I am in a really surreal place.........

Sadly you can translate it as “OMG I thought things were crap and life throws THIS at me…”

Mega-poo but not for open forum it’s not just about me. But I’m going to need some help to get past my latest piece of stuff that life has lined up for me.

I just want it all to stop now please. It’s just too much.


Oh CM…I feel for you, my lfe seems so simple to yours… I do hope there is an end in sight for you in one form or another, not sure what else to say apart from sending all my luv to you and look after yourself too while all the s**t hits the fan, You know where I am if you need to offload.

My long time friend from the village phoned today, I was supposed to see her on thursday last but she never phoned, so I assumed she was busy. She has ben very depressed over the year and I feel helpless for her. I have offered to go back to the doctors with her for support .
Take care of her and generally unburden herself to me. She started to cry on the phone so I said that I will try to be there for her, even in the everone’s gpnog too ;o;, we csn retreat
I think I will retreat into my little world and think up some positived…

G night again

Clare xxx

CM… don’t know what to say, except sorry and really hope some positives comes soon.

Clare, glad you had a good day with your Mum, hope otday goes well, whatever you decide to do or not do.

Twinky may your se’s be teeny weeny

Everyone else, have a good day.

I’m off to Perth to learn how to avoid lymphoedema or to care for it if I fail in my endeaovurs. A train ride through Scotland - yippee!

CM…loads of hugs for you. Just wish I could do something to help! So unfair that you’re having such a nightmare.

Just about to have scrambled eggs on toast before I set off for juicing no.2 today. I should cope better this time now I know what’s coming.

Enjoy your train trip Revcat. Weather is good again here so hoping you have a nice clear sunny day too x

Clare hope you got lots of sleep last night. Did you talk to your Mum about starting the family tree? Get her to dig out the photos soon.

Twinky x

Sorry you are having a bad time CM,sending you strength and love.

Twinky hope this one is kinder to you, be gentle with yourself till you feel stronger.

Clare,glad you’ve had a relaxing day with your mum, hope you get a peaceful nights sleep so you can enjoy whatever you decide to do tomorrow.

Rev hope you have a nice train journey and find the course interesting,though hopre you will have no need to test it’s usefullness!

Hope all claredrops are coping and hope you all get a share of the lovely weather xx

Thanks JulieD. Glad to report that I’m coping better with this one! Even the nausea isn’t as bad as last time. Have to see how I feel in the morning!

Hope you’ve had a good day Clare. No posting from you yet so hope you’re in the land of nod! I’ve just been watching a bit of poker on the tv & have come to the conclusion that I don’t have a foggiest about the betting…!

Ought to get to sleep. Need to get myself up in the morning to make breakfast, lunch & an afternoon snack so I can take my steroids. Hubby will return tomorrow night. Also got to give myself an injection at home (rather than drive back to the hospital). It didn’t give me any aches or pains last time & long may that continue!

Night all

Twinky x


You were right Twinky, I was in the land of nod, not sure why as I slept 6 hours last night and woke up feeling really groggy, so skipped the hospice day…I knew I would chicken out, I didn’t feel like meeting lots of new people in my frame of mind.

So hence I am up again at 3am :o)

I just pottered yesterday, in fact I did less than potter, nothing was done except jigsaw and browsing the computer and writing stuff.

I found a lady who does lymphodema massage, she’s based in Deddington of all places and lucky for me is becoming a volenteer at the hospice. I have to sort out a consent form from my onc and the lady who is treating me now but I think I will have 1 private session and one nhs and then in 2 weeks, when she starts have 2 on the nhs…

The photos came through today, I wish I could post a few but they are all locked and copyrighted, but I am pleased with them, even some nice ones of Ashy which is a major miracle LOL

I’m glad your feeling much better than last time Twinky. Watching online poker is how I got hooked by it, so watch out…it used to facinate me!!!

Crabbit, my XOH bought me a kind of portfolio which you can move around without destroying the jigsaw, it takes a 1000 peice jigsaw, so you just fold it closed and either stand it up against something, takes no room up or lay it down flat, its brilliant as it doesn’t restrict the use of the table. Mum is so hooked, she is going to get one too and we will swap jigsaws…

Off to my poker and an hours distraction before bed, hope no ones up…Lots of love to all, Hug for CM (CM)

Clare xxx

Clare, that’s good news about the Lymphodema massages, I expect you are still sleeping after your all nighter (poker playing) it’s a beautiful day here, hope the sun is shining beside you xx

jig saw sounds good… train ride ditto… Shame about the hospice, but you do what you can do, day by day… and that’s great…lymph massage sounds good… go for it! being up 3am… NOT good! Too much rubbish going on for folk generally at the mo… if you’re in a pile of poo - have a special hug… Jane

Morning Clare…will need coaching about the betting bit. I find it very confusing…lol! Don’t go to the hospice until you are ready in your own mind x I need one of those puzzle trays that i can close up as Pebbles nibbled at the pieces on the one I was doing after my MX.

