July 2024 chemo starters

Hi Clare

Just to say I have noticed a rash on my forearms today, looks red and flat. More on one arm but a couple of spots on the other… I have put on an oat based moisturiser and it seems maybe a little bit calmer. I am feeling well otherwise.

I was going to contact the bcn tomorrow, I have my second cycle starting on Tuesday. Maybe it might need a topical steroid cream?

Hope you get an answer tomorrow & it doesn’t delay your treatment.

Best wishesxx

@ronnies your hair looks fab! Mine is a horrible grey greasy thin bob now

The big shed hit me day 18. Cold capped again last Thur for cycle 2 so hoping it eventually slows down or else a buzz cut it is. I am wearing beanies & headbands for now

@Bibi I have been having Kefir … didn’t think to check as it really soothes my tummy & sore mouth so would rather not stop. I do wish oncology was also versed on non medical remedies & we didn’t have to ask permission for this or that. I need all the help I can get on the side effects front

@debi1 @angieb1 ditto re headaches. Think it’s the GSF jab I’m drinking 3-4 litres of water 2 days before chemo , treatment day & 3 days posts so defo hydrated ! :rofl:

@cf640 hope you get answer re the rash
I’m on TC x4 & nothing as of yet

Definitely more tired this round so napping a lot!

Hope the rest of the July crew are doing well & here’s hoping Aug cycles whizz by


I too have a PICC line and am just getting used to it, although it doesn’t hurt now, I am aware of it. I have a weekly appointment for a check and clean and so far so good. I hope you settle with yours.

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Hello Ladies, I hope you are all doing ok. Just popping in from the August 2024 chemo starters chat. Do any of you wear contact lenses? If so, what advice have you been given about wearing them whilst going through treatment? and what experience have you found so far if you have still worn them? :heart:

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Hi all
Just had my 6th weekkly infusion and these nurses were quizzing me about my arm rash. They are concerned now they’ve seen it in real life but continuing with treatments so perhaps not overly worried given all the more ghastly side effects some unfortunate people get.
So hurrah! Another week done.
The tiredness is constant now. I write lists and plan every time i leave the house. I canat trust myself…one night I left the back door wide open.
I’ve got a scan Monday and an appt with oncologist next week. I’m hoping for super positive news.
Has anyone dared to ask or been given a prognosis? It seems early days to ask.
Good luck to all you lovely Julyers and our August starter!
Clare xx



Glad you got your treatment done :clap::clap: I had my 5th on Tues, I got through without any back pain but they had given me a heat pad which was great with the cold cap, weird with heat on your back and ice on your head though :rofl:

I also have an appointment with oncologist next Tues, I haven’t asked re prognosis too scared to ask tbh but will hopefully find out if the chemo is doing its stuff :crossed_fingers: another one down and counting!!

Good luck everyone with your chemo this week :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Carolyn xx

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Hi @lou6

You may want to check with your team or call the BCN helpline for advice 0808 800 6000 regarding your contact lenses.



I have worn mine during treatment & all fine

I didn’t want to wear my glasses during cold capping (although it seems to still be the area I’m losing my hair!)

Hope this helps xx

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@caz1970 @cf640

I’ve never asked my exact stage as I’m fearful tbh

This whole experience has spun my head round & wish I could back to being blissfully unaware of all these new medical terms & their meanings


But in positive news my side effects are tracking the same as cycle 1 so no curveballs so far :raised_hands:t2:

Now if only my hair would stop shedding! Don’t fancy cold capping with a buzz cut (must be too cold) xx

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Can i asks if anyones head hurts. I don’t mean the normal head aches after treatment. At first i thought maybe sunburnt a little a couple of weeks ago. But even when the wind blows my hair its very sensitive and tender. X

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@debi1 yes, my head hurt just like that. It was super sensitive, as if I had sunburnt it. I have now buzz cut my hair (I didn’t cold cap) and it’s gone. I’m wearing head scarves and wigs. I have shared my buzz cut photo.

I’m now embracing the scarves and I had lots of compliments at chemo yesterday in my animal print! I had long blonde hair before.


@bex1 you’re my hair hero

You look amazing!

My sister sent me a link to a gorgeous Zara scarf that I’m going to buy as looks trendy and glam (dare I say lol)

@debi1 my shed continues even with cold capping and I get tingles

I reckon I’ve lost 25% so far and I still have 2 cycles to go :disappointed:

I am bracing to shave soon and get some glamourous scarves and big earrings / statement necklaces

I’m also doing some heavy online clothes shopping. My clothes feel tired and old and want to lift my spirits



You look fabulous… my shedding has started this morning so don’t think I’ll be far behind you :see_no_evil:

Thank you @idcand49, I did check with my optician yesterday and she didn’t see an issue wearing them. I guess its just making sure hands are washed and follow good hygiene when putting them in and taking out. I hope everything is going ok for you. :heart:


Hi all
Yes, my head hurts, luje sunburn. Ive cold capped.
I got admited last night after my 6th infusion of Paclitexel. I was hoping they would swap me to another drug but they’ve said prob not. Just monitor and come in if my temperature spikes again. It was frightening. I’m hoping if it happens again, i wont be so scared.
They did a alung xray and bloods and i convinced myself that i had secondary lung cancer- it was 2am but then so I’m putting that down to lack of sleep!!
I hope this helps someone else. Try not to think the worse if you get tan adverse reaction
Clare xx


I cold capped for 12 weekly chemo although I didn’t loose much of my hair I did have a very sensitive scalp. The roots felt sore and even a little bit of a breeze outside would make it tingle. I had chemo Sept to Dec so wore hats outside most of the time.

For me it took 6 months to stop feeling sensitive, so much so at the hairdressers I would have a cut and a rough blow dry. I couldn’t have a brush and hot dryer or other styling tools go through it. As I had a taxane ot can affect nerves so it could be that in the scalp or the chemo, never really got an answer for it.

You are all doing so well. @bex1 you look lovely in all your photos and well done to you for sharing :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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@bex1 You look lovely.
I love the animal print scarf, where did you get it from? x

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Thanks, I don’t actually know, I’ve had it years. I have also been to charity shops and found scarves. Big chunky ones are cool. X


Thankyou ladies. @bex1 you look amazing thanks so much for sharing. My friend asked why don’t i try cold cap again next week. And to ask for a bigger cap but once i decided to quit cold cap i think ive come to terms with hair loss. Just one less thing to worry about. Trouble is i got my wigs before i had my hair cut short so not sure if i want to have long hair again lol. Trip to hairdressers with my wigs maybe? :laughing:
@cf640 sorry you’ve had a scary time lovely.
Look after yourselves ladies. Have a lovely weekend xx


You look amazing. :heart: