I am in a really surreal place.........

Clare, I was absolutely delighted to read what a fantastic, fun and fabulous day you had with Aisling and Jamie. Exactly what the doctor ordered I’d say. Deep belly laughs are good for lifting the spirits and when those laughs are shared with ones children they are so special.

Tomorrow will be another lovely day for you, and for Twinky, have a great day both of you. I’m sure there will be lots of hilarity and gabbing ten to the dozen! Don’t forget to stop for breath. Most of all, enjoy.

Love and hugs, Clare x.

I’m a little exhausted and therefore not read everyone’s posts/news, but I do wish anyone waiting results a good outcome, and wish all Claredrops calm days (especially you, CM).

Love and hugs to all.

Libby xxx

I feel as if I haven’t posted for weeks. It is amazing what a few days babysitting in the “real world” can do to energy levels. I love them dearly but three aged 6, 4, and 18 months for two days left grandma getting home and going for a snooze yesterday at 4 pm until today at seven am. Then up and out to collect great grandma and meet them all again for a lively lunch on an old Dutch Barge on the Thames. This was followed by a walk and impromptu performance by the three children in an old grotto. A lovely "day to remember "just like yours today Clare. Jamie must have really enjoyed his reliving of childhood pleasures. They are never too old to redo what was loved and remember how things "used to be ". Aisling grinning all day must have been a heart warming sight. When I first read your comments on the model village in I so hoped you would get there …trust you to do it in style on Mothering Sunday.
A big Hug to you Clare, do enjoy your lunch with Twinky. A big hug to you too Twinky…the second might be a lot better than the first poisoning. Mine was I think…it is amazing how soon it fades from memory.
Now for yet more sleep!

So pleased you had a good day Clare.

I live 200 miles away from my Mum, so didn’t get to see her, but had a lovely chat on the phone yesterday.

Today I took your advice about ‘quick fix’ gardening - mowed the lawn and trimmed the edges. My garden (tiny though it is) now looks much better and bigger.

Hugs to all

Hiya :o)

I slept the whole night… weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :o) xxx

I hope you didn’t Clare. Wee, that is, not sleep …

I had my shee wee so did it over the sides :o)xxx

TMI ;o)

Glad you slept well. Have a great day today.

Evening all,

Off to bed soon, plugged into nebuliser :o)

I had a lovely day today thanks to Twinky… :o) Non stop chatting for hours as predicted LOL, I just sit and listen, of course… I cooked a tasty but poorly presented omelete with lots of goodies in, neither looked masterchef material but they both dissapeared. Then it was ‘diet’ Proffteroles for pudding, we were going to eat them all (serves 4) but our eyes were bigger than our stomachs, so only had 3 each and then gave in…Aisling was grateful when she got home from school though!!!

We chatted about allsorts, particularly about family trees, so I now know enough to get started with a little help from my mum, who’s always wanted to do it but lacked the computer skills. So we will have a go and pool our resourses and see if we come up with anything, skeletons watch out!!!

A relaxing evening, mainly playing silly games on the computer, so comletely chilled and ready for bed.

Glad you had a successful day in your garden D, I luv a good bit of edging :o) SAD…not me :o)

You have had a busy few days by the sound of it Cackles, babysitting your little darlings :o) but glad you had a super day today.

Libby do look after yourself, you are always telling me to put me first, so I’ll repeat it to you too :o)

Sounds like a total nightmare on the deliver front but scored high points in pleasing mum on mothers day Julie, well done as its so difficult to know what to get our mums these days and to find something meaningful too is a bonus.

No dancing today Rev, we were very well behaved and it was our jaws that had the workout and not our poor bodies. we nearly clashed in the clothes department, perhaps we ought to ring ahead next time LOL. Twinky luvs turquoise too :o)

Love to you all and sleep well

Clare xxx

Sounds like a nice day.Hope you’ve both got voices left and not to much jaw ache!! Glad to hear you’ve had a nice relaxed evening too and hope you manage another night of sleep!

Tree people offered to deliver another tree to mum, but as she has only a small patio area I declined, good to be listened too and complaint acted on though! Going back to London to Mums to repot the tree and put a few plants in a window box, still planning what to put in her main troughs (with trellis attached) which will give all year interesr - any ideas gratefully received.

Night everyone, sleep as well as you can xx

Pleased to hear you and Twinky had a good day, Clare. It was ‘on the cards’ though being as you both love a laugh and a good natter.

If you need any help with your family history give me a shout, I subscribe to two sites which have many online records - censuses 1841 - 1911, parish registers, passenger lists and more. Or, if you prefer I can recommend some free sites - though they don’t have all census records etc. I have a fair bit of experience and help other people daily via genealogy forums. It’s a passion of mine Clare, so I’d be more than happy to help. There’s some free to download family tree software which are great for beginners.

I had a lift this evening, discovered my eyelashes have made a comeback and I’m so pleased, can’t wait now for them to be full length as I’m fed up of my eyes streaming.

Sleep well, Clare.

Catch up with you tomorrow, hugs, Libby xxx

And hugs to all Claredrops, Libby xxx

Morning Claredrops :slight_smile:
What a lot to read and how lovely to hear you have had lots of laughs and precious moments Clare. Twinky, I hope the next juicing doesn’t wipe you out and everyone else recovering from ops or other medical ‘stuff’ is doing well. A busy family weekend for me which left me exhausted yesterday but it was great fun to spend time with my parents and brothers and partners as we don’t live near each other.
May your laughter continue Clare :wink:
Nicky xx

Clare - SO fab that you had such a good day - one to be remembered forever, both sides of eternity!! And jaw exercise! Yay! love it!

