx

Alison do you crochet from a pattern ? all I can make are crochet granny square blankets. My grandchildren love them for warmth and my granddaughter has a smaller one as a comforter, it’s really scraggy now but she won’t part with it. I would love to follow a pattern to make some pretty cardigans for the girls.xx

Thank you, tweazel, for the advice. I’ll get onto that.
Alison, we’re at the same stage for Doxetaxol, and like you, I feel it’s so good to share these experiences in order to keep our head above water. I’ve woken today feeling a bit brighter and in less discomfort. I let the pain get out of hand yesterday and ended up having a hot bath at 1am, taking a tramadol and sort of re-doing bedtime in the middle of the night. Hot water bottles have been a blessing and I’ve spent more time in bed this round than through the others.
Tina, I have taken ibuprofen and paracetamol but they haven’t been strong enough (perhaps because I haven’t kept on top of the dosage) and have ended up taking tramadol. My dr has also prescribed naproxen which I haven’t taken yet. It might be worth speaking to your GP?
The worst of the pains feel like labour pains in the lower back. Having said that, we’re all on different dosages and have different responses to the drugs ( I get lower back pain sometimes anyway) so it won’t necessarily be the same for you.
I’ve been determined throughout all of this, to try and get a two week break between treatments when I aim to get as much normality and pleasure as possible from each day. So today friends are coming for coffee and later I’m going out for supper. Won’t be able to taste anything, join in any worldly conversation, drink any wine, nor bat any luxurious eyelashes … But hey, I’ll be out and about… If perhaps a little drugged up!
Take care, lovelies.
Natalie x