July 2024 chemo starters

I tried once with a chemo cap in bed (not for hair preservation but catching fallout) and it was down the bed by morning, but that was a bamboo/cotton one and must’ve stuck to the pillow when I moved so I didn’t try again. But my hair has come out very fast, so I’m not shedding anymore.
Maybe something smoother would work, satin/silk maybe? X


Hi all July- ers!

I’ve been wearing a silk cap in bed and a silk pillowcase.

I’m due my 5/12 placitaxol on Thursday so on day 27 today. Started to see a few strands of of hair on my shirt yesterday but less today!

On the positive - other Side effects have still been very minimal xxx

I hope everyone is ok - can see some are struggling and love to you all xx


Hi all
I started my chemo in July 3 x 3week rounds of EC and then 9 weekly sessions of something else.
It’s a roller coaster ……


I’m having EC every two weeks after my 12 of placitaxel (prob start in October as only have my 5th plactoaxel this week. How are you finding it? Xx

This might sound strange but it’s a bit like having morning sickness. I have to make sure I eat a little bit often and my whole life revolves around food!!! I’ve even had cravings. I have hit a low at day 7 of mine during both cycles which has lasted a few days. When I get to week 3 I start to feel a little more normal and then it’s starts again!!!

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Not strange at all! I’m expecting the EC to be rougher than the placitaxel both in side effects and on my hair!
Will keep with the cold cap as long as possible! X

I decided against the cold cap and am now sporting the bald look! It was a bit of a shock but I’ve currently still got my eyebrows and eyelashes!

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Hey ladies.
Im new to the thread ( i think, commented on that many )
33 here and my second cycle tomorrow morning HER2 positive.
So currently trying to relax in bed.
How did everyone find the first cycle?
Im cold capping too and so far so good.
Wishing you all well. Jemma xx

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Hi Jem,

I haven’t posted here yet either!
Nice to meet you I’m 36 and I have had 3 rounds, due my 4th on Friday! I have 8 in total, 4 EC and 4 PAX. All 2 weeks apart. How about you?
How have you found the first week?
I found the first week daunting. I felt hungover and EXTREMELY tired and I had an upset stomach. Then I found the second round more bareable. The third I did find the most tricky - who knows why!!
Have you had any side effects?x

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Hello nice to speak to you.
Im currently having my second round now, nearly done and i will be off home soon. Might have a nap, i feel exhausted today but did not sleep very well last night.
Im same, just felt like i had a hangover or a slight virus for first few days… i was only sick when i started my injections in stomach so this time my consultant has given me some stronger sickness tablets and also some stomach tablets because i had acid too.
If you dont mind me asking which one do you have. Is it same as me HER2? I will be having 6 cycles all together along with Herceptin injection every 3 week. Sending love xx

Oh excellent glad it’s almost over for you. Definately go home and have a good nap. How is the cold cap?
Il be honest - when I have been told, I’ve not taken it in to stop me googling types and severities!!
I had a mastectomy and lymph node removal, now chemo then radiotherapy. Then I will be on tablets for around 5-10 years. I’m just taking it step by step but sometimes if I know too much it’s not good for me. I do have letters etc with it on but, I currently know what path I’m on and I know il get caught up on Mr Google! Xx

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Dont get caught up on Mr google! Its the worse thing to do… ( me saying this but i done same haha )
Im back home now. The cold capp is okay but im always glad to get it off! My face looks like a squish potato afterwards.
Sounds like you have the hormonal one then i guessing. Someone i know had the same and that was during lockdown she also had HER2 pos too so two different types at same time! She on tablets now and had same as you a masectomy…shes fab now. Just wanted to share that with you :slight_smile: xx

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@jeml welcome and hooray for cycle 2 to be done & dusted

I’m on 3 next week (Thur) and feel that time is dragging ….

@kerrylou1 my hair has defo slowed down on the shedding front as in my clumps are no longer the size of a fist :joy: not sure what will happen in the next week but if it keeps the way it is will definitely cold cap again

@louc I said the same re side effects but along the lines of hangover meets morning sickness :face_vomiting: I’m starting to feel anxious re next week. My sat & sun are plain awful

Welcome @ourkirst does this week make you halfway? :raised_hands:t2:

I’m finding the chemo induced meno yucky. I’m emotionally all over the place, still looking chunky even though I’m working out 3 to 4 times a week (obv not after chemo haha) and intermittent fast or eat low carb high protein.

