July 2024 chemo starters


I have TNBC and had the same genetic test in June and also had a negative result :+1: good to have some positive news in all this xx


Hi @booklover1
Iā€™ll give that a try! Thanks fie the recommendation.
Clare x

Thank you @debi1
So far, so good!! I want to keep getting the drugsā€¦

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How long does the genetic test take?

I did my late June

Sat on it for a bit as was overwhelmed when they gave it to me

I had just been told I needed better margins, it was found in a node & I needed a Pet scan

So took me a 2 months to finally have the courage to spit for 5 min lol


It looks like they are working on May cases. I sent mine on 17th June and have not received the result yet. Not long now I donā€™t think.

FYI- I was told but people can not confirm as have received. Itā€™s quite obvious when you get it in the post, there is a top note saying this is your results. So you know you prepare so you can have someone there with you to open x

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Thank you @bex1

Itā€™s definitely a letter to open with the husband then.

Getting the NHS letters already give me anxiety (triggered by onco letters to the drs showing more & more treatment required)

Seeing info so black & white made it ā€œrealā€ iykwim

Thatā€™s great news@deb1 Iā€™ve been tested too but only a couple of weeks ago so expect results will be a while yet.
Good luck for you final EC, then halfway through!xx

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Mine was a blood test i lt took 3 months hun. Xxx

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Thanks @deb1Yes mine was a blood test too, ah a little while to wait then, thanks for the heads up. At least Iā€™ll be quite a way through chemo by then. Xx

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Just setting off for mine. Speak later hun xxxx

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Got my 4th EC today then I will be halfway through fingers crossed!!
Had a call from the radiotherapy team this morning, he said if my chemo goes to plan then I have my 3 weeks of radiotherapy, I should be wrapped up by December!!
So itā€™s perked me up to get today done and carry on fighting so I can have a restful treatment free December and Christmas!!
I was recommended gene testing too but so far all Iā€™ve had is a questionnaire and I have a video appt next week! Unsure what thatā€™s for but there we are.
Hope youā€™re all okay on this Friday morning xxx


Well not going to plan this morning. Arrived for treatment. All meds are here and ive got canula in ready. But apparently my oncologist which i saw a week ago forgot to authorise my treatment and he is out of the country. So they are chasing after another oncologist to authorise it but they are in clinic so i dont think ill be a priority. Got a feeling ill be coming back on Monday. You couldnā€™t make it up. Ill keep you posted xxx



No way!

How frustrating! I hope they get hold of the other oncologist to give the go ahead.

My day at the hospital not as expected. First the port fitting got cancelled at the last minute as swab came back positive for MSSA (staph). I was tested at the beginning of treatment and all negative so they think I picked it up at the hospital.

To reassure anyone who this happens to, its not as bad as it sounds. You have to wash with this antimicrobial wash for 5 days as well as applying a ointment to your nose. It does mean the port has been put back til September now.

Then the ultrasound clinic cancelled the scan as no sonographer available!

:slight_smile: :woman_shrugging:

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Has anyone started weekly paclitaxel yet?
Just wondering how you have been feeling on it and if there are any particular days in the week you have felt particularly low x

@louc I have completed 6 sessions of Carbo/pactitaxal weekly.

I have my treatment on a Thursday and the worse day is Friday, Saturday is slightly better and symptoms reduce. Tuesdays and Wednesdays I am completely normal.

I have also found that as each week goes but and and the cumulative effect, the more tired and nauseous I get. But it is definitely manageable. X

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Oh no @deb1 Hope itā€™s gone ahead if not hope itā€™s v soon for you. My second round was delayed a week (had this Tues) due low neutrophils, but that was them keeping me safe, not a cock up at the hospital! So frustrating for you xx

@booklover1 sorry youā€™ve had a bad time too.ep Iā€™m back home. I came home from hospital around 11
Iā€™d been there since 8 30. They phoned me up at 12.30 saying they managed to get it authorised i could go back up or wait until Tuesday. I was back for 1.pm. :laughing: so all done and can get on with celebrating my sons 15th birthday tomorrow. No cold cap and nurse says probably be a week until it falls out. Hey ho. Onwards and upwards. @olli3 sorry to hear about neutrophils. Mine are usually low but lucky not too low up to now. Have a lovely weekend ladies. Be kind to yourselves xxx


Glad you got it done eventuallyā€¦ enjoy your celebrations tomorrow, a little bit of normality :hugs:
Best wishes to all you lovely ladies xx


Hi all sorry not been on here much tried to work as much as possible on the good days, went on a jolly last weekend to truck racing at donnington was very tiring but worth it we saw lots for friends from the same industry lots just didnā€™t know what to say to me and found it easy when I just spoke about it.
Tuesday saw me half way through round 3 of EC now onto the T part in 3 weeks oh I canā€™t wait the joys of something else to worry about different side effects yippee. But this round has knocked me out been sleeping for hours and no energy at all the dry throat started today itā€™s seems to come a day earlier each time. Not managed many work hours either but not too bothered about that.
Hope your all keeping as well as you can and chemo is being kind . Take care xxx

Photo of what i spent most of last weekend doing. We were in out camper not a lorry this year.