Hello, is anyone starting chemo in February 2015?

Thank you ladies,
Sipping ginger tea & ginger biscuits right now!
I’m on the same meads as you but Onda…one ,is the one I take this evening but I think I’ll take now!!
Oh boy let’s hope all’s well in the morning!!
Thanks for listening ladies
Simone x

Fralan, so sorry to hear that. and I’m sure in some small way you must of prepared yourself for it!!
Wishing you all the best & your not a failure all
Big hugs
Simone x

Me too pjw?..X
That’s what my sister would have done lol!!
So how come you have to stay in,if you don’t mind me asking?
Rachel X

Hi Herewego?..It all depends on how you feel?I had lots of offers,but would have gone on my own…I’m quite independant.The nurses are good company and chat,or enjoy the peace,close your eyes and relax.
You will be fine whatever you choose
Rachel xx

Oh I see Pjw…that’s good too keep an eye on you ?X
That’s a good idea Herewego?..that way if your feeling a bit delicate,you’ve got your hubby there for journey home X

I am starting chemo on 17th Feb and after frightening myself by reading all the side effects i found this discussion. Thank you all i feel like i’m not on my own now. I feel so stupid for being scared when i see how others are managing it. I’m sure it will be fine as long as i can come on here and find support

Oh boy this is no fun! Not only feeling sick I was sick…sipping ginger tea took Domperidone so no good… I guess I’ll just to see how many times I’m actually being sick before a trip to A&E
Really sorry for going on, but just feeling so do low!!
Simone c

Hi everyone,
I have had problems with finding veins for blood tests etc.
my breast care nurse suggested being extremely well hydrated for the days before chemo so I drank as much as I possibly could! I used a lot of hand cream too. I also wore a warm glove until I got into the room and found that the veins in my hand were plump and the cannula went in nicely.
I also took a painkiller ( left over from my post -op stash) about an hour before which helped with nerves and any discomfort, I think.
I don’t think we should shy away from asking for extra anti-sickness meds. I mentioned that I’d had terrible morning sickness in pregnancy, and even have travel sickness, when we were discussing side effects. My bcn said there’s a correlation with chemo sickness and prescribed extra meds. The meds have really helped to control nausea.

Good luck, friends. Some of us are ‘1 down’, some still have to start, but we’re all in this together…


Some good ideas Natalie?..I had trouble with my veins too,so will try the gloves.X

Hey Anniegran?..no not anywhere nice and sunny(unfortunately),was just out on a cold sunny morning,I love getting out for a run or walkskes me feel better?X

Welcome Izzy?X
We are all in this together,so we are here for each other.Im sure you will worry,that is natural,but just be positive and ask as many questions as you can.You will be fine.
Take care lovely X

Hope you feel bit better today Pjw?X
I was just really flushed and hot last night,anyone else had that?X

How are you feeling Simone?Have you taken your anti sickness meds?I hope you are okay?X hugs

Hello lovelies


Sorry I haven’t been about but I had a rotten reaction to the TAC, migraine for 3 flippin days then vomiting and stomach cramps.  NOT a good start but starting to even out now, been very weepy too, suddenly feeling overwhelmed by it all.  I think they may have to tweak my next dose :D  Sending love to all of you xxx

Hey marli :slight_smile: yeh I’m still waiting for the bad side effects to hit… My tummy has been uncomfy, my mouth feels horrid and have bad acid reflux but apart from that I feel ok. Starting to get pains in my back, and legs but regular paracetamol keeping that at bay :slight_smile: I will be on herceptin and perjeta after my 6-8 sessions of taxotere until they stop working (fab!) xx

Hello StrawbX
Sorry your having a rubbish few days?..is the anti sickness tablets helping at all?
I’ve had a really tearful day,just felt so fed up…but am watching a movie with my daughter now,do try cheer myself up!
Hugs lovely X

Hey Marli?
Thankyou for saying hi and giving some great advice.The hand warmers I’ll deffo be using and drinking water lots the day before,as my veins weren’t good for my first chemo ?X
How are you coping with it all?
Rachel X

Marli my tum has been the opposite… Feel really bunged up but trying to eat lots of bran flakes etc the first lot I dunno what to expect… Lol the joys eh?? I have IBS so my tum can be unpredictable anyway! Losing my taste is crap too! Had my tax on Wednesday… I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop and have the pain everyone else has said they get… Don’t wanna be led into a false sense of security!!! Xx

Marli that’s a long time to spend at the hospital…poor you ,bet you are so tired once you get home!X
I’ve got the frozen pineapple and mango at the ready for stage 2?Xx

Ug! So day 5 after perjeta and day 4 post tax/herceptin and feeling a little bit weary! The skin on my face is so dry and around my nose and hairline is so sensitive! Feeling a bit warm but temp is fine so drinking lots and keeping a close eye on it! Sofa day for me! Hope everyone else doing ok xxxx