Hello, is anyone starting chemo in February 2015?

Hello Fralan?
Good luck for Friday…you start day after me.
It’s lovely on here,ladies so nice X

Sandie?..how’s your pet rock lol?!!X
Sounds like you’ve been in the wars a bit,being stabbed a lot by the nasty needles?..think we must be getting used to all these tests and prodding…forgotten what it feels like to feel ‘normal!’
Hope all goes well for the Chemo lovely,how many sessions?X
Hugs Rachel

Hey Aliison?X
Glad it went okay today,well done you .i think you should get 2 wigs…one snazzy one completely different to your regular colour/style,then one like your own hair…that’s my plan is money permits?..you can get an NHS one,which aren’t too bad.
Take it easy …hugs Rachel X

Hi folks,
Had my first FEC chemo today. It was a much less traumatic experience than I’d feared. Felt to be in super good hands. So those of us who are starting tomorrow … Don’t worry too much. It’s over surprisingly quickly and the immediate effects are like having a couple of G&Ts.
I wore the cold cap. Took a painkiller before going in and honestly, it wasn’t bad for me. Whether it works is another matter, but I will use it next time if there’s any benefit.
I ate frozen grapes and drank lots of water throughout. My pee was bright pink only minutes after the red syringe. Just goes to show how quickly the drugs pass through our body.
Been home for a couple of hours and feeling hungover and queasy but ok.
Thank you Alison, for the Seaband tip. Will be using them tonight and tomorrow.
So best wishes to those in tomorrow.

Love Natalie

Ps. Sandie, your pet rock story has made a lot of people smile! It’ll be on your medical records that you have a heart of stone!

Hey everyone!!! So 1 cycle down for me and 5 to go!!! Am getting taxotere, pertizemaub (sp?) and herceptin… Due to this I had to go in tues and wed!! All done now! Wasn’t as bad as I expected, some waiting around but that’s all! Was quite young compared to most there so got the odd few sorry looking glances but I shrugged it off and everyone was really friendly!!! Feeling ok still but starting to get a bit achey and today last of the steroids so not expecting tomorrow to be fun!! May as well write the weekend off!! Got my sky+ box full lol

Well done to everyone who’s started and a good luck to those getting first round today or tomorrow! We can do this!!! Lots of love D xx

Thanks Natalie & dennymac after reading your posts I feel less anxious. I hope you are still feeling ok. You are in my thoughts. Will keep you updated.
Big hug to all xxx

Hey fralan good luck! Just take someone with u if u can cause it just makes it less daunting! I may not even take anyone next time cause I know what I’m going in to next time xx

Hi all,
I start my chemo tomorrow like you Fralan
I’m getting nervous now, but starting to feel better after reading everyone’s post.
I was diagnosed in November, grade 2, stage 2A, SLN had 0.7 micromets ER+PR pos Her2 negative hence chemo.
Good luck & best wishes. I will keep you posted.
Simone x
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Oh for everyone who started this week please let us know how you feel further down the road if up to it!!! I was told by the nurse 1st 2 are normally fine it’s cycle 4& 5 is bit more challenging but everyone’s different
Again best wishes
Simone x

Hi ladies, 

Heart of stone, veins of paper…lol

First chemo check. 

Lovely team. Painless really. 

Delayed travelling home in traffic and some confusion over drug regimes left me very queasy and not sure where to put myself last night but realatively ok. 

Had tinned peaches for breakfast,  and rice with peas for lunch. Was offered amazing venison casserole but smelt too rich.

All in all lots of sleep and water. 

Hugs ladies,  thats my nsp time. Hoping steroids kick in for energy soon. I’ve had a shocking headache but I think its thd previous tests and resulting dehydration. 

Much love, child just appeared with dress project request…yikes

Morning ladies,
Well day 3 and I can say I’m starting to feel more like me again. Would agree it’s a bit like a whip round in the dryer!!
Sickness not so bad & managed to eat a bit more yesterday. Two small achievements, I managed to do my own injections (yay!) and learnt to crotchet (double yay!). A friends lovely mum sat with me and I had great fun learning something new, needless to stay I have only created items suitable for Barbie & Ken but who knows what I’ll be creating by cycle 6! ?
Sandie, you did make us laugh with your pet rock! ?
Hugs to all, take care lovely ladies xx

Great idea about wigs, going to chase my appointment today I’m so keen!
Seriously, my niece is getting married at the end of March so would like one for that, hope to feel comfortable with scarf but a weddings a bit different me thinks?!

I was given mine by a lady who’s been through chemo, yes I think they are sea band. Happy to admit it might all be in the mind but if it works then great!
Have only taken them off for the shower

Welcome Simone,
Good luck for today, once you’ve done the first one you know what to expect and they will get easier. I’m now on day 3 following first cycle on Tuesday & feeling much better.
Sending hugs and good wishes to all starting today

Hi all,
Just finished my first FEC and now at home I feel a little light headed and stomach a little dodgey,.
I started treatment around 12:20 and finished around 2:30 when would you say is the best time yo take the steroid and is it best with food I want to eat but feel scared to just in case I get I’ll?
The experience of having treatment wasn’t bad at all.
Big hugs to all
Simone x

Sorry it’s the Ondansetren is that steroid or anti sickness, I’m totally lost with all this medication.
I think chemo brain has set in after a few hours…Lol
Simone x

Hey ondansetron is the anti sickness chick :slight_smile:

Hi girls,
I feeling so sad. Things didn’t start well for me.I went at the hospital this morning for my first chemio but had to wait a lot at the chemio ward. When it was my turn a very nasty nurse couldn’t put the cannula well it was so painful and I fainted. I was very anxious and didn’t eat so I was also feeling weak. It’s so postponed to Tuesday now. Feeling terrible now…I failed even before starting :frowning:

Hey Simone?
Glad your first session went okay,mine too(well apart from the Needle not going in well!)…what anti sickness tablets did they give you?As a few have the steroids(which is better in the morning).i got Ondansetron(1 tablet am and 1 pm,Dexamethasone 4 in morning and Metoclpramide when needed…but only for 3 days) are they the same as yours?X
Try to eat a little something,even just some fruit or ginger biscuits .
Hope you feel better in the morning,Hugs Rachel xxx

Oh Fralan how awful for you lovely ?..that’s not nice at all and you certainly are not a failure!It was the nurses fault for not making it gentler for you and she should have got another nurse to do it.I had problems getting mine in too,it did bruise it badly and hurt,but was lucky to have a kind nurse.
So what is the plan Tuesday?
Hugs Hun,Rachel xxx