It is just adding to my low mood. It was made worse by a good friend checking in on me asking if I was sad that everyone was away on vacation and telling me how her resort is like the st tropez of turkey :exploding_head:

Very close to screaming in pillow

Hi to the rest of the July crew


I totally get that! Our lifes are on hold at minute and i only have to have a scroll on FB and seeing people away and it makes me sad haha… i had a cottage with a hot tub booked for september and i cant bloody go! Anyway we changed it for next year… the most important thing is getting right again and getting through our treatment… its a harsh treatment but it is doable too. All i have to do is think about my 2 year old and i would literally walk through hell and back for her.
How are you finding the cold capping? I dont think its bad at all… i just find it uncomfy midway because i cant lay back properly etc so im glad to get it off once its finished! Its only every 3 week though so its not so bad.
Im back home now, 2 down and 4 to go! X


@idcand49 yes I will be halfway Friday!! It does feel like a milestone.

I totally get the low mood. I posted on another thread I feel so unbelievably jealous of everyone I know living their lives going on holidays and just general… fun. Haha.
It’s so hard to see past all that we are going through at the moment isn’t it. And everyone saying ‘next year you can do it’ just doesn’t cut the mustard…
At least we can all moan on here and we all know how each other feels (there or there abouts). This is the most I’ve posted but it feels so cathartic!! Xxx


@jeml hope the next few days are ok. How you do it with a 2 yr old is amazing

Mine are 19, 17, 15 so I can recharge despite me still having to pick up after them lol

@ourkirst yes I defo need a moan
My big 5-0 is looming & I just cancelled my trip to Ibiza as will still be in treatment

My friends telling me “it’s just hair it will grow back” or “you can celebrate your birthday when you’re done” isn’t comforting

Not sure when everyone was diagnosed but for me it was late Feb and feels like forever. I’ve had to cancel 3 holidays as my treatment plan kept evolving (note to self cancer diagnosis is not like Netflix :wink:)

Anyways I just had a wonderful walk with my 15 yr old as he’s just come back from a Scout trip and he chatted the whole time! It was lovely to connect with him and these are the precious moments that keep me going and reminding myself why I’m doing the chemo.



Well i have my mum to thank for helping me with her. I have pretty much moved in while i am on treatment and back in my old room. So will be staying here for about a week now till my side effects go again. I had around 2 week of feeling my normal self so its doable if i have a week of feeling rubbish.
She is very boystrous and always on go so its been a massive help… literally had no energy days after chemo and i feel exhausted now too.
I got diagnosed in June and i have had my second cycle today out of 6. Mines HER2 positive with about 3 nodes involved but only one was tested but two more was swollen so… x

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Wow dealing with a 2 year old through this you are doing fabulous.

Mine are 16 and 17. GCSE results next week just deciding how to give him the celebration he will deserve.

Can’t wait to get my last EC out the way next week. I’ve not really looked into the following 9 weeks of weekly chemo yet … just dealing with this first.

I paint glasses which I find incredibly therapeutic and working fur me has been a fabulous distraction …. Working from home thankfully.

I can’t stop eating and have put 3lb on in the last 3 weeks and have a lovely round tummy now!!! I walk every day but that’s not balancing it out.

I’ll keep riding the rollercoaster but will be so glad to get off it at some point soon x

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@jeml I am ER & PR + HER2 - and “was” clinically node negative until my SLNB and one came back with just under 3mm in it

And with each scan my tumour got bigger and bigger (from just under 1.9cm of IDC/DCIS to 3.2cm at surgery)

Being premenopausal too meant chemo

So here I am

How wonderful to have your mother! Rest up

@louc good luck with the results. It’s a big day! It will be special I am sure

I have another year (phew) before waiting for A levels & GCSES

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Hope it all working out for you now. So you have already had surgery. Im having chemo before surgery.
After my first chemo session i noticed a big difference in my breast… my swelling had gone and it feels more like my other breast. Trying not to keep feeling it but i think its become a habbit now!
Im trying to hold off now for a while after my second round for a week or more to see if i notice a difference again.
Its a right bugger in it! Just glad i found my pesky lump as i dont have mammagrams etc yet at my age. Never think its going to happen to you do you.
We are on the right path though… its a crappy one and life is on hold a bit but its worth it! X