I am in a really surreal place.........

Hello Clare,

I couldn’t help myself. Set up my Just giving page for Breast Cancer Care and had to put in a wee photo of snowdrops with the caption (Claredrops!). My goodness your influence is spreading!

Hope you are having a lovely day today after your visits.

Take care xx


I think I am paying the price of sleeping all day :o) Thats really all I did although I had another restless night. Mum suggests that I am following a pattern and should just go straight to bed…she’s totally right but the lure of the computer is strong LOL.

So timing myself tonight for an hour, then back to bed as I should then get another good few hours in.

I really did absolutly nothing yesterday and intend to do the same again as my legs feel really bad and very heavy and full. I have put my stockings on now so they may do the trick as I sleep later and going to try and take the laptop to bed with feet up so I caan drain as much as I can before my afternoon tea with the girls :o)

I hope you all had far more interesting days than me…

Oh one thing that did happen is that my dress arrived…YUK! nice dress just yuk on my odd shape, I though as it was wrap around it would be ok but it looked awful. Ho hum…

Sleep well all, Libby go to bed!!!

With luv

clare xxx

Hi Clare,
I’m up too.
Fell asleep earlier as I was relaxing after an emotional day at the hospital. Now I’m up I’m doing the washing up, making tomato soup and generally trying to make the house look tidier than it is…
Ridiculous really but I’ve got visitors coming at the crack of dawn and I’m offering food as the weather here today was so atrocious!
Torrential rain and heavy wind so it was very wetting!!!
Normally we go out for a long walk but I’m not keen if it’s like this again tomorrow…

Sorry to hear your legs are not draining so well. Do hope the stockings and being raised overnight help ease that full feeling…
Can’t be comfortable at all. I do feel for you.

Pity the dress didn’t come up to expectations!
It happens all too often doesn’t it? Do hope you can find something else on-line that is more suitable for your special day.

Hope you settle back into sleep after your hour and you doze successfully until morning…
Night Clare, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


I’m going Clare, honest!

I’ll update my news tomorrow, I’m flipping exhausted.

Get your feet up girl, you too must try some shuteye.

Night night, sleep tight.

Libby x

I did go to bed but no way could I sleep. I think the news I received Tuesday is playing on my mind a bit. I had a consultation with my Breast Surgeon following my WLE, the good news was my margins were clear, not so good news was the pathologists report which said my tumour was metaplastic, this type of BC is very rare, less than 1% of BC patients have it. Because it’s so rare there’s very little research available. I may find out more at my next Onc appointment, not sure when that is but quite soon. I’m trying not to worry, what’s the point of worrying about something you can’t change?

Are you tucked up in your super bed, Clare? Listen to your Mum, mums’ always know best. I hope your legs feel less heavy when you waken. Afternoon tea with the girls sounds lovely - enjoy!

My day wasn’t interesting either, I dozed in the afternoon, did some reading and watched a bit of TV, that was about it. Friday my elder dau is arriving from the south, she’s staying until Monday and I’m so looking forward to seeing her.

Welshgirl, I hope you managed to get some sleep, have a nice day with your visitors.

Does anyone know where the sleep fairy is - she’s been missing for weeks.

Take care all.

Libby x

Think she’s lost in the woods. Had another “interesting” day yesterday and not in a good way, so haven’t been on here much. Good to hear you’ve had a quiet day, Clare, just a shame you didn’t sleep well. You must discover the trick of taking the laptop to bed rather than sitting in the kitchen in the middle of the night. Don’t let anyone call it decadence, it’s therapeutic! Legs up as much as possible today. That’s the prescription from doctor CM.

I hope you had a good day today and hope you have an even better one tomorrow with your mum and your sister.
I’ ve spent the past two days in trains and meetings. Taking my daughter out for dinner tonight on my way home via London. So looking forward to catch up with her.
Take care ladies.

