Libby we are both supposed to be asleep!!!
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, nighty night, Cackles. x
Cackles 13 hours! Think your getting a bit greedy with the sleep monster lol share him out!
Libby lad your through your op and glad you managed to escape so quickly but do take it easy… Hope your stye clears up quickly they can be very sore.
Clare glad you enjoyed your shopping.
Off to bed now so I don’t sleep in for lunch with the Glasgow girls tomorrow.
Sweet dreams ladies
LibSue so glad you sailed through your surgery and are home… the waiting is the pits, we all know that… hope it’s the news you want when you go back for results.
Clare glad you are taking it easy… retial therapy is good - will probably do some this morning before meeting the gorgeous Glasgow girls for lunch (in my alter ego/role as Little Miss Bossy). Have a wonderful evening.
Cackles - thirteen hours sleep… WOW WOW WOW if I get eight with only three wake-ups due to Tam-drowning I think I’m doing well! So good, hope you feel the benefit.
Alto’s talk of yummy cakes… mmmm, kept all the Woodies sane for a long time. I’m a bread maker too these days, and cakes now and then for church/socials but not to your standards.
Lulu hopefully see you later in real world
Whenever I hear the name Bicester I have a little chuckle to myself. After I moved from Ravenstone (page or two back) we lived for four years in a place called Wootton in Northants, where there was an army barracks (now long gone) and some of the soldier’s children came to our school. For a while I was good friends with a girl whose dad was a soldier, and one day she told me they were moving to Bicester. Getting home I tried to recall the name of the place (I was about 8 at the tinme) and siad she was moving to Oxo. My mum was puzzled. Oxo? Did I mean Oxford? No, I said, it’s Oxo… to do with gravy anyway… Bicester/Bisto. Ah me! Have driven through Bicester many a time but can’t say I’ve ever been there properly.
Have a good day all (Tam is just treating me to my 9 o’clock drowning session, deep joy)
Sorry I’ve been quiet. Had to have Snowy put down yesterday. Both Hubby & I are devastated. She was a very special bunny, daft & very affectionate. I got her after my second to last chemo first time around. I was living on my own for the first time in my adult life & with my family 2.5 hours away was struggling being on my own so much & ended up needing a reason to get up out of bed! Snowy was gorgeous & we bonded well & she ended up as a house rabbit. She used to lick me to death (very different from a cat as rabbits have smooth tongues). I just adored her. Feels cruel to lose her just as chemo looms again. I still have the other two Herbie & Pebbles whose mischievous activities keep us amused but it was Snowy that was the soppy affectionate one. Irreplaceable & feel silly to mourn her passing so much but she was so special to me. She was admitted by the vet yesterday morning for blood tests & treatment as she’d stopped eating & drinking & then rang to tell me the tests showed she had kidney failure. Hubby was working an extra day away but he can straight home & we went to see her to decide whether to bring her home for a bit as she’d perked up after having fluids but she was tired & not herself so we decided it was kinder to put her down. I stayed with her & comforted her as she slipped away. Poor vet…I was blubbing like mad but they were all very kind. Hubby is very distraught. He seems worse than me today but I got the last few days with her ( she only appeared unwell Monday) so it was a bit easier for me as I’d seen the decline.
Sorry for rambling on but it’s a sad household here plus chemo is looming
Twinky… so sorry… poor, dear Snowy, your love for her was so clear in all you posted about your lovely bunnies. I know Snowy is now free of pain and suffering but how you will miss those cuddles and snuggles, as well as the mischief. Hope Herbie and Pebbles are well and are able to bring you some smiles again.
BIG BIG hug for you.
RIP Snowy Bunny-Rabbit.
Sending you & hubby big hugs, I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. I know some people will think we are barking but it’s surprising how much enjoyment we get from our pets and most of all, the unconditional love that seems to flow.
I know its hard but Snowy is at peace now
Twinky, so sorry to hear about Snowy. She was obviously so very special to you and your hubby. She had such a loving home with you.
13 hours sleep? Whose palm have you been greasing Cackles? Wow - I’m seriously impressed. I managed seven hours in bed last night which was more than I usually get, but the Tam thermostat always wakes me at least three or four times every night. Luckily I don’t haave the swimming pool effect, in fact I don’t seem to sweat at all since chemo, like a few other people on here. Isn’t it strange how it seems to go to one extreme or the other after chemo?
All this praise for my baking and only a few of you have ever actually tasted it! I must say though, the banana and choc chip muffins were particularly good warm from the oven and I’ve just found some frozen raspberries so I feel some raspberry and white choc chip ones coming on. or maybe I should make that as a loaf cake…
Did you get a decent night last night Clare, in your posh new bed? That’s the one plus about staying in hospital - I just love the beds, especially being able to adjust them at the push of a button!
Jane xxx
I can confirm that Jane’s baking is amazing
Oh Bev, you’re making me blush!
Thank you!
Jane xxx
I am so sorry to hear about Snowy. It’s always devastating when a much loved pet passes away. They are so much part of the family.
