I am in a really surreal place.........

Libsue - “Sunday is a day of rest”… except for me, I do my one hour’s work for the week :wink:

I love bluebells - and Scotland is just the best place for acres of them, but a little later than further south obviously. Yesterday I bought some daffodils in the supermarket to bring spring a little closer and already they are brightening the kitchen of my lovely third floor flat (which has turquoise walls btw! the kitchen that is, not the flat).

Enjoy your DVDs Clare

All in my prayers today (hope that’s OK, they translate in to vibes for anyone who prefers that)

Dear Clare,

I don’t know you or your story but just wanted to say that you have touched my heart in more ways than one & I am sure I am not the only one who feels this way. You have probably made a difference to more people than you can ever imagine. You are teaching us what is important in life and making a difference in peoples lives even though you are probably totally unaware of it. Something is working through you, whether you wish to call it God, the Spirit or some other force of life-giving goodness, it doesn’t matter, all I know is that you are an inspirational person and I’m guessing you are about to say “Oh no I’m not” but in true panto style I am going to say “Oh yes you are”.

Lots of love
Sheila xxx

Morning :o)
6 hours tonight :o))))))) a very happy sleeper.

Rev cat we love who you are and your prayers, they are always welcome. Hope you don’t work too hard lol, and we all know you don’t just do 1 hour a week…I can imagine you are chasing your tail some days to get it all done. If indeed it is one hour, do they have a vacancy :o) I could manage that with a few spoons lol.

I think I can do walkies with Cassie today, i’ll have a go as it would be nice to get some fresh air, Tis a little misty here but i’m sure by the time I get dressed it would have burnt off a little.

I don’t feel inspirational, I started this thread really as I knew people would relate to it, all beit not as far down the line as being told there is no hope. I found a way of opening up, I guess. While I am reasonably well, its great but I will try and be as honest as I can when the time comes for me to die, if i can get on the computer lol. I’m sure my sister will help. I feel no fear at the moment and calm which is making home life a joy. My ex and I are sort of working as a team, he is gradually taking over my role which is great to see as he was a great lumux (is that a word?) Did nothing is really what I meant.

Well off to get dressed, thats an interesting and long process as my shoulder dislocates and all bones click when putting things over my head. It was never mentioned that I had trouble there, my oncologist really only concentrated on my liver and I was lost in confusion where my bones where concerned.

Hope you all have a lovely relaxing Sunday

Clare xxx

Dear Clare, this is by far my favourite thread and it cheers me up. I love your posts but equally I love the replies you receive. It restores my faith in human nature.
I am very slow and getting up and dressed as I have to do it in stages. I get tea and toast in bed, then take my painkillers and wait for them to work, reading a book or listening to the radio/or both at the same quite often. My friend used to comment that I was the only person she know who could knit, read a book and carry on a decent conversation while following a TV/radio programme too!
I haven’t been to any jumble sales fro a few years as the rush of bodies is too much for me now. but I am hooked on charity shops and my life would be dull without them. The charity shope up here are the best in the land as the Scottish people are not only affluent but charitable too and I wouldn’t be so well dressed if they didn’t pass on their unworn/newish clobber!
My energy levels are low right now but he same shops have a great selection of books and DVD’s which I couldn’t afford normally.
I am off to see my Consultant tomorrow Clare. I had my infusion a week ago but my HB is going down so I think she will be arranging another blood transfusion for me. I seem to need them every 2 months since I had my femur/hip operation in September. Meanwhile Clare I hope you continue to enjoy life and your sleep pattern remains good. Keep the thread going. It is a lovely one. Val

Hi Claire

I’m so pleased you’ve had a couple of good sleeps :slight_smile:
I’m sure your mum is gaining a lot of comfort from being able to help you. I found telling my mum I had breast cancer, one of the hardest things, as she’d lost my dad to cancer the year before.

Revcat and Alanaa- beautiful poems :slight_smile:

Hugs and prayers Chris xx

Glad you got to the jumble sale and that you got some bargains - also that you’ve been able to get some good quality sleep. Hope you go the walk with the dog. I have been thinking about getting a dog (always been a cat person but my cat sadly died just before new year after contracting a bone marrow / blood disease … I do miss her). Have thought about a dog for a while, a small one perhaps - I like the idea of taking it for walks, but have never had a dog so a bit nervous about it.

