July 2024 chemo starters

Hi, hope everyone is doing ok. I have my third cycle Wednesday (paclitaxol only) I ended up with some tummy issues last time so hoping it will be easier this time.

I have been cold capping & so far no shedding but hair has gone odd in a scarecrow sort of way. I keep thinking I will wake up & it will have all fallen out! I will give it a go Wednesday and see what next week brings.

I am in awe of all of you that are working. I work in a school and not sure if I will go back next term.

I am not reading the stack books I have very fast. The Olympics is a nice distractionā€¦

:heart: & positive thoughts :sparkles: xx


Its a bit late felt tired all day today. 2nd chemo was fri. But i have managed to go out for a meal with friends tonight and although im shattered glad went. A bit of normality. Been thinking of booking a family hol in this country but im a bit afraid incase im not well enough it would be 2 weeks after my 3rd session. Anyway ive got an appointment for hair cut tomorrow. Thinking of pixie cut. Its med length atm but falling out so fast cant cope with the long handfulls im grabbing everytime i go near it. Onwards and upwards. Good night lovely ladies. Take care xxx


Hi Everyone
I was feeling really fed up today. Last night I had bad stomach cramps and was vomiting. This isnā€™t related to treatment because thats on Thursdays but i think its because i went for a long hot walk and took some quiche in my rucksac. Iā€™ve read since not to eat unrefrigerated food. Anybody else had anything like this happen? My bloods are very lowā€¦so i think Iā€™m prone to infections.
Anyway, I then phoned the GP surgery for Zopiclone to help sleep after chemo (those pesky steriods are really messing with my sleep) and within 10 minutes i had a text back saying they would be waiting for me at a pharmacy. No questions asked!! That cheered me up.
I hope youā€™re all pushing through and having some nice happenings amongst all the treatments.


Sorry to hear you were unwell with what you ate. Iā€™m sure that our immunity and resilience to things are compromised by the chemotherapy.

Today I had another ultrasound to measure the tumour and lymph nodes again. I have completed cycle 1- thatā€™s 3 x weekly of carbo and pacti. No immunotherapy as my liver isnā€™t well.

My tumor has shrunk and some of my lymph nodes have shrunk or changed from abnormal to normal. So this is great news.

Later today I will find out the plan for my on going treatment as my ALTs are high (228) and they paused my chemotherapy last week. I really want my chemo on Thursday as itā€™s clearly doing the job but they are worried about my liver. (Iā€™ve had multiple tests on my liver, I donā€™t have cancer in the liver but it may be fatty liver disease) .

I didnā€™t cold cap, I still have my hair but itā€™s very thin. I can put it in a ponytail. It looks a bit like a comb over. I have also lost my nose hairs, so sneezing a lot. Anyone else have that?

Iā€™m off to centre parcs on Friday for 3 nights, with my brother and sister and their familyā€™s. So looking forward to that and then tomorrow, I have booked into Trinny London to get a makeover and skincare advice.

I am lucky as work have been amazing and put me sick leave and on half pay till December! I definitely have chemo fog, so would struggle to work at the level I was expected to work at.



Good luck, @bex1, with the chemo. Will they postpone or change the regimen?
I hope you have a lovely break at Centre Parks- a bit of normality! And thats great news about your job. I was temping when i got diagnosed but definitely couldnā€™t have managed a new contract. I donā€™t know how those of you who work manage it.


Hope you are feeling better today @cf640 no wonder you were fed up. I havenā€™t had vomiting but had diarrhoea a couple of times. I am trying to be careful with food now too. Hope you get a good nights sleep tonight!

@bex1 that is reassuring about your ultrasound. I hope you get your new plan soon. Enjoy your break at centerparcs. It is my youngest daughterā€™s favourite place!!


@cf640 hooray to getting GP meds without having to go in. Just makes things that much easier

@bex1 fab news! And it will make Centre Parcs that much more fun. Iā€™ve never been as it was always a bit too much for us during term time but really fancy a trip away

@debi1 spkg of trips we booked a refundable air BnB after my 3rd cycle as Iā€™m desperate to get away from my house but also know that I may just be to meh to go

My onco said it was ok as it was UK based and just to know where the local hosp is (charming !) Let us know what haircut you go for (mine is shedding like crazy)

@booklover1 the Olympics is firmly on in our house too and canā€™t wait for the gymnastics later



@cf640 hope youā€™re feeling a lot better hun.
@bex1 brilliant news. :clap: Hope you have a lovely time in centre parks
@idcand49 great youā€™ve booked a few dayā€™s away. Think i may risk booking somewhere. Maybe butlins as we used to go when my boyā€™s were younger. My lovely hairdresser cut a really short bob wouldnā€™t charge me and said if i want to go shorter sheā€™d sort it bless her. Its layered in the back and looks really thick. Night night ladies Xxx


cant believe how thick it looks :flushed:


Thatā€™s amazing, your hair looks so thick. Mine is so thin now.

If you can book a few days away, itā€™s a great way to escape the reality of this all.

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I meant to say, my ALTs reduced, still high (170) but they have said I can have chemo on Thursday as planned. The pax one will be reduced dose. Never thought Iā€™d say this- but Iā€™m so happy to be having chemotherapy again. :smiley:
Letā€™s beat this cancer. Today I am feeling positive!


Great news, @bex1! Get those drugs in! Thatā€™s how I feel too.
Thanks, @debi1. I slept for 11 hours last night (took a Metoclopramide which helped). I need to slow down, I think.
Im changing my diet a bit too- gone to bland food like poached fish. I think that will help with my stomach cramps. I did think it would get easier as the weeks went on, like our bodies would adjust somehow? And it seemed to the first few infusions but Iā€™m finding the opposite now.
Another for me Thursday hopefully!!


Thanks, @booklover1 I had a duvet day yesterday. Read some Nicci French and a bit of the Royal Marsden cookbook. Has anybody found a good cancer cookbook?


Just wondered how your getting on after the EC and cold capping? Xxx

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Your hair looks lovely :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: xxx

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Looks great!

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Hi, my shedding slowed down a lot after my big shed (about 26 days in I think) so I was left with a thinner but full covering after 4 ECs. Iā€™ve done 2 docetaxels now and my shedding has picked up a little again but still have a full head of hair with only 1 Docetaxel to go. Im expecting it to slow down again soon as it naturally increases again after switching drugs. Iā€™ve actually got regrowth coming back too where itā€™s came out more. I donā€™t like putting my photo online so Iā€™ve scribbled out my face but here is a photo showing my hair that I took a few days ago


@idcand49 - I ended up in hospital with COVID earlier this week, I was given antiviral by IV and recovering at home now. No idea how I got it as been nowhere! Just wondered if having COVID delayed your next treatment? My 2nd treatment is supposed to be on Monday but it sounds like it will now be deferred by a week x


I have heard from friends the one going around is pretty rough!

Did you go into hospital soon after symptoms?

I caught it from my son (heā€™s 15) when school finished for term & at the first sign of congestion I was whipped down for antivirals

I was also worried about delay in treatment but when I had my pre chemo onco call this Monday the dr wasnā€™t too concerned

Had bloods taken yesterday & so far no call so it means Iā€™m still set to go in tomorrow

How are you feeling now? X

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@debi1 @belle1 the hairstyles are looking fab

Iā€™m shedding like a v hairy dog right now but got through ā€œhair wash dayā€

@belle1 was your hair this length before? Mine is above the shoulder / below the chin bob but am contemplating a cut like yours.
Seeing my hair on the floor and top is distressing