Evening Clare, so lovely to see your posting but not at that time of night!! I always check your thread first an was a bit twitched when I saw nothing from you yesterday. A neighbour who lives on the common brought me a big bunch of Clare Drops and little daffs today. They are blooming everywhere In big bunches, and yet until this year I never really noticed them. It’s all your fault!!
I hope those rotten legs go down a bit.
Sleep well
Cackles xxxx

Hi Clare and mob

I had planned to post the photo of the sheewee as my avatar but I can’t find the damn lead to attach my camera to the computer. WIll look again on Sunday as off to the lake district tomorrow for SIL’s 70th birthday party.

Hope you’re chillin’ Clare.


Hi there,

Sorry to worry you there Cackles, my routine went straight out the window, i was so tired…I usually sit with my nebuliser on and write but I didn’t do either last night, just crawled to bed.

I had another interupted night as you saw but it did work just doing and hour and then sleeping, I will try just going back to bed tonight if I have to get up. I’m glad I have done something useful for you… looking at spring flowers in a different light :o) I have daffs and tulips at home today and yep, call me sad but they give me great pleasure.

I HAVE TO ANNOUNCE… and confess that I used the sheewee, finally :o) Twice, in fact, just a test run in case i get caught short tomorrow at the hotel. Worked like a dream, either way ladies…no drips or leaks. It did feel rather odd but did the trick, so I am very relieved that I have a descreet way of relieving myself, if necessary.

You sound like you have been very busy Vercors, so glad you could spend time with your daughter too with a nice dinner, what a treat :o)

No wonder you are restles Libby, I can’t say I have ever heard of metaplastic BC. I’ll look it up when finished on here. You are right to try not to worry but telling yourself and doing it is the hard part. I’ll be thinking of you and fingers crossed that your appointment is soon, so that you will be put in the picture a little more. I do hope you enjoy your weekend with your daughter and have a real good catch up. How old is she? It will be nice to have a girlie weekend, enjoy.

I hope you had a good time welsh girl with your visitors and had a lovely lunch.

CM, Please,please please have some dull days, your interesting day sounds like more stress, you poor thing. I know you can’t plan for them but its what you deserve…a few dull days to allow yourself some space and have a bit of ME time. fingers crossed that you have a better end to the week.

off to bed early to get skinny legs for my trip out with Mum and Jane. Mum’s not feeling great but hopefully she will be on form tomorrow. It sounds like Jane has shopped till she dropped today, she was realing off all the things she had bought and I said they sound nice and it turns out they are all for me to try and see if anything looks good for next Saturday at my parents anniversary, now how kind is that, she is so sweet and so thoughtful. I look a right sight but she is always trying her hardest to make me feel better about going out. I used to be quite a funky dresser in my day, I had art college training to live up too LOL

Hope you flick on Cackles and see I am still alive and kicking (just not too high :o) Sleep well my friends and especially Libby, come on hun you need your rest. Go to bed and switch on the radio, I listen to 5 live everynight and it lulls me to sleep…

Night night

Clare xxx

Hi Clare,
Have a wonderful weekend! I just noticed you listen to the radio. Since my Anastrozole insomnia has kicked in I have become a great fan of 5 Live as well -couldnt get through the long nights without it. Will be thinking of you listening to the same thing as me tonight!

take care

I’m a radio 4 girl myself. Changes to bbc world service at 1, after the shipping forecast.

Clare, yes, it’s more of the same stress as the last few weeks plus a bit. Not fun. But think of Gloria Gaynor. Anyway, after yet another all-nighterlast night and a disturbed night tonight I’m going to sleep soon. only on ny phone so difficult to post.

Night all.


