Here I am agsin…
right on time too…
A cuppa Tea and malt loaf is what the doctor ordered, no wonder I am putting on weight instead of losing it :o)
Jamie has gone AWOL this weekend so I guess he has figured the trip is too much for me, but said nothing…He came breezing in at 9 tonight after helping a friends dad clear his fathers house all day, as he has just died. In tow he had 2 friends who waited for him to shower then off he went again, still said nothing. I am quite relived, if the truth be told as my strength has all but gone this weekend, so whatever the car, i’m not sure I could have made it.
It would still be lovely to meet up though, have to find somewhere central to where we all are and go for it, or as I said all are welcome to come over here.
I do feel that mayb this is my winding down time, its so hard to guage it as I have never died before :o) who knows, it mayb just a bad cold thats making me feel so bad.
I did have 2 nice things happen yesterday, a beautiful bunch of flowers arrived from my auntie Milly and uncle eric, 2 dear old friends from my parents church, she rings me every day, which can get a bit much but she is stuck at home too and likes the contact. She must have realised I was a bit down and that was the result…so sweet.
My sister in law phoned too, from Ireland, inviting Aisling over to stay for easter time. I’m not sure she will travel on her own, so shall ask Jamie to see if he can get time off or ask XOH to see what hoilday he can get. If I am still here, I doubt she will go as this could change and it would be horrid for her to be there and not here with me. Kind thought though :o)
I hope you can see the light at the end of the tunnel CM, you do seem to be struggling this week, glad you had your baby boy over, lovely when, epecially boys make the effort…
Stubbon and bloody minded, dark sense of humour…not me Jane ! you must have mistaken me for someone else LOL
Nicky , wouldn’t it be good to be able to give 28 days notice of dying…then you really could, in normal circumstances achieve all the things you wanted and some you didn’t know you wanted. A bit harsh though, does no one read there paper work small print!!!
Gonna hit the bed now, hope you all are too, snuggled up in bed.
Luv and hugs
Care xxx