Hello, is anyone starting chemo in February 2015?

Hi Natalie and all you lovely ladies, I can’t sleep legs feel really heavy. Natalie I hope you had a good time chatting with your friends yesterday, it’s nice to keep in touch with normality. Hope you ladies are feeling a little less achey today after the dreaded “T” I’m on day four so expecting it to kick in anytime xx

Forgot to ask a question were you told to paint your finger nails in dark nail polish to help protect them when having " T " chemo brain here is asking does that include your toe nail’s

Hello everyone, I was one of the founder members of the February Chemo Club. My treatment is very different from most of you. I had a 4.6tumour in my right breast and was given the opportunity of having Paclitaxol 3 weekly cycles plus Herceptin. After 9 treatments the tumour has nearly disappeared! I have another 3 treatments and see breast surgeon at the end of the month. The onc says that I will probably have a lumpectomy rather than a mastectomy.
I still have hair all over my head, though much thinner than before and still shedding a little. Have worn the cold cap from day 1. You do get sort of used to it though I still take paracetamol before having it on. That and anti histamine mean I usually doze off after a while.
Have read all your posts and wish everyone the very best for the future. Ann

That is really good news! I start weekly paclitaxel on Wednesday and the first herceptin and am hoping it won’t be as bad as the FEC!

Hello Ladies I feel awful how long do these " T " (docetaxol) side effects normally last. I had my first one on Tuesday after 3 xFEC xx

I normally start feeling better about a week after my tax xx

Thank you Dennymac hope you are ok, at least I know what to expect . We all must be feeling the same because there aren’t many posts on here this last week or so is there x

Hi worried sick. I had my first T (after 3x FEC) on Thursday 9th. I was resting and didn’t go out until last Thursday 16th when the pains finally became manageable.
Determined to carry on as normal until next dose on 30th so for the last three days that has meant taking regular sit-downs, feeling quite tearful at times, having what seems like a streaming cold, and being close to a loo. Oh the joys…
Dennymac, congratulations! That is wonderful news. Very inspiring news. Keep us up to date with how this progress x

Can I take paracetamol and ibrufen together at the same time I’ve got 400mg ibrufen and 400mg paracetamol do I take one of each xx

Worried sick be careful with paracetamol, only take 2 tablets (they are 500mg each). Also paracetamol can mask a fever so make sure you take your temp before u take paracetamol. If you feel generally unwell don’t take paracetamol, just take ibuprofen as again paracetamol can mask a temperature. Staggering the tablets is best, 2x ibuprofen then after a couple of hours 2x paracetamol then 2 hours later paracetamol again. Also take the pain relief regularly and don’t go long periods without as it’s easier to nip it in the bud rather than wait until it’s really painful then get on top of it. If the paracetamol and ibuprofen isn’t enough and you’re following all these guidelines call the unit as they can prescribe u something stronger xx

Sorry I co fused myself with the staggering lol ibuprofen/paracetamol/ibuprofen/paracetamol xx

Always have a minimum of 4+ hours between paracetamol doses xx

Ended up in hospital with a 38.1 temperature on IV antibiotics fluids etc

Hoping you are continuing to improve, Worriedsick?
Good luck everyone for the next round of chemo.
My oncologist has reduced my next dose of Tax by 25% as the side effects were too strong. Reassuring to know this doesn’t affect the long term prognosis.
Penultimate treatment tomorrow -the end seems in sight. And then it’ll be Summer…
Thinking of you all, Natalie

Hi all its been a while, number 5 on Friday but it’s seems that I’m the only one from the group continuing FEC it’s been doable for me as sickness is controlled but still not looking forward to it but it’s number 5 so one more to go. Good luck to all of you with treatment this week whether it’s 4 or 5.
Big hugs xxx

2 out of 12 weekly paclitaxels out of the way for me. Will finish early July. Had 1st herceptin jab last week, those continue for 6 mths. S/es definitely not as bad as fec, just their own set of problems but definitely kinder so far

Evening/morning ladies,
I have no 5 docetaxel tomorrow/today, up & watching telly due to me taking my steroids a little late!! Oops
Am afraid I’ve found this tougher in some ways to FEC,. The plus points are that sickness & appetite are fine, but on the down side I felt really rough and very tired. , I like, worried sick, ended up in hospital for a weekend on antibiotics, I was neutropenia and spent 3 boring days in a side ward. ??
I’ve been told tomorrow’s dose will be reduced so I’m hoping the se’s will not be as bad.
Ladies as always good to share experiences,.
Worried sick I haven’t ventured onto patterns yet, planning on you tubing to try something new next week while I rest up.
Annie I’m so pleased for you and that news is good?
Sending you all hugs and wishing all those going for treatment good luck
Our journey’s end is in sight my friends!!! Yay ???

Good morning Alison.
I’ve just woken up since falling asleep at 4pm yesterday after my 5th dose. Had only 1 hour’s sleep the night before treatment, a mix of steroids and anxiety, I think.
I had a reduced dose and am continuing on reduced steroids for three extra days, so like you, hoping ses will be less severe than last time. I’m sorry to hear you ended p in hospital.
Am trying to fill time with wool felting and have just bought huge bag of merino wool to make one of those chunky cowls. But have also just started watching ’ the Chefs Table’ on Netflix which I think will take me through what I suspect is going to be a sleep-free night in the spare room! Perverse when alI I fancy eating is toast!
Good luck later today. And then only one to go…
Best wishes everyone. Thinking of you all x

I spent six days in hospital with neutrapaenia my oncologist has reduced my next dose by 20% to hopefully ease side effects… Still felt very tired this week and seem to get out of breath very easily even a very slow walk upstairs.
Natalie hope this one is kinder for you as it’s been reduced let me know xx
My number 5 docetaxol is on Tuesday I dread it

Hi ladies,
Just back from hospital, they haven’t reduced my dose but starting injections a bit earlier. Hoping that will do the trick will just have to wait and see.
Wishing you all well xxx