July 2024 chemo starters

So my hair shed has started, I am 15 days post first cycle of EC and cold capped. I did have hair cut to shoulder length before I started but cant believe how upset I am even though it was expected.
The rational side of me says it’s only hair but I cant find my rational thoughts at the moment.
Any thoughts/help ladies ? X


Our hair is part of our identity, style and spirit. I’ve had a shorter cut done and now waiting for the shed. Like you I keep telling myself it’s just hair but I’m sure I’ll feel different when it happens. I cold capped just once but had an anaphylactic shock to my first chemo so chose not to have the cold cap for the second attempt this week. I didn’t want anything around my throat.
Change is hard at times and add in what the loss of hair represents with breast cancer and I understand how you feel. Best wishes to you.


@alisona1 I feel your pain regarding your hair. I didn’t cold cap and the shedding was so much, I just did a buzz cut last Tuesday. One month since starting treatment. I cried a lot. But today, I met with friends for a dog walk, I wore a wig. I felt ok.
Like you, I just want to beat this, I see the hair loss as a sign its working. So be it. It’s so hard, a journey we don’t have a choice to travel. You’ll know when you are ready, don’t rush it.


:heart:think of it as going into chrysalis during chemo like a caterpillar :heart: and when chemos done you emerge like a butterfly and unfurl your wings (hair) which can be like a kinder surprise you don’t know what colour it will come back or if you will get chemo curl :heart: then you go from sinead to mullet to chin length bob and beyond :heart: took a bit of time but I got my rapunzel locks back and you will too :heart:when your eyelashes start to grow back get mascara on them as quick as you can to help train them to curl up and not grow straight out :heart: book your look good feel better sessions at your local Macmillan’s :heart: :two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


Thank you ladies, that helps.
I have cried a lot today and have learned over the past few months that it is a coping/decision mechanism, I’m sure tomorrow I will feel stronger and probably go for the cut as it’s wash day so will probably lose loads xx


Love the wings/hair analogy Shi :heart: it’s a good way of looking to the future after we have mourned the loss of identity. The Rapunzel Look is an aim for me too!

The hair loss has been so hard to contemplate, but I have to say now it’s happening in spades, I’m better about it. The apprehension and loss of decades of identity down the drain was just so hard to bear. But I can say that the thought was worse than the actuality of currently having a few strands of very fine baby hair all over my head. Never thought I’d say this.

I felt like I could lose my breast in a heartbeat, surgery? bring it on, chemo? Bring it on, Radiotherapy at the end of the year? Bring it on. But did I have to pigging well lose my hair as well? The logic is hard to take in initially but the loss also shows the power of chemotherapy, and it is working hard.

I haven’t cold capped, I didn’t want to set so much on something that may not work for me. The speed of shed, the majority in 48 hours 13 days after first session justified all my planning in cutting hair before I had my first treatment. If I had had my long hair fall out at that rate I would have been devastated. And now it’s gone, I haven’t cried once. Definitely sobbed more before the first cut and I was working out how to have control of it. And I’m now proud of myself for being prepared and not letting it control me at a time when I need all the positivity I can muster.

I realised yesterday in my second treatment, in the ward I was the only one of 7 people who looked like they outwardly had cancer. One tit and no hair :joy::joy: goes to show doesn’t it? And when I realised I was with pancreatic, bowel, stomach cases I was relieved and glad to sit there with my one tit and no hair, realising I was the best off in the group. ‘Reasons to be cheerful’ as Ian Dury sang.

Stay positive ladies, it will get you through. Feel the feelings and cry when you have to, but be as strong as you can, this is hard enough as it is and I’m forever grateful I’ve found this forum to be honest about how I feel.

Have a good weekend all xx


I’ve taken great pleasure in saying to my other half that all my charity shop scarves bought over the years are coming in so useful :joy::joy:

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:heart:I was always known for my hair since I was a child so when I knew chemo would take it, I had it cut into a bob and sent to little princes trust :heart: I was hospitalised after first chemo with an infection and my hair started coming out while in there. Luckily I got home after 6 days and then I buzzed it down to a grade 2 myself so it was my way of taking control over it again in my mind if that makes sense :heart: think of it like the grand national too, keep leaping over the hurdles one at a time, everyone cheering you all on :two_women_holding_hands::two_women_holding_hands::two_women_holding_hands: keep focused and don’t let it take your joy, it tries but don’t let it :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


Thank you ladies for your support, washed my hair this morning…. Oh my word, didn’t think I had that much… going to my neighbours in a bit to have the buzz cut :cry:
The thinking about it is probably worse than the doing xx



Hope everyones doing ok today :heart:. I had my 4th cycle last week (pembro, carboplatin & paclitaxel). Found it a bit harder this time. I have a rash on my arms which the nurses took a look at and told me to use a moisturizer & take antihistamine. I ended up having to ring in yesterday as its red & tight, advice is to go to gp for steroid cream on Monday. I am also on the injections for wbc so feeling a bit achy and sorry for myself :joy:

Still going with the cold capping but have started shedding a lot. Fingers crossed it slows down soon.

