July 2024 chemo starters

@cf640 hi Clare hope you’re ok. I agree with @booklover1 except a visit from your son’s. Im sure it will be a nice pick me up. And im sure they’d like to see you. Hope you get home soon. Ive been out today to a local farm but ive probably pushed myself a little too much withbut being my sons b day weekend. But just took it really slow and for the first time came to bed for a couple of hours when I got home. Not poorly just really tired :sleeping:. Ive had a lovely day though do im glad i went. I probably push myself as im the only one who drives. Take care ladies. Wishing you all well. Xxx


Hi @booklover1
Oh, it was fabulous! I want to get more of her books. I found the one I finished in a charity shop. I need to order a kindle charger, find my kindle and charge it so my house doesn’t end up full of paperbacks.
My older son did pop in earlier today to drop off his favourite books- a Wodehouse which I’ve started and a fat dull looking history book by Tom Holland. I’ll need the chocolate to read that last one!!
I’ll ask my friend to visit tomorrow if they keep me here longer. The hospital is about 90 minutes round trip from home so I feel it’s indulgent to ask…but they do keep offering. Ive handwashed pj because I was sick on them but I’d brought two pairs so I keep doing that. It’s not as if there is much else to do except work out how I’m feeling!!
Clare xx


Hi @debi1
Oh, I bet they enjoyed having you there!!
I’ve found when I’m doing stuff, that the tiredness comes all of a sudden.
Great that you got out though. Memories and celebrations are so important. Well done, you


Hi All, so after having my second treatment delayed due to covid it finally went ahead 9 days ago. I finished the injections the other day and the past few days have been terrible- totally wiped out ( I fell asleep for Over 3 hours on the sofa today) and the body aches are just awful - has anyone else experienced this on EC? Xx

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Up to now haven’t really noticed anything with the injections. Feel ive been lucky. Just today’s been the worst. Just had 3rd Ec fri and felt woozy today. But of to bed and see what tomorrow brings. Sorry you’ve had a rough time. Xxxx

I am sorry that you’re in hospital Clare, I hope you’re out soon and back to your home comforts.
I had my 2nd EC on Friday and it has knocked me for six, I’m quite tearful this time, has anyone else experienced this too. Can’t find those positive pants anywhere :see_no_evil:
Hugs to all xx


Sorry to hear you are in hospital Clare, hope you are home soon and they sort your treatment plan out to avoid any further issues!

In for start of Cycle 3 (week 7) tomorrow, so a long day in store!!

Not looking forward to EC having read some comments on here sounds grim :unamused:

Good luck with your next treatment everyone.

:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: xx

Hi @ldm I have had the filgrastim injections but on paclitaxel, are these the ones? They make me very achy. It completly wipes me out too. My neutrophils hover around 1 and after the injections they are elevated (18) but as soon as I have the next treatment they drop to 1 again. I hope you are feeling better. How many injections do you have to take?

@debi1 & @alisona1 sorry you are not feeling great :bouquet:. I hope you can rest up today. I have EC after the paclitaxel, & as @caz1970 says from what people mention the symptoms do seem more intense than on paclitaxel. Have you any tips?

Are you on paclitaxel with carboplatin & pembro every 3rd week too @caz1970? I have week 6 tomorrow…

Clare, I hope you get to go home today or if not at least get the satsumas! The Jane Harper books I’ve read all feature the same detective (Aaron Falk) but are stand alone novels in different settings (The Dry/Force of Nature/Exiles), I would recommendx


Yes I am @booklover1 so on Pac/carboplatin and Pembro currently and no. 7 tomorrow!

I know everyone reacts differently but does seem to be that majority of those on EC do suffer more with side effects, so yes any tips are welcome :grin:

Carolyn :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Yes @booklover1 it those injections. I have them from day 5 to day 10. Last time they just made me feel a bit sick, this time it’s been pretty awful side effects - although I’m not 100% sure if it’s the chemo or the injections! I’ve one more round of EC then I move onto 9 weeks of paclitaxel xx

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@alisona1 my 2nd EC has completely knocked me too. I’m on week two of the cycle so hope it settles soon xx


Hi @alisona1

I’m so sorry you are feeling rough after your EC. I had 12 weekly Paclitaxels and had some really rough days. I have continued to have Herceptin injections and the first time I had it on its own I felt so rough. It also made me quite tearful as I thought I wouldn’t feel so bad after chemo finished. I think we are all individual and some people react differently to treatment than others, it’s like different pain thresholds.

