July 2024 chemo starters

Well, they say every cloud has a silver lining…… aside from being a boob down and my hair’s due to depart company with my head, a week on from my first treatment, the eczema I’ve had for 20 years on my back has completely cleared! Like a baby’s bottom instead of a sandy beach!

Keep smiling gals, stay positive and have a nice week :grin::sunglasses:


Hi Alisona1 Well done and fronm someone who completed her 6 Cold Caps, i can definately say it is worth the effort. Many give up possible because your hair still thins, but it remains, i retained 50% and after 6 months it grew back curly. My tips, take one paracetamol before treatment. take a towel to dry after, and a good book or magazine - easier to turn pages when hooked up. and i had a blanket to keeep me warm. I took my own conditioner for them to use. and when you wash your hair at home use tepid water and a cool hair dryer - for ever. You will get through this, and talking with others and utilizing the benefits of a maggies centre really helps. especially their Fell good look good make up course, with brilliant freebies, i booked mine between cycle 5 and 6, when i knew how i felt post treatment. good luck Moonsox xxx


Bless ya. We have to grab those positives when we can love :heart: x


What an awful experience!


Personally want to go to sleep and wake up in Oct when I will be 3 weeks PFC

This feels like such an uphill journey

I am absolutely enjoying the Olympics so guess there are worse times to be hanging out home



Thank you for the encouragement and advice moonsox, that’s made me feel brighter and a bit more optimistic.
Have to say today has not been a good one, day 2 post first chemo.
Thanks for the advice x

Hi everyone just thought I would catch up my get and go left on Saturday and has yet to return wow much harder his time than round 1 I have 0 energy it’s so hard to complete basic tasks of up and down stairs even. Apart for that my mouth has been as dry as tinder paper and my gums sore but I am trying all the medicine and remedies for that and keeping a watchful eye on its development. I not sure this lovely weather is helping either. I hope everyone else is faring well and it’s not too bad. Take care all xxx


Hi everyone.

My chemo is each Thursday which is just placitaxel presently. - I seem to have my good days on Sunday Monday Tuesday and Wednesday - just if anyone else is starting chemo and would like a bit of positivity xx


@lilo1973 ugh not a good 2nd cycle then!

Is yours every 2 or 3 weeks?

I’m not looking forward to cycle 2 this Thur esp after Covid (I was so tired yesterday & not sure if Covid, chemically induced meno from chemo or chemo itself)

I feel a bit emotional tbh as we can’t plan anything

Onco said the radiotherapy referral doesn’t happen until midway through treatment so haven’t a clue on dates

I need something to look forward to

@kerrylou1 good to hear the weekly treatments are ok

Just signed off work for the rest of the day & taking the 15 yr old to the barbers

Then a shop and then flopping on my sofa !

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Ps tempted to pay for a pixie cut as other half too scared to do a number 3 shave

Hair shedding increasing despite the cold cap :face_with_spiral_eyes:


@idcand49 You’re doing amazing! Working and doing this and looking after the teenagers! :heart:

Yes my weekly cycle is ok but expect it to be a bit worse each week if effects are cumulative.

My radiotherapy planning app is scheduled for middle December and expect to start radio in January all being well as my chemo will take 5 is months to complete.



Hi chemo every 3 weeks and working or trying too I am managing about 7 hours a day full time for me is 9 hours a day 5 days a week plus the millions of phone calls and messages after hours and this is our silly season where it’s full on not ideal but a lot of my team have stepped up so that’s good. Lesson learned to have critical care cover on health insurance (I don’t) My hubby took my hair to grade 0 friday as was coming out like iron filings feels so much better.
My throat is dry like round 1 but so much worse and the exhaustion off the scale but I am still fighting and at home so small mercies. Last round for me 13th August and then on to 3 t apparently they can cause a whole new set of problems I have ordered my cold gloves and socks for neuropathy.
I am lucky my kids are older 22 and 23 but I have to say there own lives are full so they sort of forget what I am going through or just leave me too it and expect normal me all the time.

I am struggling with chemo brain and spelling is awful and trying to remember wha5 stage everyone is at I know @zaran had her chemo same as me I think and @debi1 you had yours the Friday after I do hope you are all doing ok.

Take care xxx


My oncologist would not even discuss radiotherapy he just said it’s a long way off and yes you will have it along with bone treatment and then hormone stuff and I am only have if 6 rounds of chemo so I assume radiotherapy will be November December time and I can start to rebuild my life 2025 I am hoping the new unit at our hospital is open then or it’s over a 90 min drive each way for 15 mins.

Take care


I had my chemo and radio discussion appointment on the same day end of June. I assume because my surgery results were not as expected and they rushed it all through.

They did say the radio appointment was early in the process but as I said I wanted it no matter what they’ve booked it in for December. I’m an everything kinda gal!

They said I will have radio 5 days a week for 3 weeks after chemo in January before discussion about tablets etc for 10 years. Never ending!

I agree - people see us getting on as normal and think it’s nothing. Xx


I defo don’t feel like Wonder Woman & look dreadful

Hair is falling off and what is there has 2 in of grey, v dry and unstyled / not washed :joy:

I had the joy of getting tongue ulcers 10 days before chemo due to stress & now they are here to stay due to chemo ! @lilo1973 and mouth remedies welcome and hats off to working long hours ! I’ve reduced mine to fit in naps

@kerrylou1 i may just focus on later this year for a trip, just in a funk today as im tired and not looking forward to Thursday



Ooh it’s not much fun this chemo lark is it ! I’m too suffering from chemo brain, I couldn’t even work out how to get the shower gel out this morning…
Sending love and hugs ladies xx


Hi all, hope everyone is doing as well as possible. @idcand49 I totally get you with the hair. I used cold cap for 1st cycle and had no shedding at all for 2 weeks but it started with a vengeance on Friday. Wondering if it’s worth doing for 2nd cycle as I normally straighten my hair and I feel such a mess with all the kinks I have now and not being able to wash it for a week and now not sure how much I’m going to have left! Feel it’s maybe time to look for a wig although they told me at hospital I can’t get the wig voucher while I’m cold capping!
@lilo1973 Hope you’re feeling better soon. It’s awful when it affects your mouth too as you can’t even enjoy your food. Sorry to hear your second cycle has been a lot worse. I’m due to have my 2nd cycle on Thursday but I’m on antibiotics at moment as the area around where I had my mastectomy and reconstruction has gone hard and painful. I’m back at the hospital tomorrow to find out if I’ll be able to go ahead with the chemo🤞


You can definitely get a wig voucher from your hospital whilst cold capping!
Please ask again or ask to speak to nurses in charge to make sure you get your voucher x

I got my voucher at my chemo pre assessment and they knew I was cold capping. Xx


@kerrylou1 Thank you for that. It was the nurse at my pre-assessment who said I couldn’t have it while using cold cap as you’re not allowed to put a wig on when cold capping. She did seem to be trying pretty hard to put me off cold capping though. I will ask again on Thursday when I’m back. x


@angieb1 echo what @kerrylou1 said

I was referred for my wig by my chemo nurse

Look into it for sure

@alisona1 chemo brain is mad! I have to write everything down & talk to myself as I’m walking to a room to do something ie “ella you’re grabbing laundry …” :woman_facepalming:t2:


Thanks @idcand49 that’s so good to know. x