Feeling fine today despite juicing no.2 yesterday. Think my body was just exhausted last time after having that nasty virus after my MX. I was really shocked when no.1 hit me so hard but seem to be back on top now. I don’t even really feel nauseous today, just tired as I was up until 2 eating peanuts & watching the film Aliens in bed!

If the sun is out I will go in the garden for a bit today. Try and get this white head to match my brown face!

Look forward to seeing the photo shoot pictures Clare. Will arrange to pop in again next week sometime when you’re free…and I expect you to have made some notes with help from your Mum about starting the family tree…

Twinky x

Hi Twinky - just to say my first juicing was the worst… body seemed to adapt a bit after that… hope it’s the same with you… J

Hi all,

This seems to become a regular pattern…wiped out by 10pm and posting at 3am :o( I don’t understand why I was so tired, I really did nothing and it seems to be those sort of days that wipe me out, not the active days… Well another quiet one tomorrow, maybe a little shopping as my sister is coming on Saturday with her daughter, so I would like some energy then. Daughter no 2 is playing in a county chess comp, she’s very bright but they are traveling to Nottingham for it, so it seemed an ideal opportunity for them to come over. Her daughter seems to just accept the way I am and how I look, it doesn’t phase her at all which I was worried about.

I had a visit from my BCN today and chatted, she’s not a warm person, quite nice but not someone I would confide in. I think I am missing out there, so its a good job I have you to bounce things off. She’s good about practicalities and such, set her a task and its done… but not a person I would open my soul too, which maybe I shall look for as I feel sometimes, although I feel ok that there will be a huge rush of emotion towards the endd that will be difficult to cope with, I generally am a stiff upper lip kinda person, live for the moment but maybe I need to off load a little more as I have been so keen to protect the one’s I love, I may have missed out.

Dad has his scan today, he has to wait till the 10th April for results, so much for being private LOL Fingers crossed that he has anothe NED as I’m not sure Mum ccould cope with 2 of us on the way down…

Glad you are feeling ok Twinks, I better get going on family tree before teacher gives me detention…

Love to all

Clare xxx

Morning Clare,
wow what a clever niece you have… I learned the basic moves for chess but never could do the strategy stuff… tend to stick to mindless games myself! Hope you have a lovely day with your sister and other niece.

I guess with BCNs it is a case of knowing what their strengths are and maximising the effectiveness of that isn’t it? Mine is a very matter off act person, which suits me down to the ground, cos that’s what I want/need from her. It sounds to me that you have a very clear idea of what you are looking for and so I’m sure you’ll find it. it may, and only may, be that when the itme comes the hospice are able to fill that gap for you.

Hope your Dad’s scan goes OK, and more, that the results are good - the waiting in between is the worst bit of course.

Better let you do your homework… really don’t want Twinky giving you detention!

Have a great day.

Raises one thinning eyebrow in the direction of Clare…

Sleeping during the day yesterday messed my meds up a bit! Took my last steroid around 7 but still managed some sleep. Taste buds still making my mouth evil & causing the nauseous feeling but this time I am still able to drink water (made me gag by this stage last time). Need to sleep lots today after being awake late then awake early but have my helper back to deliver food at regular intervals!

No sign of any sunshine yet. Bunnies decided to stay the entire night in the garden but are now back under the bed! Will go do some family tree stuff myself later I think rather than just laze in bed all day.

Hope you got a good night CM

Twinky x

Twinky, have you tried sparkling water? I found that much easier and nicer to drink than tap water when my mouth was bad - the bubbles seemed to cut through the mouth goop.

Hope you’re not feeling too bad,

Jane xxx

Morning all
Generally yeuch time after poisoning yesterday. I shall speak to onc and ask him to change my anti sick meds as they ain’t working. Lots better today although tired. Glad you are feeling better on this dose Twinky.
Actually, I feel slightly peckish …hurrah!

I’ve not been active here on BCC for a couple of days, Clare. However I have thought about you and tonight just had to sign in to see how you are and what you’ve been up to. Good on you conserving your energy for tomorrow to have a good day with Jane and your niece, I know from what you’ve said previously how much you value your time with Jane and her twins. I’m sure you’ll all have a lovely day. It will be nice for Aisling too to spend the day with her cousin and aunt. What do you have planned?