Xxxx Sarah
Oh Twinky
I’m so sorry to hear about poor Snowy, must have been a hard call but its one we all have to do if we see a beloved pet ill. I feel for you, I know how hard it would be to be in the same position with my dog as she was my reward first time I was diagnosed.
Sounds like Muffins ought to be sampled if they are achieving such praise :o) I slept like a log ty till about 7, so a good 8 hours which is fine with me, very much so as I am doing nothing now till 7.30 pm and I go out… My bed is good, it helps me dress and undress to with so much more ease, lowering and hiring it , depending what needs going on… my son popped in and took my compression stockings off last night, and I was so grateful, I said I would never ask him to do something that he wouldn’t want to get involved in and he said, its just fine mum, whatever you need, you gotta luv him xxx I doubley luv him this morning as he has finally booked some driving lessons, whoooooppeeeeeeee 2 hours on Monday, just a warning to keep off the roads :o)
So having a chill out day luv to you all and hugs(big squishy one to Twinky and hubby)
Love to you all
Clare xxx
Oh Twinky that is so sad about Snowy but she is now in that great dandelion patch in the sky. I know how you and your husband must feel, we’ve had two cats that have gone to the mouse hole in the sky and we were both so upset on both occasions. Hope the mischievous other bunnies keep you amused and cheer you up a bit
Hi to Clare, hoping you had a good nights sleep, get some rest during the day and have enough spoons to get you out of the door tonight to see your friends.
Have a good weekend and everyone on here as well.
Nicky xx
Ps I realise this was posted at the same time as yours, Clare, so I can now see you had a good nights sleep
So sorry about Snowy Twinky. So sad when a trusted buddy dies and I always think it’s doubly so when you have to make the decision, even when it’s in your pets interest. Are the others missing her?
Sounds like the sleep fairy has been out in the last few days which is fab and I managed to grab a few extra zzzz off her as she was passing. Woke with a flush in the night to find out my husband wasn’t there. Thought he had maybe gone to the loo or for a drink but this morning when I asked him he said he had heard me tell a friend that Friday night is my sleep night (only night I take a sleeping tab) and hadn’t wanted to wake me so slept on the couch.
Then he said, “I had to sleep crunched up on the small couch because the dog was stretched out on the big one” Thought it was funny he hadn’t had the heart to move the dog but then when he lay down on the small one, Bob came over and tried to squash on with him!
Good to hear that the bed is working out for you Claire. Anything that makes life easier gets a big thumbs up from me!
Hope you have a lovely weekend all
Laurie x
Twinky, big hugs. Our pets are part of the family so when one of them dies, we have a right to mourn and grieve. I cried for days and days when Muffin (a cat, sister of Chocolate, also a cat, hence my name, it has nothing to do with cakes!) got hit by a car. I kept bursting into tears at inopportune moments, which was embarrassing when people asked why.
Clare, bless your wee boy for helping with the stockings, and for booking driving lessons. I know that will be a relief for you, knowing that he’ll be mobile. It will make a big difference so you must be very pleased he’s finally done it.
Laurie, I had to laugh about your hubby and the dog - I can just see it! My cat sleeps right in the middle of my bed, when he’s not sleeping right on top of me, so I’m left hanging off the edge, usually with not quite enough covers.
Hmmm, we must be really hard hearted as our dog (Monty the black lab) isn’t even allowed upstairs if we can help it. Maybe it’s because every now and then he sneaks up in the middle of the night and does a wee on my husband’s double bass, which for reasons of space is kept on the landing half way up… maybe he’s a music lover/critic (delete as you consider appropriate).
We’ve taken to putting up a laundry drying rack at the foot of the stairs at night to keep him downstairs!
Jane xxx
I don’t let my dog in my room as she takes up far too much room in a single bed…now she getting proper walkies she may slim down enough lol
Off to sleep now to recover from my online shopping arrival lol and to make sure I have enogh energy to go out tonight :o)
Hugs to all
Clare xxx
Twinky - I’m SO sorry about Snowy - another big hug coming your way…
Alto/Jane, I laughed at your dog’s discerning pee (or not!) sorry… tickled my funny bone. We don’t let the dogs in our bedroom, but the cat comes in. Our dog is fine with the cat, but my daughter’s tiny dog stays during the week, and the dogs “pack” and chase the cat, so he needs somewhere safe (that doesn’t smell of enemy!) Tiny dog is a nightmare - steals chocolates/biscuits/shelled nuts… empties visitors handbags… chews the wastepaper bin (and empties it)… digs up the garden… has started on some antique furniture … and then looks up at you SO CUTE, you forgive him… just asking myself why, as I write this!!!
Glad the bed helps… and your son is being such a brick - priceless…
Sorry… how rude of me to just but in! Clare, I feel in some ways I have butted in to your thread, but I have just sat down and read it from the beginning, and have been moved to tears. Your courage and hope are just so inspiring… thank you… Jane
I am ever so sorry to hear about your Snowy. My heart and thoughts go out to you and your husband. A big hug from
Alanaa and Fat Cat xx