July 2024 chemo starters

Hello my lovely! Im doing ok thank you. Had my 2nd round of chemo on the 18th. Suffering a bit with bowel movements at the moment but i think its because of hemorrhoids (too much info im sure haha)
All the hair has gone now but its ok. Its temporary.
You’ll be fine!! If you need to ask me anything feel free to msg me and I’ll chat to you whenever you need xx


Hey everyone. I haven’t been back on the forum for a few days so it’s great catching up on all the threads. I really enjoy (enjoy does seem like a weird word for all this!) all the info that is shared and all the hints and tips.
So I’m now 13 days after cycle one of EC. From last weekend onwards I started to feel a bit more like myself although joint ache (including my jaw!) happened at the weekend. Could that be the injections? Achy hips, knees etc too, but the jaw thing was new. Next EC is on 2nd August. Trying to get ahead on chores while I can but isn’t it funny, how unimportant a bit of vaccing can be…
The nurse who cleaned my picc line mentioned salty water mouth wash a few times a day. Started that a few days ago and it definitely helps. Does anyone else feel like their mouth is a bit weird?
Anyway, I should do some work… lots love and best wishes to all the BC warriors x


Welcome @cf640

I’m wondering about a f2f support group too. I have a wonderful friend who went through this in her early 30’s (been cancer free for over 20 yrs) and she’s been such a rock. It’s v hard to explain this trauma most ppl and she’s the only one that gets it.

@lilo1973 ugh re the change from cycle 1. I’m dreading next week esp days 3-5. I just want to feel normal again ALL the time :wink: I’m working too but with much needed naps

@kms1 my mouth hasn’t been the same since cycle 1. :face_vomiting: either sore, thrushy (grabbed meds for this ) metallic taste or just plain sore having a crap immune system due to chemo isn’t helping much either

Will start a rinse too

@debi1 good luck tomorrow

And to the rest of the July crew hope it’s been a good week


Hi everyone

Just to update…

I had my second plax today of 12 weekly sessions.
Had lots of joint pain day 3/4 from 1st session last week and they sent me for scan yesterday but all good - looked normal.

I cold capped again today - took some cocodamol 1 hour before and had the cold cap on for about 3 hours with very minimal discomfort.

Just waiting to see if it helps!

Much love xx


Hi @kerrylou1
I’m on week four weekly paclitaxel and carboplatin and cold capping. A bit of thinning but no major hair loss yet. I think it might come in a few weeks so i might have to get it shaved off… The cap is on 4 to 5 hours depending if I’m also having pembrolizumab.
I was fitted with small inner cap and small outer. Although mediums would be more comfortable, they weren’t snug enough. The cold capping is the most difficult part of chemo, I’m finding…only another 12 sessions to go though and I’m counting them down!!

Hi @caz1970
My major grip besides the cold capping being uncomfortable and cumbersome and longgggg, is constipation but now i have laxido or something like that and neuropathy in my right hand. Its just slight at the moment. I dont know what they will do if it spreads? I sort of got a warning about not telling them but i didnt want them to stop my treatment. Apparently this is a common fear so I’m not alone!
I’m 62 and feel older most of the time but the ward today was filled with men in their 70s and 80s. It made me feel sad. But maybe they felt sad that I was there or more likely, I like to think they were all silently laughing at how weird i look when i go to the loo with my cold cap on.


Ah keep us updated with your journey with you being two behind me.
Yep I tried the small but it felt way too small for my big head! So did medium with small outer.
Will try the small again next week to check.



I know what you mean about the cold cap, I try to hold it in for as long as poss to avoid walking through the ward like something from Dr Who :rofl: it is frustrating the extra time it takes to cold cap but if it works will be worth it :+1:.

I also have laxido for constipation, last week I was Ok but may need another dose this week!

I have my longer treatment (4th) next week so back on jabs :unamused: which I hate!!

Hope you sort out the neuropathy issue and that everyones next treatment goes well!

Take care


Having felt absolutely lousy since 1st EC on the 17th my temp spiked on Monday, so had a dash to hospital, had the immediate IV antibiotics whilst bloods tested (came back ok) and chest x-ray (clear) so got an infection but don’t know where. Thankfully discharged on oral antibiotics (Drs words ‘unless you really have to be here, you’re much safer at home’ -Scary) Anyway feeling much better now (almost ‘normal’!) just already feeling anxious for round 2 in case it happens again.


@olli3 If it makes you feel any better, I think the first round hits harder for a lot of people because before you start chemo, you’re out and about trying to do everything you need to do before your immune system gets knocked back so you might have had something going into your first chemo without even knowing it. I had the same experience after my first round of EC and my googling found other people with similar experiences.


Hi lovely. Sorry to here you’ve had it rough. Hope it gets better for you. Im sat here now having my second lot. Just put my cold cap on. We will see how that goes. Take care. Xxxx


Thank you @kartoffel that does make me feel a whole lot better and reassured!

Thank you @debi1 hope all goes well for you today xx

Hi all, I’ve had my first chemo today with cold cap and have been so anxious but tbh it went really well. The thinking about it has definitely been worse than the doing tho I’m sure I will have some knocks along the way ! The staff were so lovely and that really helped. The cap didn’t particularly bother me, just reminded me of wearing a riding hat years ago in the cold weather :grimacing:
I’m sure it won’t be plain sailing but hope this helps some of you new starters x


That’s good news for you! Keep shrinking!! X

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@olli3 hope you’re staring to feel better & your nxt cycle isn’t as rough. When is it?

@debi1 how was the 2nd one? And did you change the cold cap size? I’m becoming slightly pre occupied with the hair thing since my bikini area literally dropped off and now in anticipating the head hair will do the same!

I’m also going stir crazy at home and popped into the office yesterday to do some work. Hardly anyone is in Mondays and Fridays which made it easier (esp when those in ask “how’s it going”)

Today my plan is to go for a walk, start prepping for next weeks’ round 2 and have the Olympics on in the background

Happy Saturday lovelies


Hi everyone
Hope you’re all having a decent Saturday. Well i quit the cold cap yesterday. The pain just got too much im afraid :fearful:. We couldn’t remember what size i had last time so put small on. I think it was too small as the pain in my head was unbearable. I managed an hour but saw i had another hour and i just thought why am i putting myself through this so asked to take it off. My the relief to my head straight away. So shedding loads more now. But kind of relieved now i made that decision. My treatment sessions wont last as long. Im going to have a short hair cut hopefully next week, im not ready to shave just yet. Not felt too bad today just headache and little sickly but the tablets helped. Sorry if ive waffed on a bit. Take care everyone :heart:


Well done for trying it… x


@alisona1 i honestly thought id get through it after the first one but it must have been too tight causing that much pain. I have come to terms with what happens next. Thankyou :heart:


@idcand49 thank you feel loads better now dare I say it almost ‘normal’, such a relief so feeling more confident again about 2nd (7 Aug). Like you I’m finding work a good distraction, I’m able to WFH so been able to take lots of breaks when feeling grotty.
@debi1 sorry to hear cold cap wasn’t for you at least you gave it a good go, and as you say treatment times will be drastically reduced. TBH I’m finding every day is a bad hair day ATM and I’ve not even started shedding yet, I used to wash my hair every couple of days and having to go to twice weekly it just looks a fright!