I was sorry to hear your BCN doesn’t offer you emotional support, I suppose she means well but just may not be a tactile, affectionate sort of person, as Revcat suggests, the Hospice may well be your future emotional crutch. Clare, please bounce off anything you need to here, we will support you as best we can via posts, you are so right in saying you need to ‘off load’ at times, of course you do pet, anyone would. DO NOT overburden yourself, it’s good to talk! And maybe those close to you would appreciate your openness - it could be they’ve been waiting for you to be ready to free your mind and relieve yourself of your worries. Do think about it, Clare. Bottling things up does no good.

My fingers are crossed for your dad’s results on 10th April, what a long time to be left in limbo! I so hope the outcome is NED. Easier said than done, but try not to worry as there’s no point until you know the outcome by which time hopefully it will be good news.

I wish you a deep slumber tonight, and hope you waken tomorrow feeling refreshed and eager to seize the day. Have a lovely family day with lots of fun and laughter.

Much love and hugs Clare.

Libby xxx

Evening ladies :o)

I’m doing better with my sleep, went to bed around 10.30ish and slept till 4, so it was a good 5 hours…and hopefully will get a few more in when I have finished lurking :o).

Twinky…re-mouth and indegestion. Ginger ale is good for clensing the mouth but leave the cap off for a while as you don’t want it too fizzy for the indegestion although it would produce cracking burps!!! Glad Hubby is home and you’re keeping him on his toes, he seems to live in Tesco’s, is it near? LOL

I hope yoour lashes are going from strength to strength as I hope for the rest of your body and you’re getting out and enjoying the sunshine.

Rev I think we ought to send someone up to you, pronto, One to collect cup cakes (you knew that was coming :o) and Two to confiscate your hoover, its seeing the light of day far too often, behave…Your evening sounds like fun, thats the sort of thing that would be right up my street, luv to make a fool of myself and burn all that energy :o)…if only!

CM, I hope your silence on here is because you are doing something better or just resting you’re emotions for a while, sending you hugs…

Cromer, I hope you get you’re anti sickness meds sorted, its lucky that they have such an assortment for you to try and I hope you find a tempting little morsle in your fridge to help you along the way :o)

Vercors, I hope you are not overdoing it in the work department, I feel for you on these lovely days for a bit of sun does everyone the power of good and it should be on prescription LOL

Crabbit, do buy one of those jigsaw savers, XOH bought mine in the works, so was cheap but so useful. I am nearly finished the one I am doing, just got sky and flowers to do but seem to be missing a piece but its brand new, so hopefully somewhere to be found. FRUSTRATING…

Thats all I really did yesterday and it was very chilling although my backs in a bit of pain sitting static for so long, I did have feet up too before anyone says :o) Just as well I have nearly finished as my poker friend Kevin sent me two more in the post yesterday which will keep me busy. I still haven’t booked my manicure, must do that this week but have to go through all the checks…chair etc LOL Right!!! I have 15 mins left for a little poker therapy…see what I can win, or lose, which is all I have been doing the past few days.

Sleep well everyone,Love to Jane and Katy too, sorry if I have missed someone out, I didn’t mean too, just needed a quiet catch up with no distraction to write this. Guaranteed at 4 am :o)

Luv you all

Clare xxx

Morning Clare. Glad you managed a big chunk of sleep last night. I was up late watching the Sport Relief program which didn’t finish until 1:30am. Heartbreaking footage. Had me reaching for the phone to donate!

Hubby got startled by the furry alarm clock who was a little earlier than usual at 5:40am ( usually between 6-6:30) and she ended up back on the floor. No damage though to either party and she was soon back up! Then she disappeared & on hearing noises had to go rescue her from the toilet ( she pushes thd door closed & gets herself stuck in there). I’ve just woken & made myself tea & toast to have with my steroids. Noticed I missed a dose yesterday which might have been why I was a bit more nauseous in the evening. Bunnies now had breakfast too & peeking out of the window looks like it might be a gorgeous day. I suspect lack of sleep will prevent me doing much but I’d love to go to the Wellsbourne Saturday market & buy a tub of plants for my front door step ( safe from bunnie nibbling ).

Sarah hope you’re starting to feel better & looking forward to your trip on Monday. We are planning a trip down to see relatives in Devon in the week running up to Easter as hubby’s cousin gave birth to twins this week ( one of each). So I need to go down for cuddles! My next juicing is just after Easter ( my half way point & last of the FEC).

Will finish my cuppa playing some scrabble on my phone & then try & snooze a bit more ( hubby out for the count & snoring well bless him).

Twinky x

Still here, just haven’t had anything worthwhile to add… but I have now.

Clare, are you up for visitors and being taken out to lunch one day next week? I’ve got Monday and Thursday free, and would love an excuse to go out for lunch! I’m sure we’ll be able to round up one or two others to keep us company, but it’s up to you and your hectic schedule.