Enjoy your day Clare, love Mo xxx

Hi Clare and everyone who makes this thread - lovely poems, and glad you had good day Clare, feel like we all with you. xxx Moser as a doggie person, hightly recommended, all the way through my chemo my Zeyna (Isee profile pic) was “mummys medicine” she sure gave me incentive to get up and go for a walk get some air. Zeyna is 4 and I have had her since she was a pup, she used to be like the andrex puppy when little and I love her totally. Love to you all on here and thank you again Clare, I know you dont know me but feel like I know you and sharing your thoughts with us on here xxx

Hi there,

I did get to walk the dog, she’s a little confused, poor thing as to why we take an odd sort of route. Before we would be over the fields, styles climbed and her running through all the hedges looking for bunnies and pheasants. now I can go as far as the styles and have to turn tail and then go another way round the village till she can run again. She puts up with it though and at the slower pace, she’s always looking back waiting :o) I had a cat too for 17 yrs but there is nothing like having a dog Mo, she’s so loyal and loving. She knows i’m ill and is by my side always during the day, as she has been for nearly 10 years. It makes you go out walking too, as they make you feel guilty if you don’t lol

I felt so good that I went into overdrive, literally. I sneaked off in the car (promised mum I wouldn’t) I went to the snowdrop walk, just to have a peek at the banks of snowdrops at the start, it was well worth it until I decided we needed bread. I went in and got some shopping, stowed it away in the car and then went to get in and fell over. Arggggggggg…no one(or so I thought) had seen me so I struggled to get nearer the car to help pull myself up, but couldn’t move. A man suddenly appeared who had been driving by and took charge and lifted me ( i am no lightweight) from under my arms and stood me back up. He was so kind, I was so embarrased, I couldn’t thank him enough, he didn’t ask any questions just said he had seen me go down and stopped the car to help. Wasn’t that kind, he could have so easily just driven on and I would then have struggled to get up, causeing a panic if i was spotted by others, it would have been awful…

Lesson learnt today…no you can’t do what you want anymore…I’m a liability…groan :o(

I got back home, luckily just a grazed knee and dignity lost.

Cooked a lovely stew and dumplings then watched Birdsong.

Mum is coming tomorrow, so going to try and sleep, so i am rested enough to enjoy her company. I am the lady that lunches this week again, My 2 best friends, locally on Thursday and 2 lovely friends from work on wednesday :o) Its so lovely of them to spend time out with me, they all work hard and they give up their spare days off and always a thought for me. I appreciate it so much, makes me feel so valued, as I do on here too. I can’t thank them and all you lovely ladies enough…

Right…off to bed, a lesson learnt today, well until the next time… :o)

Clare xxx

Well Clare - nothing ventured…

Sorry to hear about the ending to your sneaky trip out. I think you’re brave to venture out. I find it really knocks my confidence when I feel unwell and I don’t tend to venture out alone. Maybe take someone along next time if you can?

Know what you mean about dogs. I have two and they give me the evil eye if I haven’t taken them out by midday but they are so lovely to have around.

Hope you have a restful night.

Laurie x

Dear Clare, I didn’t fall today but the lady at the checkout packed all my shopping for me and then got a young lad to push the trolley to the car and load my groceries into the boot. I then looked in my car mirror and saw I was white as a sheet. I knew I had overdone it. My husband usually helps out with shopping, or does it himself, but he was watching the tennis and I thought I would manage on my own! So you are not the only one who learned a lesson today. Your HEAD wants to do it but your BODY says NO! But my husband unloaded the car when I got back and made me a cuppa first. I guess he figured out I HAD overdone it…again! MY HB is low but seeing Oncologist in the morning so am preparing myself to having another Blood Transfusion if she thinks I need another one. Sleep well dear Clare and good for you for doing all the things your Mum says you shouldn’t do. Sounds just like me! Goodnight to all reading the thread and hopefully we will all have a good nights sleep tonight. Love Val

We’re all able to learn new lessons aren’t we?

Sorry your venture ended as it did. You must have been scared…
I know how vulnerable I would have felt!
Thankfully there are some wonderful strangers in our world and I’m very grateful you met one yesterday. He sounds a lovely chap and was only too willing to help a maiden in distress!?!!

No bruises or aches to show I hope.
You take care Clare.
Gentle hug for you and appreciation to your kind stranger.

Another gentle hug for you Scottishlass too.
Take special care now.
Your OH sounds pretty saintly if not a tall handsome stranger???

Ooops! Clare, you must have felt very silly falling over. As adults we’re supposed to keep our balance and stay on our feet, so doing what three-year-olds do just squishes the dignity somewhat.