@bex1 you look amazing! Loving the scarfs.

Sorry you had such a bad reaction @cf640, I hope you are feeling ok now. Thanks for posting about it, its hard not to panic when you have a reaction especially in the middle of the night.

We are going to take my lovely mil out for lunch today :heart:

Take care everyonexx


I’m tracking what I’ve lost and it’s incredible

Like tons for nearly 2 weeks!

Anyone know if it slows down or does it keep going until nothing is left?

I am sick of dirty hair & can’t wait until I can wash my scalp again - never appreciated a hair wash until now

Hope the haircut cut goes well


Just want to say what a lovely bunch of ladies you ALL are. All this advice and sharing experiences warms my heart. I think its a bond we feel as we’re all going through similar experiences. @alisona1 hope you’re ok after your hair cut. Everyone likes my hair in this short style but I know i probably won’t have it for much longer. Friday will be my 3rd but the first without cold cap. So im not sure how long after that my hair will drop out. So ill just keep having trims until then. I’m off to visit grandson this afternoon for his 3rd birthday party. Outside so lots of suncream. Sending love :heart: to you all. Xxx


Hi @booklover1
I was told by the chemo nurses to report back all issues I’ve had but it actually hasn’t been until I’ve spoken to my oncologist or the Drs when i was admitted, that i was prescribed Laxido for my stomach and this marvellous cream, Mometasone, for my skin rash. Maybe you can get some? It’s helping it heal marvellously. My rash is angry red spots that look infectious and a few peolle have asked me what it is… embarrassing on top of everything else!! X


Thanks @cf640 I will ask about it!

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Hey everyone. Love the scarves and other pics. Thank you ladies, I just don’t feel brave enough to share any pics and my admiration for you guys is huge. I’m day 10 after 2nd EC cycle. Seem to have more fatigue this time and I’m still very floaty. I’m cold capping and have shed loads. It’s really thin on top and at the sides. I’ve gone for a pixie cut for now but I think it’ll all have to go at some point soon. I will still cold cap. Slightly phlemy cough, I’m going to get it checked out today along with a new picc dressing - I’ve got some blistering under some of the dressing! The phlem thingy bit embarrassing - on Friday evening while watching something incredibly funny, got some phlem in my throat - was watching with my lovely relatively new partner - couldn’t catch my breath at all and ended up choking/coughing/unable to catch my breath - in the meanwhile, the antisickness meds (I’m putting it down to that!) meant I was trumping constantly like I was in a brass band. Mortified. We are only 5 months in to the relationship. Not a good look I can assure you. Hope this gives you a few giggles by the way!!! I could also be down to eating lots of pickled onions - this really satisfies my craving for strong flavoured snacks… Other than that, yes, my head feels weirdly sore/tender - like my roots are sore, I do have a constant headache, sometimes it is worse than other times, joint ache really not pleasant - think that’s the 7 day injections - hoping that tapers off now on day 10.
Question - is anyone using any special face moisturisers? I’m 54 btw…
Lots love and best wishes to you all. x


Had the haircut and like some of you other ladies said, it was strangely liberating… like I’ve taken control !
We’ve come away for a few days and I’ve not noticed anyone staring as yet :laughing:
Keep going ladies… we’ve got this, doesn’t always feel like it but we have :muscle: xx


Oh bless you, how to make an impression as a one-man-band set up! I’m with you on the brass band this time after 2nd EC…. And the blistering with the PICC dressing - went to treatment on Friday with about 3 more dressings to cover them up. Managed to get them out in the open with careful dressing by nurse (good lass), and slowly healing. Got my flush through on Wednesday, so as long as they aren’t too rough it may be fine. I keep catching the plasticy gubbins against my underwire on my half-bra, which is fun….not. I end up putting a full cotton wool dressing over the whole lot to stop the catch, but pretty damn hot at the moment.
Hope you get your chestickles stuff sorted xx (and we’ll chorus the Floral Dance together :wink:)
I’m using Moo Goo for the face just now, pretty good - and with just the glimmer of hair, keep going over my scalp too which is pretty dry. (I’m 54 and my usual moisturisers seem to be just pulling on my face, which is seesawing between smooth as a baby’s bottom and a teenager acne one)


Chuffed to pieces it has gone okay for you - the thought is harder than the deed. I was even brave enough to answer the shopping delivery without my chemo cap on today! Hair very very thin now, assuming treatment last Friday will spell the death knell for the remainder……
Getting a cold spot on the pillow during a hot night is a lovely feeling…. My partner shaves his head, so we could be competing for the cold spots :joy::joy:


Chill pillows are good investment :heart: :two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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Thank you, it’s still falling out so going to have to look at scarf tying I reckon :see_no_evil:
Yes my husband is bald so he already knows the problems !
General question… should I be wearing a head covering in bed ? Xx

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