Hi anyone from from Portsmouth area


Have changed my profile pic so you can see what I look like - not sure what I will be wearing on my head as my hair is quite thin. Might be my wig or a scarf, have to see how I feel …

See you
Helen xx

Dear Swift 16, I am also quite new to these discussions but I know that you would have got more replies on a different thread. I am in the same boat as you as in lumpectomy then chemo and on day 6 when steroids have worn off you do feel a bit grot and quite odd! I would be able to meet up some time if you are interested, it is good to discuss things that family and close friends would maybe not want to.
Best regards, Frances

Hi Swift 16

I agree - you might find others who can answer your questions and are in the same position as you on other threads.

I had a mx in December, followed by chemo and am maybe now going to have rads. My friends and family have also been very supportive and though I do feel able to talk to them about my feelings, I don’t want to worry them too much or ‘go on’ about it.

Having things to distract you and take your mind off things can hopefully help sometimes. I know that my children are good for that! I don’t know what your work is, but maybe you will feel better once you get back into it? Remember how much you have been through physically as well as with all the emotions.

Take care
Helen x

Hi woollycardy

Thanks for your help - am starting to feel a little more “normal” now! Have just seen lady from occy health and she said the same that maybe returning to work may help. Will also try other threads re support.
Lynn x

Hi allisonj

Thanks for the offer of meeting up. I would like to do that. Whereabouts do you live?

Lynn x

Hi All,
Hope your coffee meet went well today. Just had my 2nd FEC feeling ok cept bit of a head (maybe relief). Eyes are a bit funny so excuse spellings. Will try tomake next coffee meet. Hugs to all cos we need them. Chris xx

I am free next week Monday or Wednesday pm. lovely to meet up with Beccy and Helen hope we can stay in touch Frances xx Will be changing my user name to ‘patchworker’

Hi everyone

Hope you all managing to have some good days and the SEs keeping away.

Good to meet you today Beccy & Frances - really enjoyed our coffee and chat. Hope you keep on feeling ok Chris and you are able to make it next time.

Helen xx

Have arranged to meet up with Lynn (swift 16) at Fareham on Monday at 1.30pm outside M&S would be very happy to see anyone else who can make it.

Hi Patchworker,

I cant make this Monday which is a shame but hopefully I can make the next.

Beccy x

Will try to get there on monday 1.30 at M&S maindoors inside? Opposite jewellers. Chris

Hi Guys!

I live in Bognor, but I am going over to Cosham for rads daily. Most of my appointments are in the ams. Does anyone overlap and would like to meet up for a cuppa?

Lone xx

Hi Patchworker and everyone

Should be able make it on Monday. Is it obvious where we are meeting - don’t know Fareham v well?

Hopefully see you then!

Love Helen x

Sorry this is a bit late but yes inside precinct outside M&S

Sorry girls had a rough week will try to make next meeting. whenever that is, Chris

Hi everyone

Are you all doing ok? I’m coming up for four weeks from the last of my chemos and starting to get my energy back a bit more. Does anyone want to meet up this week or next week - don’t know where you all are in your cycles?

Hope you feeling better Chris?

Lots of love
Helen x

I am chemo today but should be OK tomorrow if anyone wants to meet up.
Say Waterlooville again?
Love Frances x

Hi Frances & everyone

Waterlooville Costa tommorrow is ok for me. Is the afternoon ok - maybe about 2pm?

Helen x

Hi all just a note to say that i’ve climbed my brickwall and am now feeling preety good will try to make wvl tomorrow if nothing comes up
next fec3 is 28th. hugs to all Chris

Hi everyone

We ARE meeting at Waterlooville Costa at 2pm today if anyone can make it. I do now look like my profile picture as getting fed up with my wig!

Chris - have sent you a PM.

Helen x