July 2024 chemo starters

I’ve bounced back pretty quickly thank you. Steroids for a few days and today I felt good. A little fatigue but that may be the Pembro doing its magic.

Thank you for asking. I’m looking forward to getting started again.

Best wishes to you x

That’s good to hear they change around to suit and I guess maximise impact with minimal risk to patients.

I’m looking forward to getting started again.

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@Bibi welcome sorry to hear you’ve had such a bad start to your treatment. Hope things improve for you. Same here with the sunshine we definitely need to make the most of this weather. Take care xx

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I started my chemo on 19th as well .How are you doing

Hi Sheils👋
Honestly not too bad in the great scheme…… The day went okay, will be better when PICC line goes in before next one (couldn’t get done before Friday), and getting a vein these days isn’t easy but we got there! Wasn’t it pigging hot on Friday? Slept early and woke very early hours, but felt pretty good.
Had a decent weekend with nothing of note to report.
Stomach having a bit of a revolt this morning, but otherwise not too shabby. Injection easier than expected yesterday, I’m not bad with needles.
How did you get on m’dear?
Karen x

Hi ,all good on day yes hot so cold cap actually good :blush: .A bit of a struggle with veins but got there .Even got given a mini magnum !.
Felt full of go after and attacked garden and allotment.
Not been too bad wake very often and today a bit ugh need to get out in fresh air .
I’m wondering will it get a lot worse ?
Contacting wig lady today as a backup xx

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Glad all good sheils and I’m envious of the Magnum!! Had a garden day Saturday which was lovely, can’t beat it for sorting the headspace :grin:

I’ve not cold capped and have control-cut my hair (but the benefit of that cold cap on Friday I’d probably have gone for!) so I’m trying to have a bit of fun replicating my former long hair with wigs, hair extensions attached to hats and hair bands! Keeping my brain occupied sewing and learning to tie scarves! Trying out eyelashes myself today, which should be a laugh for the first time…… after I’ve glued myself a face and eyelid lift I have no doubt! At least I’ll know my technical skills with this lot for when I need them, or not…… and acknowledge help will be needed!

Hope your wig session goes well, I found it really okay, staff good, especially when I cried like a baby the second time I went to collect the one I had ordered (before I sat in the chair), smiled the biggest beam when it went on, because I saw ME again! It’s all just ‘being prepared’ in my view, so that whatever hits there will be less disappointment and upset that it has happened and we can just deal with it.

I think in the great scheme of things, mentally I’m prepared for a rough ride, but taking each day as it comes, so I’m not disappointed if I do feel crappy. Same as the mastectomy really, prepare for the worst, hope for the best. Thankfully, the mastectomy was pretty trouble free to date.

Have a fab day, get yourself out in the garden! X


Hi, I’ve been lurking on this site since March when I was diagnosed and have found all the support and information so valuable.

This is the first time I’ve posted. I had a lumpectomy and full node clearance in May for Grade 3 breast cancer. Chemotherapy started on 15th July - 3 x EC (every 3 weeks) to be followed by 9 x weekly paclitaxel. This will be followed by 3 weeks of radiotherapy, hormone therapy, immunotherapy and bone strengthening treatment - it all seems so overwhelming at the moment.

My main side effects have been feeling totally wiped out and feeling sick after the injections - only 1 more injection to go and so I’m hopeful this will improve.

For many reasons I decided not to cold cap and am booked in on Wednesday to have the shave - every time I think about it, it just makes me cry. I’m really hoping after it will make me feel like I have some control over the situation as I’ve realised I’m definitely a control freak!
Sorry for the long post - I’ve found all the comments on this post so helpful and reassuring x


Welcome @ldm

It really is a mad journey

I did cold cap but not hopeful and just waking up each day wondering if this going to be the day “the big shed” starts