Mothering Sunday, someone asked… In the middle of Lent (time of fasting etc (!)) it was the day when people were encouraged to return to their “mother churches” and in order to do this, those in service were given the day off - and, in returning to their mother churches, returned to their mothers! It was also a day of feasting, rather than fasting… End of history lesson…

Hope you are not too tired after all that Clare, and that everyone has a good day - sunny here… love Jane

Sounds a lovely day for both you and Twinky… I’m really glad. Hope you don’t have jaw ache this morning either of you!

Hope whatever you are up to today is eqaully pleasurable… I’ve let the sun go back south now, after all we did have two whole days with it!

Jane do you know if there is any basis for the Simnel cake legend(s)? The one for the eleven balls of marzipan (11 disicples excluding Judas I) I can see, but not the Simon and Nel (names of two chldren in service) version often peddled for children.


Had a lovely afternoon with Clare. She makes a delicious omelet! I was so stuffed though after that & the profiteroles that I didn’t need a meal last night. We did indeed chat non-stop & I thought Clare looked even brighter than when I last saw her. She seemed on good form although I was alarmed when I heard a fizzing noise coming from her direction. Turned out that her son Jamie was trying to recharge non-rechargeable batteries in the unit plugged in behind her head. It was lucky we heard the noise & removed the protesting batteries before anything worse happened!

Have left Clare to start doing some family tree research when she needs to rest up a bit. Later on down the line her children will probably be interested in where they came from when they settle down & have their own families so I suggested putting an album together (took one that I did for my dad when I traced his family tree to show her). Her Mum has lots of old family photos so if we don’t hear from Clare for a while we know what she’s been up to! She might even dust down the old calligraphy set and do some posh writing when she draws out the tree! I must admit that I’ve been adding to my own tree research & it’s very addictive, especially with so much information on line these days! I might have gone to bed a little late last night…

Hope you’re all enjoying this Spring like weather & that it has reached as far north as Revcat!

Hugs to all

Twinky x x

Bump, just in case anyone’s looking for the Claredrops.

Clare, hope you’ve managed to find some spoons. After your day of giggling and eating you could do with a lazy day of doing very little. Same goes for you, Twinks. Hope you’re beginning to feel human again before tomorrow’s trip. Or was that today?

Best wishes to the other Claredroppers.

Nothing much to report, so I won’t say anything more.


It’s tomorrow…and I don’t want anymore…just starting to feel human again…lol! Of course I’ll go or Revcat will be grabbing me by my ear (easily accessible now the hair has gone) & marching me to the chemo unit.

Need to go peer at the neighbours bins & work out whether it’s normal bin day or recycling as I’ve forgotten. Bunnies are still out in the garden so might have to try & round then up too. Had a friend over for a meal tonight to distract me from tomorrow. Did a sausage casserole but had to buy a second lot of sausages as I put the first lot in the oven to brown them, had a chemo brain moment, forgot about them & they were black! Sausages no.2 were fine though & my friend asked for second helpings. I have some leftovers for tomorrow though post juicing…

Completely forgot about the new CSI starting tonight on ch5. Ted Danson has joined the team. Really wanted to see that wahhh…

Right, lots to do before bed time.

Twinky x

Twinky good luck tomorrow.

CSI was really god btw!


Twinky, good luck for tomorrow. I hope the second one is easier on you.

Clare, I hope you enjoyed the gloroious Oxfordshire weather, I wish I did not have to work aand spend a bit of time in the garden. I am useless but still.
Sweet dra

CM, I hope that the “nothing much to report” means that the turmoils are easing off.

Cackles, can I have your recipe for elderberry champagne. I fancy trying to make some for the kids.
Sweet dreams everyone.

Evening ladies :o)

Good luck for tomorrow Twinks, hope the SE’s are gentle for you this time.

Congrats vercors on your results, read them on another section, bet you are relieved :o) Onwards and upwards…

Glad you have nothing to report CM, I hope you had a peaceful day in the sunshine, wasn’t it fab ???

I did have a very relaxing day, Mum came and helped me have a shower, not been able to get in for 2 weeks…nif nif stinky :o) She then gave me a good moisturise but thats warn off and my skin is like a snowstorm everytime I get undressed lol.

After that we sat and chatted while doing jigsaw, so glued to it we didn’t notice the time, so it was a mad dash to see the onc lol. Did Banbury in about 15 mins LOL…

I’m not sure she knew what to do with me…all my bloods were good, even my liver. She has booked me a scan, will get the date during the week as she thinks I have fluid on my stomach as well as my legs now. I was 75 kilos 6 weeks ago and now am 98 kilos, so i have put on nearly 3 stone in that time…scary…

I’ll take my water filled body to bed now as although i have been sitting jigsawing all day my legs are heavy and need to be put up.
Supposed to be going for a day at the hospice tommorrow but thinking of chickening out, not knowing anyone is putting me off, for as you know, I am quite shy :o)

Sleep well all, hugs x

Clare xxx

I hope you slept well Clare,

You’ve mentioned jigsaws again. I really fancy doing one once work has quietened down a bit. I promised I would do one when I was on sick leave…but then again I also promised I’d paint, write my novel and go to yoga!!!

How little did I know lol.

Twinky , hope it all goes okay and you’ve saved plenty spoons.

take care everyone and night all. x