July 2024 chemo starters

Definitely on the right path :smiling_face:

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Hiya ladies. I do agree google isn’t your friend. Not always upbto date information. Macmilian might be a good one to look at if you need to. Think we are all googlers in the early stages. Wishing you all well. Im having the 3rd and last session of the EC part then 3 sessionsof -T . Ive been ok so far. Even though ive decided not to cold cap anymore ive started to feel nervous :grimacing: but couldn’t go through the migraine type of pain it caused last time. Looked at my wigs earlier but they are quite long and now i think i prefer short :woman_facepalming:t3::woman_shrugging:t3: take care everyone :heart:


Hi everyone
Ive got my 7th Paclitaxel/Carboplatin/pembrolizmab infusion today. After being hospitalised last time I’m a bit nervous!
I met with the oncologist yesterday and he seemed to think it was more likely to be a reaction to the chemo rather than a virus. He decided to go ahead though and I’m to monitor my temperature once I’m back home and contact them if I feel unwell. I was tempted to ask to be admitted!!
The drugs are working so well that I’m happy to go ahead. My tumours ache and I like to think of their cells being killed off every time i have these treatments.
So fingers crossed it goes well today…I’ll put in an update.
Clare xx


All the best today @cf640

I completely get your worries and send a virtual hug

You’ve got this and I hope you sail through without any reactions


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Good luck @cf640 hope it all goes smoothly & theres no reaction. I would be nervous too.

I had my fifth paclitaxel this week and drs can’t decide whether rash I’ve developed on my armscis from paclitaxel or the pembro that I have 3 weekly. The steroid cream seems to be helping though. They has also prescibed me a tub of moisturiser, which is so thick I think I could use it to try and swim the channel. :grinning::smiley: :rofl:

Nice to meet you @jeml and @ourkirst, good luck with your treatments.

@louc we have gcse results next week too with my youngest! Defintely a time for celebrations
:champagne: . Daughter is very nervous waiting!

I have an appointment for a port fitting on Friday & also an ultrasound. The first I’ve had since starting the chemo. I am hoping the 2 tumours will have shrunk but my mind/emotions are all over the place.

I am watching race across the :earth_americas:. Not quite the same as going on holiday but funny to watchx

Best wishes to everyone on this thread today :heart:


Good luck today…
I have 6/12 weekly infusion today. So half way through the weekly ones.

@booklover1 is the rash itchy? Hope it reduces soon and the GCSEs are what they want. So much anxiety for parents and child alike I’m sure, but perhaps a nice distraction from the C?

Not sure who said their tumours ached, but mine do too. Intermittently. Not painful as such, but almost throbbing. I like to think it’s when the chemotherapy army are fighting the tumour army!

I get to see the oncologist team next week, I’m hoping for another scan to see if it’s reduced further, but will wait and see.

I remain really quite well and no significant side effects at this point. Apart from baldness and nausea. :person_bald:Taking each day as it comes!



Thank you!
And i hope you get good results from your ultrasound! Im sure you will do. Positive thought and i have my fingers crossed for you :heart: xx


There is nothing wrong with indulging! You deserve it with whats happening.
My 2 year old defo keeps me on my toes for sure. But my mum is here to the rescue she currently sleeping in her bed ( which my mum is loving ) and looking after her while i feel crappy from side effects. I had my second cycle yesterday and i just feel tired today. Still laid in bed might see if i can doze another hour lol i did hear my little one shout me though and i got mamma guilt haha but she as soon got distracted again.
Wow your still working. Good for you! I quit my job and became a stay at home mamma so i dont have that worry. But its normality and if its helping you feel more normal then thats a good thing. It keeps your mind going! As for the weight part… i have lost half a stone but my oncologist told me off saying i told you not to worry about losing weight… he said i dont want you to and if you lose more i will have to lower your chemo dose… so now im freaked out and had fish and chips yesterday hahaa x

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You’re halfway after today

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Thank you for the hug and replies @idcand49 and @booklover1.
Just got to keep going and hoping!

Hi @bex1
My tumours ache and the main one has shrunk by 34%. Maybe it will completely disappear by the surgery day!
It sounds like you’re on the same treatment as me. I’m triple negative with one lymph node and 3cm (not any more!!) as my largest lump.
Clare x


@cf640 yes, it’s the same treatment. I’m TNBC with 8 nodes. My tumour was 4.5 cm but now half (or was at 1 cycle, so hopefully smaller now).

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That’s amazing news about tumour shrinkage @bex1 and @cf640! I sometimes feel the tumour is achy the day after treatment.

I am doing a mindfulness visualisation for chemo treatment (its free on insight timer app and its with Dianne Hill if anyones interested). Its a bit american but I find it helpful but then again I am a bit weird :grinning: I like the bit where she talks about billions of immune defenders cleaning up the neighbourhood…

Re the rash, a little bit itchy. I am trying to cover up when I go out as I am very fair and I think a lot of the chemo drugs might be photosensitive? Is anyone finding they are more sensitive to the sun?

The mindfulness sounds apt, @booklover1. Cleaning or killing as long as they disappear. I’m just in tĥe chemo ward now thinking about how the strange becomes familiar.
I’m reading The Lost Man by Jane Harper. It is set in the Australian outback so i feel a long way from hospital. What are other people reading?
Clare x

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I love Jane Harper! & being transported to the Australian outback away from the chemo ward sounds no bad thing. I am reading The last murder at the end of the world by Stuart Turton, enjoying it so far. Its set on an idyllic island in a dystopian future.

Hope the chemos going well x

Good luck claire xxx

Hi @booklover1 weird is good. :laughing:. Yes im definitely more sensitive with the sun. Xxx

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When i first got my results because it was tnbc. I was offered genetic testing. That was in May. It did freak me out but had to put it to the back of my mind. Well today i was told results and good news. No mutation found sooo relieved haven’t got to have that conversation with my boys or sister. Just grabbed my oldest 25 for a hug. I hadn’t told anyone as whats the point of worrying them. Good news but still emotional. Love to you all. Xxxx


Wonderful news :heart: I am going to have this test too xx

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I am so pleased for you @debi1

I’m still waiting on my results, I remember being in a fog of information, I spit into the tube a posted it off on the dave they confirmed my diagnosis. (17th June). I’m not overly concerned as there is not much I can do about it. So need to continue to practice my patience.

I really feel like I’m in a computer game sometimes. You just collected the bonus star :star::wink: take the little wins!

That hug with your son will have meant a lot to him, more than you know! X

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