July 2024 chemo starters

@kms1 love the keyring
Well i woke this morning, nudged my hubby and announced i was going to book a holiday. Maybe a bit early as he was half asleep but one up all up lol. Well i think i was holding back to speek to specialist first next week but im sure he will say its my choice but be careful. The week ive chosen will be 2 weeks after my 3rd session of EC. Fingers crossed ill be fine. Xxx


Iā€™ve just had my forth session, 1st of cycle 2.

Previously on treatment day, because of the steroids I have felt 110% - today Iā€™m am knocked out and so sleepy.
I canā€™t do anything x

So weird how the same drug can make you feel so different.


Hope it all goes well for tomorrow. I have EC after the 12 weeks of paclitaxel. Love the keyring!

I have some komboucha in the fridge too but not sure whether its ok or not! Will ask next time I go for treatmentā€¦

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Good luck for your 2nd tomorrow :grin:
Iā€™m glad you mentioned the glasses as thats my first area on my head that has just started to clump out tonight. I want to add that in the shower this morning, got a handful where I certainly donā€™t wear glasses! :sunglasses::flushed:
Itā€™s definitely a ā€˜wash and goā€™ kinda day :partying_face:
PICC line going in on Monday, so that might bugger up my fairly good mood this week, but best option for my 2nd chemo next Friday, too agonising to try for a vein each time, especially when I end up on the weekly taxel.

Have a nice and comfortable weekend as best you can ladies xx :kissing_heart:



Iā€™ve had my pic line in for 3 weeks now and from this week itā€™s not even bothering me now. Except when I have to keep it covered for showering. Iā€™ve bought one of those covers from Amazon which really helps keep it dry!



@kerrylou1 @pipspops yah to the PICC
I wish I had one as didnā€™t take into account bloods needed for before each cycle or hiccups like I/v anti virals

Iā€™m feeling rather poked on my left arm

@debi1 my tbc trip is also after cycle 3 :crossed_fingers:t2:
Im desperate to get away

@lilo1973 never knew neuts could be high mine have dropped since my first chemo free bloods tests, still in normal range ie ok for chemo but those & wbc arenā€™t like pre chemo Ella
Glad the smoothies are working !

@bex1 so far steroids make me amped for a bit but then I crash. Hope youā€™re feeling better now

I had cycle 2 yesterday and had a reaction to the Docetaxel. My throat constricted & face got very hot & very red! I was surprisingly calm and it was paused so I could get me midday steroids in earlier and they slowed the flow the second time around so did the trick

Cold cap went well & I went smaller with drenched hair (my husband helped) and it did the trick along 0.5 lorazapem & codeine :wink:

Not sure how useful it is I see a lot of hair coming out :woman_shrugging:t2:

All in all I feel better today than I did last time which is great: few tweaks inc hydrating more 2 days before & on chemo day plus more protein and getting ice in my mouth as soon as Docetaxel was administered

Letā€™s see how I fare on the Saturday crash


@idcand49 is it possible to ask for the port? I have it and itā€™s a game changer, they take bloods from it. There are pros and cones the port, but I found them more pros and than cons.

I did sleep better last night. I was prescribed sleeping tablets.

Holidays are really good to look forward to, even if a staycation.

Well done on the cold cap., keep it going. I didnā€™t cold cap and to compare, my hair has fallen out by 75%. And will need to shave it off next week.

I have 2 more left so not sure I will be fitted but will ask :smiling_face:

As for the hair Iā€™m not holding much hope

I have to hoover my house all the time

Iā€™m like a shedding pet ! Haha


Hi make sure you wear your glasses over the cold cap, it will reduce some of the movement. I wasnā€™t told this for the first 5/6 weeks so Iā€™d probably already done the damage by then. Paxman www.coldcap.com website was where I heard about it, they train the nurses so was surprised it hadnā€™t been mentioned on the ward.

Take care all, youā€™re all doing so well, you can do this :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I asked my nurse, I think she was quite senior, but she suggested I ask the kombucha question on Macmillan or one of the other sites so still non the wiser x

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Iā€™m certainly testing the anti hair wrap facility well on the hoover!!! :joy:x


Such a shame the nurse wouldnā€™t commit to an answer. I wasnā€™t told to avoid anything in particular but I know others were. I was told bland food, white rice and bread the best so you have less fibre that can upset the stomach. I think many were told to avoid similar things pregnancy advice such as blue cheese, unpasteurised soft cheese, pate, soft eggs and any under cooked food.