Hi Clare - how can it be SAD to appreciate the beauty of flowers??? I’ve almost always got some to enjoy, even if it’s only a couple of primula flowers, or Claredrops (as they have forever become!) or a single peonie in water or anything… all SO different, such glorious colours… I was really blessed when I was off with all this last year… our Chief Exec sent the first bouquet when I was diagnosed, (end Feb) and I had flowers constantly till the end of July - and usually more than one bunch, so I was a happy girl. One old school friend (who I’ve hardly seen over the years) sent flowers by post to arrive on the grotty days after chemo - how thoughtful! Anyway, you carry on enjoying girl! I hope you’ve had some sleep… CM, you’re not supposed to be posting at 3am, you’re supposedo to be snoring!!! Sorry about all the stress…


Hi to the Clare lovelies
Sorry some of you are (still!) not sleeping :frowning: It robs us of all sense of direction and thoughts I find. I tend to lie it out in bed rather than do an activity as I’d probably never nod off. I get a few restless nights when my brain is in overdrive, normally about ridiculously unimportant things. Being a ‘list’ type of girl I have to write it all down to empty the grey matter.
I love flowers, but especially the bright spring ones, daffs, crocusses and tulips. Theres something so nice about them just plonked in a vase rather than the elaborate displays that you get, and OH insists on buying.
Hope you have a lovely day today Clare, and everyone else. And that you get a dress sorted for your parents anniversary. I find that wrap dresses never work unless you are super skinny, which I’m not! I’ve realised your parents got married on the day I was born, what a marvellous day :wink: Did you know that if you marry on a Saturday your silver Wedding anniversary is always on a Tuesday and your Golden on a Saturday? I’m assuming then that everyone’s 50th birthdays are on the same day you were born on as well. There you go, a little fact of the day :slight_smile:
Nicky xx

Golly I am dim… had not made the connection that Clare’s parents married the same year as mine did, and in fact that, like Nicky, I was born (panic ye not they married in Feb I was born in December!) Yes, Nicky my golden day will be a Wednesday as was the day I arrived in this world; I am SO looking forward to celebrating that when the time comes… ironic that two years ago I was dreading being fifty, now I see it as a precious gift to be enjoyed when it arrives. And chastened, of course, because so many never have the chance to see fifty.

I love flowers too, and really appreciate all you say about them Clare. So many are associated with people I have known and loved, and in some cases lost. I just love the decadence and simplciity perfectly juxtaposed in nature… I love dandelions and daffodils, I love orchids and freeias and carnations, I love Claredrops and bluebells and daisies…I could bore in fact!

Hope everyone is taking good care of themselves, so many of you sound tired and/or stressed. Hope you weekends are filled wonderful moments and moments of wonder.

Hi Rev, so you’re a golden girl-to-be as well :wink: I’m glad you explained the whole marriage/birth dates as well LOL
I will definitely be celebrating as I certainly didn’t expect to be here 4 years on from secondary dx. Plus it’s my YDs 21st on Monday, so a double celebration. I think it will be quite emotional for us both as we were in such a bad place when it was her 18th, just after I’d got through chemo but didnt know what the future held for us all. As it is I’m enjoying every single day and making the most of my time here as we never know when and how things can change, BC or no BC.
Nicky dx

I really love this thread! It’s so full of hope and cheer, and is “positive” in a beautiful way, not the twee patter “you’ve got to be positive” mantra that gets chucked at us all the time.

Had a disturbed night (not surprisingly seeing as I’m still on the children’s ward) but with the help of the radio on my phone, earbuds and a dark scarf over my eyes I slept till 9.15!

Heavens CM…what have I missed? Why are you on a children’s ward? Am confused dot com…are you ok? What did I miss?


Twinky x

Same as 7 weeks ago but worse, Twinks. posting from my phone so difficult to type long explanations. will talk to you in a day or two.


Hi Claire :slight_smile:

Hope you have a lovely time with your Mum and Jane. I’m glad the Sheewee was a success. I might try one when i next go camping. It’ll save a lot of cold trips across the field to the toilet!
I was so pleased you also managed to meet up with some people from here.

Lots of love Chris xx