I cut my hair to an above shoulder bob bit wish I had done a pixie

Anyways I’ve not fared too badly with Cycle 1 but have hit my first curve ball

My 15 yr old has given me Covid

I don’t feel unwell but still need to get antivirals via an Infusion

This will give my WBC a break and of course help keep infection at bay

So that’s my “to do” today

Did have a wonderful weekend so can’t complain



Oh no covid it’s doing the rounds again hope the anti virals work


I have bloods taken this morning and check on my patient portal all back and I can’t see any major problems so a little high but they were like that so no phone call I am all good for round 2 tomorrow morning. Still loosing hair just starting on my shaved head it’s very itchy. Had a good weekend busy in garden. Worked this morning now on my extended lunch (nap time) and work later hoping round 2 will be as kind as round 1 fingers crossed. For those taking injections for 5-7 days after I took antihistamine and paracetamol an hour before (April form I think) and had very little issues. Had conflicting bowel movements but nothing that could not be handled. Good luck all with rounds 1 and 2 we got this take care all xx


Hope you find the comments continue to be helpful @ldm and that your treatment goes well.
Good luck with the shave and feeling in control.


@zaran Hi I hope you don’t mind me enquiring on your progress. I am awaiting my appointment to have my picc line and will be starting chemo in a few weeks. You are having the same treatment that I will be going through. I was wondering how you are doing now you have started. I do hope you are getting through this ok. x


Welcome @ldm wishing you all the best with your treatment. @idcand49 sorry about covid hope you’re ok. @lilo1973 good luck tomorrow.
Take care ladies xxx


Think the anti virals are keeping any horrid Covid symptoms at bay


In other news, looks like I won’t need to take care of my bikini line soon. Didn’t realise “that” would go so quickly :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

Learn something new everyday day

Hope everyone is well


Hi all,

My first post on July starters but have been reading the comments since starting treatment in early July and all the advice and positive stories have really helped, especially the monthĺy threads where we are all at a similar stage I have found so useful :grin: I have TNBC and on 12 weekly Paclitaxol and Pembro, followed by 4 3 weekly EC! I will then have surgery and back on Pembro for 2 months…well thats the plan at the mo, I understand things can change, and already missed a cycle due to covid :pleading_face: that was frustrating and floored me for a week!

Had my 3rd treatment today, all ok I did have a reaction on my 2nd last week which consisted of bad back pain, but was taken off meds for a bit, fed more steriod and back on again and was fine :+1:.

I haven’t had many side effects so far, but am getting mouth sores so any advice on this would be useful!

I am cold capping too, don’t find it too bad but did have a headache today but that could be from a number of things :woman_shrugging: I guess.

Stay strong everyone and wishing you all the best for your next treatments :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: xxx

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Welcome @caz1970. I agree coming on here and reading comments and sharing experiences does help. Nobody wants to be in this position but here we are and if we can help each other in some small way that’s great. I was also diagnosed tnbc i had lumpectomy and sentinel lymph node biopsy before i knew it was TN. But it was a positive result. But instead of the radio therapy i thought id be having. Was told 6 sessions of chemo first then radiotherapy. Having second Friday. Haven’t had many side effects but this last week my hair has been shedding. Only when combing so not noticeable. Ill try cold cap again. Take care x


So update from round 2 yesterday they gave me tablet anti sickness and steroids as I had tolerated it in round 1 not sure if it was the change but ok till 1400 then crashed wow I had no energy just wanted to sleep but could only manage 15/20 mins then a restless night I am so tired but worked 0700-1230 today steroid boost and going for a sleep now then back to work 1500 when next steroids kick in lol hope everyone is ok for sore mouth try bonjela failing that I got gelclair on prescription it works but tastes vile unless you like aniseed. Take care everyone xx


Hi all
Another TNBC but treatment is slightly different from yours @caz1970.
Im in 4th week of 12 of paclitaxel, carboplatin with occasional pembro. Then 4 months EC, surgery and 7 months of pembro.
I’m not sure how many nodes they’ll take out but it’s in one so far definitely.
I’m going to join an in person bc group run by a local charity. I feel quite alone with this- friends and family are around but the people i really connect with are the other chemo patients i meet on my treatment day. I also come on here to feel connected!



I also have carboplatin every 3 weeks together with Pembro and Pac, so a very similar teatment plan pretty much :+1: be good to hear how it goes for you.

That sounds like a good plan to go to an in person session, it does really help talking with people going through this.

Just wishing the weeks away and will be glad when this first stage of 12 weekly cycles are done :grin:

Take care