July 2024 chemo starters

@olli3 sorry to hear about the delay but safe as they say

Do you have the GSF injections post chemo?

@debi1 hooray to getting this round done in the end. What are you doing for your son’s bday? My youngest turned 15 beginning of July and his present was me delaying my first chemo by a a week, lol. Jokes aside I was not going to have my first treatment on his birthday but we just went out for dinner & he was given clothes & gaming stuff. I find boys so hard to buy gifts for.

@lilo1973 so nice you made it to a jolly! Did it feel ok? I went into the office this week a couple of times and I find some colleagues are super curious about my treatment & others avoid the chat about it. I just wing it. I’ve managed to not need a scarf much (mainly to hide greys). Hitting halfway must feel like a milestone! Will you need radio after?

I definitely do & was told the referral goes in after the halfway point (which I am) but still no news of when planning will be & how many sessions.

Chemo is the only part of my treatment where dates and duration were discussed from the outset. It was oddly reassuring as I’m a “planner”.

Even what type of surgery I needed wasn’t confirmed until 9 days before it happened.

Anyways, I need to learn to let go & roll with it :wink:

Hope everyone had a good week!


@deb1 great you got it done! Happy Birthday to your son :slight_smile: :partying_face:

@louc I have just finished 5th weekly paclitaxel with carboplatin & pembro every third week. On the paclitaxel only weeks I am finding symptoms ok, feel tired and need to eat lightly the day after treatment as tummy a bit sensitive but then ok. Good luckx

@lilo1973 the truck racing weekend looked fun!

@idcand49 I am a planner too! Trying to relax a bit and roll with everything.

Happy Saturday xx


Hi all my son has woken up with a cold this morning any advice to help me manage this …….
He is 17 so old enough to understand the risk to me. X

@debi1 so glad to hear you had you treatment yesterday and enjoy your son’s bday celebrations today.
@lilo1973 the trucking event sounds fun, great to get away before the onslaught of round 3, I hope throat ok & you get your energy back soon, I’ve only had round 2 so far a def not sailing though, wiped out for the first week really then ok for the rest.
@idcand49 yes i have the GSF injections, had an infection after first chemo so wonder if that contributed to the low neutrophils
@louc that’s a worry, I guess ask him to self isolate as much as possible, & do all precautions like during COVID, as he’s 17 I’m sure he’ll be aware to do his best to protect his mum.
@ourkirst hope yours went well yesterday too, wow, great to get to halfway point and looking to be done by Christmas :christmas_tree: :blush:
Have a good weekend everyone xx


Nice to hear from you. Love the pic glad you managed to go for a break. Yes i feel it bothers friends more than me but i usually crack a joke and alls well lol. Good luck with the rest of you treatment like you um on to T next time. Take care xxx

I took him to trampoline park with his friends day before my treatment just in case i wasn’t up to much today but im fine so having a bbq tea. Not that sunny atm ah well. Yeah just football shirt and money. With us going on a jolly next Saturday im sure he will spend it wisely. Not :laughing:. Im a planner too feel more settled when i know what’s happening. Take care love. X


@olli3 can i just ask if you know what your neutrophils count was. I was just wondering what would delay treatment. When i had bloods taken for rhumatiod arthritis whenever it dropped below 1. i had to come if meds a couple of weeks. Xx

I’m sure he will understand to isolate from you

When my youngest passed me Covid btw rd 1 & 2 I reminded my lot that washing hands etc needed to happen & if they felt out of sorts to let me know etc

I’m sure you will be ok but do take care


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I’ve had 5 weekly placitaxel. My treatment day is Thursday and I feel ok all the days after. Prob Saturday a bit tired and slightly dodgy tummy but apart from that I’ve been all good.

Plan is to get to 12 cycles so assuming each cycle will make me a little more tired xx

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Hey ladies. How are you all doing??
I had my second cycle of docetaxel & carboplatin along with HER2 injection on weds.
Feeling tired but not too bad up to now.
Anyone else get side effects from those injections in stomach? Starting them again tomorrow… yay. I was sick last time… but hoping to keep on top of it.
Jemma :slight_smile: x

It was 0.6, they said it had to be 1 for treatment to go ahead, fortunately after another week it had gone up to 2 so was ok x

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Hi all
I ended up in hospital again! They think it is more likely to be an infection this time becmy temperature fluctuated. In here until Monday, i may have a week off. I’d like to not have paclitaxel again but so far that option hasn’t been mentioned!!
Clare xx


@cf640 I’m sorry to hear you have been admitted, that is no fun for you.

I hope you can recover quickly and make the most of being cared for and they can find the right treatment for you that kicks the cancers butt and keeps you well.

I am sure there are options. I am on a reduced dose of Pactitaxal and it’s still shrinking the tumour.

Sending big hugs :hugs:

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Sorry you ended up being kept in. I hope your team will be able to sort out whats causing it and adjust your treatment if its needed…

Wishing you all the best for a quick recovery xx

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I thought so just wanted to make sure mine was 1 this time phew. Xxx

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Oh no claire so sorry love. Keep your chin up. Hope youre been looked after well. Sending hugs xxx

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In grand scheme I suppose loosing holidays weddings etc shouldnt matter but …
Have just had to cancel my place on reunion cruise with 9 others I joined Q.As with 50 years ago .Just to add insult Pand O not giving me money back or cancellation invoice as friend still going in cabin .It’s only money!
One week after second cycle taking longer to feel human this time and wondering whether to continue cold cap as extremely thin on top.
Best wishes to all you amazing women


It’s still heartbreaking when so much is out of our control that a more kind approach couldn’t be adopted to even meet you half way. You’d think we asked for this. As the saying goes, quick enough to take your money……but when you’d like some kind customer service…… not a chance :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Yes,I’ve had a rougher ride on the second EC, queasy more, still very tired and woozy after over a week and generally not as lively as the first one. Anyone’s guess what the third will be like :flushed:. And then comes the weekly paclitaxel…… let’s hope that’s a bit kinder :partying_face:

Take care sweetie x


Thanks all for your best wishes.
I’m in a side room now because I’m neutropenic and generally fed up.
Some people are so much worse off than me and I know i will get better at dealing with this but right now, I want a shower and my bedroom and some fruit!!
My sons have contacted me and offered to come in. Maybe i should say yes but I’m not good at accepting help. If they say I have to stay until Tuesday, I’ll ask a friend to come and bring me satsumas.
I’m looking forward to being discharged whenever that might be. The current plan is that I go home early this coming week and miss chemo because I’ll still be on antibiotics.
I’d feel even worse without you all. It’s great hearing news and plans and about other women’s lives. So thank you all xx


I am sorry about the ongoing hospital stay, I hope they are taking good care of you!

Let your sons/friends pop in with some satsumas. They will like having something to do to help. I am sure you would be first there if it was the other way round! I am the same, don’t like asking for anything.

I am impressed with your craving satsumas, I would probably be thinking about crisps or chocolate :chocolate_bar:

Hope you’re home soon and your blood count goes up quickly xx

P.s. how is the book?