I did a beautiful pavement swan-dive a few years ago - reckon I tripped over an atom or something - in a very crowded high street. Within an instant I was surrounded by what felt like hundreds of little old ladies and little old men who were so concerned and trying to help me up, but I couldn’t get up because I was helpless with laughter and just couldn’t get to my feet for giggling. Lovely to have all that concern but I did feel silly. I was chortling to myself the whole of the rest of the day about how daft it must have looked. Had a few cracking bruises to show for it as well and ached for days afterwards.

Wasn’t that a lovely thing the chap did, stopping and helping without any other reason than because you’re a human being and so it he.

How lovely that you took the trip (sorry, maybe that was the wrong word!) to the snowdrops. As has been said, we will always think of you when snowdrops are around.

And another week of being a lady wot lunches is just what is required, I reckon. As long as you let other people wait on you hand and foot, as you may well ache a bit from your tumble as well as all your other aches and pains. Reclining gracefully on the sofa is definitely the order of the day. And the reason people come to see you is because they WANT to spend time with you. From what we have learnt of you on this thread and elsewhere, they have very good taste.

Val, sounds like you could do with a bit of sofa-hogging as well. None of us are superwoman. (Well she might be on the forums but she’s keeping incognito…)

Night all, and I hope there is lots of snoring going on - ours, not our OHs!


Oh Clare, I hope you are not aching too much today from your tumble. At least it would have restored, or confirmed, your faith in other people when the kind person helped you :slight_smile: have a lovely day, and week come to that, lunching with friends, how nice :slight_smile:
I’m off for a walk later, possibly in the snow if it does start as predicted, and want to photograph the inside of a snowdrop now you’ve told me (us!) how lovely they are. I decided as my New Years resolution to take a photo every day this year, partly as its a big birthday year for me and partly as I really didn’t think I’d be here to celebrate it, after my secondary dx. Most of my photos so far have just been of ordinary things, like the cat lol, but some have been really nice, like a red sunrise. I’d like to add another snowdrop one and it will definitely remind me of you!
Nicky x

I slept the whole night…no waking…no loo stops…no hesitation…but my daughter overslept too, so rushing round, reluctant to go out in the car, but my son has just come down to walk the dog and he and a friend are going to take her instead!! RESULT!!!

So I can chill for a bit now phew :o)

Clare xxxx


So glad you weren’t one of the up all nighters last night, and hopefully the well deserved rest has refilled your spoon drawer, ready for your week of lunches and mummy visits. Here’s to a lovely week for you, and keeping the right way up.


Morning Claire. Falling over when mature in age is such a shock to the system and pride. I so hope your aches aren’t too bad. To get a good nights sleep is so refreshing. Enjoy your day with your mother and the lovely Lacies that Lunch outings.
My neighbour has just gone past with her very wet and muddy dog. As much as I love mutts that animal wouldnotbe allowed in until it was well washed down. I think it had been in a ditch or pond.
I am of to look for flowers opening
.take care
Cackles xxx

Glad you slept well Clare. Really hope there are no nasty bruises or stiffness from yesterday’s adventure. Have a lovely day and enjoy your scrummy lunches.

Today in Glasgow it is icy cold but the sky is clearest pale blue… GLORIOUS! Am meeting a BCC Forum friend later for coffee - first ‘real life’ meet up so am quite excited about that.

Morning Clare - It is difficult to learn lessons when there is so much to do!! I just hope you can prioritise - YES = snowdrops, NO = shopping! (a lesson for us all)

Anyway - Happy Monday!!


Sadie Xx Xx

Hope you are not too sore today Clare. Since my bone mets diagnosis I have fallen over twice, both times on slushy snow. Was ok as I seem to fall slowly and in front of many people. :slight_smile:
Enjoy your lunches.
Take Care…xx

hello Clare

Just to add my hopes that you aren’t too sore from your fall. I so understand why you wanted to go out in the car … just a little bit of independance back means so much. I had a horrendous fall about 12 years ago (can’t blame bc or its treatment, it was years before)! It was in Haverfordwest and was my own fault, rushing into a shop and tripped on a raised paving stone. Cut my knees really badly, also very embarrassed - the ladies in the shop sat me down and bathed my legs and tut-tutted about the stste of the pavement. So embarrassing and very messy.
Still thinking about the dog, thanks for your comments everyone.
Am “working from home” today, just having a little break … might go for a walk shortly - hope no one phones me in the meantime!

Love, Mo xx