Cackles, I’m sure you’ll have a blast. I did a photoshoot last June and it was a lovely day. If you don’t get back too late, perhaps you can drop in. If, of course, you’re not too much of a star to slum it with the hoi-polloi.
Sugar! On my pancakes,
Sugar, I would have loved to join the oxfordhire pancake meet up. I would have made you some Breton savoury pancakes before the Sugar and lemon.
Well I can’t complain. i am enjoying skiing and being pampered by my famliy.
Hope you ladies all have a fantastic time tomorrow and enjoy your pancakes.
Ladies enjoy your day tomorrow and make lots of yummy pancakes!!
I’m sure you’ll all have a fun day, be thinking of you.
Libby x
I went away to the country at the weekend and was offered a gentle walk (because I hadn’t brought my walking boots!) and it was a snowdrop walk through a stately home garden. It was covered in beautiful white specimens which of course were in tiny clumps to buy.
I bought some for my teeny weeny garden and know they will always remind me of you Clare and all the love expressed on this thread.
Through you we can share and support and I know I have benefitted from this array of kind thoughtful women.
Together you are all a tremendous spirit.
I told my friends about you Clare and the new name of claredrops and even they were touched by your inner soul.
Word of Clare is spreading…
Enjoy the extended companionship tomorrow. It is a credit to all of you and it would be lovely to see a group photo of you all even just for a day.
Keep flipping those pancakes! I flipped 37 times in two minutes for a competition on Saturday - needless to say I won’t win the voucher prize as someone before me had flipped 87 times!!!
Flexible wrists indeed!
With love from Wx
Morning CN Twinky and Clare. Do have a wonderful time… Perhaps you could do it again or we could "picnic on wheels " for Clare. When I had the most horrible day during Tax. A GP friend turned up with everything possible for a Dinner in the bedroom. All I had to do was smile from the bed and listen to the laughter . It was so relaxing for my poor husband.
So have a smiling laughing day girls , I will be thinking if you and the lushous Pancakes.
Give Clare and each other a big Hug from me.
Cackles xxxxx
Happy Pancake Day one and all.
Well, it’s Shrove Tuesday to me rather than Pancake Day, but I’ll be flipping along with the rest of you later on today.
I really hope that Clare, CM and Twinky have a flipping marvellous time and I fully expect to hear the shrieks of laughter from here.
One thing I WON’T be doing is the local pancake race. I live in the next village to Olney which is where the original pancake race is still held every year. Luckily for me you need to have lived in the town itself for at least three months to qualify and we’re outside the boundary. Phew!! I’ve been to watch it and it’s a bit serious - a mob of very fit women charging down the road at full pelt with frying pans in their hand; they certainly scare me!
Have fun wherever you flip.
Jane xxx
Oh dear, Alto you put me to shame! Blame my non-conformist roots!
As a very little girl I lived in Ravenstone and went to school in Olney… day off for pancake day I seem to recall. Never went to see it though… in late 1960s we had no car and buses only ran on Wednesdays and Saturdays!
G morning,
How very odd and coincidental…I lived in Stoke Goldington as a child, just up the road from Ravenstone. I lived there from 1969-1975, how small our little world is. We used to go to the Olney pancake races too, they were very strick with all the prizes…as they seem to be the rules too.
I went to school in Newport Pagnel and got the picture bus there on a friday night…good memories :o)
Looking forward to today, didn’t sleep that well but i’m sure i will be on form by 12.
Good luck with your photo shoot Cackles, have a nice day REV :o)
Clare xxx
Have fun ladies, I’m sure you will. As Cackles has said, all have a hug from each of us Could be a long or a lot of hugs in that case.
As the talk keeps coming back to Claredrops I can’t believe how many there are around this year, just carpets of them, how lovely. And I saw my first tiny crocuses last week as well, pretty little purple ones amongst the Claredrops, had to take a picture of course!
Nicky xx
Hi Clare, I woke this morning listening to the birds, and the sunshining outside, it was lovely. Hope you all have a fab day, thinking about you all, looking forward to reading about your day later what lovely friends we all have on here. Love junieliz x
Oooh Clare that’s spooky, I moved from Ravenstone in late 1968 aged almost 6. My Mum talks about the Friday picture bus too. We used to walk to Stoke Goldington now and then I think!
Have a happy day all of you.
Clare and RevCat - we live in the other direction, in Turvey. I love Olney (especially on market day) and CM’s been there as well - we met up there for lunch one day last year. Twinky - have you been as well? That would complete the coincidences!
I never knew Olney was the centre of the known universe…
Jane xxx
I am posting from work.(Just a bit naughty) I just wanted to wish you and your lovely guests a happy yummy pancake day. I have just made numerous pancakes with a class of 4/5 year olds to enjoy. There is also a lovely cluster of Claredrops in the school garden and I watched some children stoop down to have a good look at them. One little boy got down and had a good sniff. He said they smell like grass so I’m guessing they are not the fragrant kind:) Sending lots of love and laughter across Oxfordshire to you x
Came on line a little while ago and read all the latest posts- it was too much for me I just had to go away and make pancakes! Thanks Clare, CM and Twinky I really enjoyed them with lemon and sugar and a la my grandmother currants. She used to make them for my brother and me and called currants her secret ingredient - a few sprinkled across the pancake then rolled up.
Hope you have/are having a lovely time together. My first Claredrop popped into view today from the bulbs I planted as opposed to the flowers I inherited. Pancakes and flowers to remember you by Clare.
Love and hugs Diana x
Hope u enjoyed all those pancakes?
Mine was lovely sugar and orange juice
Love rosie x
Hi Clare,
Just to add to all the good wishes - I hope you had a brillant memorable day. Meet up are so good and its wonderful meeting the lovley ladies here face to face. I’ve had some lovely experiences from those that have supported me through the good and bad times.#
I’ve got strawberries, blueberries, bananas and maple syrup with a good squeeze of lemon. Hope you all enjoy/ed your pancakes.
There doesn;t seem to be many Clare drops around here in Kent obviously not looked properly - I brought some this year to plant and forgot. I can blame that on my muffled chemo brain.
Take care everyone love to you all.
Chris xxxx
Hi Clare
I was so hoping I could make it but the meeting just went on and on and on… Still in work now trying to catch up
Hope you all had a lovely day and if there’s another one I’ll do my best to get there - would be lovely to meet folk. Sometimes I think I am the only person in Northants with BC!
I’m not too far from Olney so if there’s ever a get together there, remember me! There’s a fabulous tree in somebody’s garden either just before or just after Olney - one of those very tall pines with a bushy top like you get in the south of France. Wonder if it’s still there.
Laurie x