Feeling tearful is a normal feeling through the whole of this journey. I found telling my chemo group was helpful as well as my husband. I know sometimes I cried alone and quietly as I didn’t want to make a fuss. The BCN nurses are there for you if you want a chat they would have heard it all before.

  • Helpline: 0808 800 6000 (Mon-Fri 9am-4pm; Sat 9am-1pm). Speak to our trained helpline team. No questions are too big or too small.

If you have a breast care nurse they may also be a wonderful person to speak to. Mine is lovely but I know she is really busy with clinics etc and when I phoned the BCN nurses they had more time for me.

You have put some lovely supportive comments on for others and I wanted to say you are also doing great. Chemo is a lot to deal with but it’s doable.

Take care :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@cf640 hope you are home now. :pray:t2: let us know if they delay the next cycle

@debi1 sounds like a very busy weekend and a wonderful bday celebration for your son.

I had quite a “productive” onco appt today with my referral for radio going in today (it needs to be at a diff hospital as mine does not have “the kit”)

My dr is also adjusting the pre meds due to my allergic reaction to Docetaxel & is weaning me off the steroids (so taking it a bit longer post chemo at a reduced dose) as opposed to having me go cold turkey. She explained I was going through a withdrawal of sorts on day 3 & 4

I’m hoping all of this will mean a better cycle 3 - let’s see

Endocrine treatment will also be discussed at our next appt in 3 weeks

Feels like I’m going a bit forward in this journey

Re GSF injections I take an antihistamine daily a few days before I start them, during the 5 day injection and for 2-3 days after

And ibuprofen during injection period

Bone pain & other flu symptoms seem to be minimal

Sadly feeling tired always comes and goes

Has anyone started losing eyelashes ? I have !! Makes for v sticky eyes ugh

Hope everyone is having a good start to the week & here’s to ticking more cycles off



Hi all
Yes, i am still here in solitary. I had my bag packed and was dressed and ready to go when i was told i had another day because my neutrophils are still <1, hovering around .9. The dr did say that other people on chemo might be below 1 but if they werent reporting in sick, they were hopefully ok but because I’m in, they don’t want to risk sending me home.
Maybe tomothen as I will have been taking the oral antibiotic for 24 hours but I’m not asking for a lift home yet.
I asked if my regimen would be changed so this doesn’t happen again and the answer was no! That surprised me. Unless they absolutely have to, they don’t. Bollocks. I’ll see what my oncologist says. I have a week off now to give my bloods a chance to improve. Then on to complete, or maybe not, the rest of paclitaxel/carbo and straight onto EC. I’m counting off the infusions!!
I hope this helps someone else who is feeling grumpy and lonely…and I really hope the rest of you aren’t grumpy and lonely
Clare xx


Oh Clare that’s pants !

Not sure how often they change a regime vs holding off for a week or 2 (my onco warned me about delays todays and to not be disappointed if this happens) but make your voice heard

Bet you just want your own bed so hope the antibiotics start working


Hi @idcand49
My own bed with a non plastic mattress will be heavenly. I’ll fantastize about that tonight. i didn’t realise that pausing for a week or two was preferable to powering through. I definitely a pauser now! A week off! :sweat_smile: :money_mouth_face:
Clare xx

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Hi @booklover1
This Jane Harper one was a normal (Outback normal) family where one of the brothers died. Not many characters but they seemed to manage to complicate their lives despite that.
I’ll must sort out my reading. I’m still not organised.
I’m dreading EC too. …i should be starting that in October.
Clare xx

Hope the antibiotics do their magic and you are out tomorrowxxx

I will look out for that book! Sounds good.

I am trying not to think too far ahead but its hard. We will get through it :muscle:

Take care of yourself xxx :heart:

@cf640 sorry you are in hospital again . Are they giving you injection to help your neutrophils? Something like the filgistram ? When I was in and my neutrophils were 0.55 they gave me daily injections for a couple of days as well as the antibiotics and it brought them back up quickly .
Hope you get home soon - hospitals are not the place for rest and full of germs !
I’ve got round 3 tomorrow, doing the Docetaxol slowly again and hoping I don’t feel so tired this time - we can but hope :pray:
Take care everyone


Best of luck Bibi for round 3

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