I suppose the thing with kombucha it has live bacteria in it and with chemotherapy your immune system is low and would struggle to deal with any issue. I decided myself to avoid live yoghurt, made sure my steak was well cooked and bought a food thermometer to test all my meat was cooked fully. I washed all fruit, veg and salad.

Found this on MacMillan about food safety with low immunity. It does list youghurt and other products with probiotics as something to avoid.

Hope it helps :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


This is what I do - I use an old pair of glasses and put them on a glasses cord which has an
adjuster / clip on it - wear over the cold cap and tighten with the adjuster so they donā€™t fall off .


Hey everyone, just caught up with everyoneā€™s news. Had my first EC on 19th and boy did it take me by surprise. For some reason I thought I would fly through it with no effects - WRONG! Was as sick as a dog for 6 days and then started to feel gradually normal (ish) am suffering with the feeling of headache pending most of the time. Took the plunge and have had my long hair cut short - itā€™s like going back 30 years! I am now having a huge issue with a painful head. It feels like my actual hair follicles are hurting - has anyone else had this? I canā€™t lie down in bed comfortably and when I do finally doze off the pain wakes me up. Iā€™m 15 days in from my first and 6 days away from my second cycle on 9th. Does the pain mean Iā€™m going to start losing my hair? I have a PICC being fitted on Tuesday which Iā€™m also a little nervous about! Any thoughts/insights welcome. Pic of my new hair - well for now :joy:


Thatā€™s interesting to read - was never given any advice on what to eat / not eat . Tending to stick to blandness just because of foul taste in mouth and the fact everything tastes the same - even water tastes horrible.
But after my first round hospital stay when I had loads of antibiotics I tried to eat lots of probiotics to help restore my gut as the antibiotics played havoc with it. Was having live yogurt, kimchi, kefir and kombucha . Maybe I need to rethink? Have been OK though .

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@ronnies your hair is gorgeous!
I have a PICC line and was nervous about it but itā€™s absolutely fine - so donā€™t worry - and make sure you get a waterproof sleeve for having a shower.
Sorry your head is hurting - doesnā€™t help not getting a good nights sleep :cry:
I have had 2 sessions now - the sensation is just a bit sensitive rather than pain - try not to touch it too much basically .
I am cold capping and although I am shedding I am hoping it is just thinning rather than patches :crossed_fingers:
Hope you can get through it with some painkillers x


Iā€™ve taken to carrying a sticky lint roller with me everywhere to pick up the hair! The speed of the shedding in 24 hours was unbelievable. Iā€™d cut short a month ago before first treatment and then clipped to 1 inch all over on Tuesday as I could feel my scalp starting to itch. Thursday night the shed started, by Friday night I looked like a blonde baby orangutan!


Your hair looks ace. Now ive decided to stop the cold cap so i know Iā€™ll lose all mine. Ive known ladies lose 50% using cold cap and it still looked good. Just thined out. Ive also got constant headache although not as bad as you by the sound. Take care xxx

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Hi. @ronnies Your hair looks lovely. I had my first EC on 11th. I used cold cap and had no shedding at all until Day 16. My head felt a little itchy and a bit tender around this time and then I lost a lot of hair over the next 4 days. After I washed it and lost quite a lot in the shower it slowed right down and over a week later it has stopped shedding. I did lose quite a lot but itā€™s just thin at the moment and I donā€™t have any bald patches although Iā€™ve bought a wig and some headwear just in case it starts again. I should have had my 2nd chemo last Thursday but it has been delayed as Iā€™m on antibiotics.
I also had a lot of headaches (I was eating paracetamol like they were sweets!) but they have stopped now. Trying to drink 2 litres of water each day as nurse suggested that may help.
I had a PICC line fitted the day before my chemo. It was fine as they give you an anaesthetic. It did feel a bit sore and a little bruised for about 24 hours after but canā€™t feel it now. As someone else has said make sure you get a waterproof cover for in the shower. They gave me a prescription at the hospital (LimbO)
Hope you manage to start sleeping better and the headaches go soon :two_hearts:


Hi all gorgeous July people!
I have a question for those of you on paclitaxel and carboplatinā€¦has anyone else had rashes? Ive had one on my hand and fnorearms for weeks now (Iā€™ve had 5 infusions so far). Now Iā€™ve got it on my back too.
Iā€™m going to phone the helpline tomorrow and i go in Tuesday anyway for bloods so someoneee should be able to check itā€™s ok for me to continue, I guess. Anybody else experienced a spreading rash?
Clare xx

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