Help! I really need some useful one liners

hi joanne

dont thnk I’m on msn as I’m not sure what it is!!!

you’ve just reminded me of a quick mini-quiz regarding shaespears plays …


Which 3 shakespear plays are these ? (Answers below)

3 inches ? (clue for first play)
6 inches ? (clue for second play)
9 inches ? (clue for third play)

3" - much ado about nothing
6" - as you like it
9" - the taming of the shrew!

love FB xx

Hi Girls

just had to join in…

had my mast following Chemo July 05 ~ not a lot of hair but doing OK
It had been the summer ball the night before and the nurses were telling me all the goss ~ the other Sister came over, looked at me in a simpering way and said ’ you would never know that you are so ill’ ~ well actually I’m not said I!

Ex boss [female] who commented after recon ~ 'how your new t**s to a crowded room!

or colleague who said why not get new t**s on the NHS like its a bonus ~ give me my original ones any day!

or the colleagues who moaned about their hair ~ at least you have some said I!

my you look well …how did they expect me to look [this was before treatment]!

then there are the people who think its a competition ~ their relative / friend has/had it SO MUCH WORSE than me!

A chap at work who is known as a joker looked at me the first time I went into work wig-less and said ‘How very dare you’ I asked him if I looked like a woman impersonating a gay man then?!! I wasn’t really insulted but wanted to make him squirm a bit.

I could go on and on … I found myself actually avoiding people if I did cross their paths I tried not to be drawn. A lot of it is ignorance. My team at work were/are fantastic as were all but 1 of my friends and my youngest sister ~ they have the problem not me!

So keep strong and avoid toxic people
rp :slight_smile:

I am feeling very, very angry today. The angriest I’ve ever been. Don’t know why and don’t know what at!
Anyway tomorrow if anyone says to me when I tell them about coming rads and tam…“well you’ve been through chemo and you’ve coped with that” I am going to hook them down and jump all over them ,then stand on their bodies and spit and scream.
My goodness, I swear if my legs fall off or I wake up with my head round the wrong way, it will be alright… for me…
because I have 'coped 'with chemo.

it happens margaret …apart from all this cr*p we have to put up with I think it might be hormonal too - I used to have periods and i think I have some sort of hormone cycle hanging on and fighting for it’s existence

have to say it’s worrying how STRONG the anger is when it pops up …

like you I am playing down the symptoms … but when people start telling you you are all right I feel like puching them in the teeth - or more elegantly giving them an instant teethectomy!!!

sorry you’ve had a cr*p day - it happens at this end too …
love FB xxxxxx

oh dear - seems that when they start to mess about in our tittie region they implant some vicious tempers … maybe the soak the stitches in it before they start. It’s amazing how all us gentle ladies suddenly want to go about smacking ppl in the teeth isn’t it. I must admit I do mutter ‘twat’ under my breath quite a lot these days.

I must admit I havent been angry at anyone as I have always been one to shock people I prefer to turn there stupidity back at them I am ashamed that I have this in fact in a strange way I feel proud because it has brought strength I never knew I had. On one occasion a woman behind me in a particularly long q in Matalan was wispering to her friends Do you think thats a wig I just turned round wipped it off and said ye its a wig you want to try it on . she dropped her shopping and left the shop red faced. I know it was bad but couldnt help it


love it Joanne - unfortunately I only think of those good ones AFTERWARDS

full of admiration … FB xxxxxxx

Fiz, know what you mean about anger… that was me yesterday. Coming down from the steroids. Day 5 FEC coursing through the veins, middle of heaviest period of my life. Started the day wishing I was just somewhere else, in the end decided that I should have a congratulatory glass of wine if I managed to get through without killing something. This morning got a nice letter from Inland Revenue where they’ve kindly added an extra 2 grand to my tax bill (a mistake that they *will* be fixing).

Was ready to take the town out in a blaze of fury. Fortunately the FEC has nailed me to the sofa and I’m going to have a doze and just give the **** up for the day.

Anyone tried scream therapy… you know, stand in the middle of knowhere and just belt it all out… Singing along to skunk anansie does it for me but no strength today.

Have a scream for me would you ladies, make it sincere :wink:

lots of love

Angie… now dozing.

Loving this thread and very pleased to see that I’m not the only one to find cancer too serious NOT to take the p!ss out of it.

The other other day a chav twat decided to take the piss out of my pink wig (=‘normal’ for me as I have pink hair when I have har…)
‘What happened to you?’
‘I won a bet!’

Am now rather wishing I’d whipped it off …

Can I have a teeshirt with: Yes, I look fab. It’s called makeup.
Or my nickname: Wiggy Onetit

love ann

My Nickname is Charlie Short … yes because I am a charlie short.

never heard them called charlies before … where is that from ??

although … not a lot of people know this … I had the album bridge over torubled water " by S and G and there is a track on there - baby driver … and it says something like "they call me baby driver cos once upon a pair of wheels hit the road and I’m gooooone - what’s my number - i wonder how your engines feel "

… and engines is apparently slang for bosoms! … so there you go!

Hi FizBix

Charlies, I think it is a London expression. I had a friend Jean who was from the Elephant and Castle and she called her breasts Charlies. Her other expession was Lills.


Bazookas lol

Or ‘thrupnies’

Fun bags [OH’s name not mine!]

Bumping this up for Vodka

Nicky x

Thanks Nicky, they are good.
now i just need a really sarcastic one-liner for my lovely but very insensitive sister-in-law and not so nice mother-in-law.

ooh goody - a challenge Vodka! In response to which sentances in particular??!

Td x

ok waitingangel - sis-in-law told my OH if he wanted ‘timeout’ then her boyfriend would go out for a pint with him.
txt me 1 week after 1st surgery and asked if i was better yet. then phoned and hinted for a baby sitter.
phoned to say she was coming through to give support - i must have fallen asleep along with OH because there was no support (me me me).
mother-in-law has made no contact once i was dx in march (mind you that might not be a bad thing) she hasn’t even phoned her son to offer HIM support.

i would love to have something witty and sarcastic to say, i’m so pissed off with them, especially as i have went out of my way in the past to help them with several things. also i am sick of getting told my hair will grow back - I KNOW IT WILL - I’m not that stupid.

any suggestions wold be welcome.

Ann x

bump for Jackie62