July 2024 chemo starters

The Lost Man

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Hi @Bibi
No injections so i will ask my oncologist about that in case this happens again. There seems to be no hurry to get me out. 9.00 and not a peep out of the team.
Good luck with your treatment! I hope you sail through xxx


When you are losing your eyelashes lots of debris can get into your eyes and you can also find they might become very dry.

Your team or GP can prescribe something to help. I had carbomer eye gel some had viscotears which act as artificial tears, helping to wash out debris and keep them moist.

I was in hospital mid way through my Paclitaxel with an unknown infection but the neutrophil count was ok. I was in for 6 days until the temperature was normal and had 4 different iv antibiotics until one worked. Being in a room of your own can be solitary but itā€™s best to prevent you becoming more unwell. I was in hospital in November and kept the window open for fresh air as there were loads coughing and spluttering walking past the room. I had my dose reduced after this and had a delay of 2 weeks to get better before the next infusion. I had already had the dose reduced after an allergic reaction. The reductions help you to preserve to the end of your treatment rather than stopping. I was informed by an oncology professor that they give a standard dose to everyone and would love to be able to give bespoke doses to individuals, just enough to kill the cancer and prevent side effects but they are not there yet. The standard dose is usually more than we actually need so donā€™t be disheartened if your dose is reduced or infusion delayed, itā€™s something many of us have had.

Youā€™re all doing great :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



Thanks for this. My oncologists put me on a lower dose 70% I think :thinking:. He did say it common practice but its reassuring knowing im probably getting enough. Xx

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@naughty_boob thanks for info re reduction in dosage - my oncologist mentioned we might do that as I have been having a lot of bone pain but I was like no no give me the max I want to kill the bugger. Maybe I should rethink - we agreed I would try this round and see how I go .
Today was fine - just got to see how the next week pans out now :crossed_fingers:


Hi all
Iā€™m released! Itā€™s on condition that i donā€™t mingle too much etc. Covid rules.
I was given a talking to by a non-breast consultant who said reducing your dose is the last thing weā€™ll do. Theyā€™d rather pause my treatment.
Hopefully he is saying that because he comes from a speciality where that is the case. Iā€™m pretty sure my consultant mentioned lowerjng my dose. I have an appointment with him next Thursday an hour before chemo so Iā€™ll find out then.
Itā€™s just so lovely being in my own bed again and having a proper window to look out of. And a freshly made cup of tea and cooking my own food.
I found my kindle and have charged it and will load it up with books in case I go in again. Iā€™ll get some more Jane Harper.
Any other authors people are reading? I went through Andrew Taylorā€™s historical novels at the beginning of chemo.
I hope your treatments go well/have gone well this week.
Clare xx


Hi, glad you are home @cf640 and enjoying your home comforts again :smiley:

I have an ultra sound booked next Friday so hoping to find out that the last 7 weeks have been successful, as too scared to feel my lump myself :rofl: but pain and swelling has reduced so feeling hopeful :+1:

Started cycle 3 yesterday and although went ok in the end slight delay as they needed to contact onco re some blood results and then the drugs were not ready :face_with_peeking_eye: so with cold capping too was a long day of 6 1/2 hours, just glad I got it done as touch and go for a bit.

Hope all goes well for everyone this week :two_hearts:

Carolyn xx


Yay! Great news @cf640 I hope you will enjoy that fresh cup of tea & your own bedxx

@caz1970 I had my 6th treatment yesterday, also a long day with waiting for chemo drugs to be released. Hope you are able to rest up today. Good luck with the scan xx

I am thinking of getting a dog to make me get out of the house when autumn comes. Is the a mad idea?

Thanks @booklover1 its frustrating isnā€™t it when these delays happen, but all part of the fun I guess :crazy_face:

I was nagged by my 2 boys for years to get a dog and finally gave in during covid as able to work from home, best thing I ever did he has been my godsend throughout all this, and so glad I can still take him out for walks at the mo really helps with your mental health :grin: and fitness :+1:

Carolyn :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I love mad ideas. We have a dog - officially my sonā€™s but i end up walking her most of the time. Sheā€™s always so pleased to see me unless sheā€™s in a mood. I think pets are a great distraction and wonderful for mental health.
Do you have someone or can you find aomeone who will help with walks?
Clare xx


@deb1 and @bibi I was also lowered (think 15% for Docetaxel and 20% for Cyclophosphamide) as I had too many side effects cycle 1. Cycle 2 was still rubbish but at least the boils in my tongue and tingly limbs were not an issue. My friend is a breast cancer onco and they do have a range of dosage that can be used but the default is always max to the max lol. Wouldnā€™t it be wonderful if they could work out the correct dosage for each individual based on their body? Wonder if AI will play a part in doing this in the future like it does with scans? :pray:

@cf640 hopefully you will get the respite needed whether it is a pause or a reduced dose. But most importantly how wonderful it is to be at home in your own bed! Bet that cup of tea was exactly how you liked it too.

@caz1970 ā€“ hooray for ticking of cycle 3. How are you feeling now? My thoughts will be with you next Friday.

@booklover1 We are thinking about a dog too but just canā€™t face the added responsibility. My youngest is 15 and I am finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel where I will get going on getaways (haha, in my dreams but one can wish). Anyways I think I will relent once I can get my life together after this bump on the road.

I am attempting to fast for cycle 3 tomorrow but all I want to do is have this very chocolatey M&S biscuit I have with a creamy cup of coffee. ARGH, will I be able to do it? The steroids normally wipe my appetite but now that I am looking to fast I feel hungry. Go figure!

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@cf640 great to hear you are home - relax and enjoy :smiling_face:

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@cf640 and @caz1970 thanks for your feedback on dogs. I always get a bit low in autumn/lead up to Christmas as its when I lost my mum. A few years ago now but somehow still has a physical effect. I know getting out will help & I have a good friend with a dog who would help when needed. Also husband and daughter when not at work/collegeā€¦

@idcand49 I am weighing up on effect of dog on travel too, would so love a holiday after this. Lots to think aboutā€¦

My appetite is also all over the place too, one day I canā€™t face anything next day I only fancy something I donā€™t have in the house :expressionless: Maybe the fast can start after the lovely biscuitā€¦all the best for tomorrow x


Hi @idcand49,

I am doing ok today thanks :grin: but start the 5 days of jabs tomorrow which bring their own lovely side effects, mostly bone pain!

Carolyn xx

I didnā€™t really know if any side affects were chemo related or injections. Id had leg aches a little last time. But oh my yesterday was the first day of injections and last night I had maybe 10 to 15 mins of the most shocking pain in my leg. Was like cramps without the muscle spasm. The pain was so intense i didnā€™t know what to do with myself. So just cried :cry:. Havenā€™t had anything as yet tonight so fingers crossed. Just started picking up today so hope im over the worse from this session xxx

Sounds awful @debi1 poor you :pensive:

I took doculax last night for constipation and woke up with horrendous stomach pain but eventually it did its job and felt better, so difficult to pin point what is causing the side effects when we have so many drugs to take :tired_face:

Hope feeling better today :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thanks @caz1970 didnā€™t get pain yesterday and im ok today. Hopefully youā€™ll feel better too. Off for another haircut today. I really though it would have fallen out by now especially with stopping cold cap. Havenā€™t lost eyebrows of any other body hair. It is a lot thinner but only comes out after a wash or comb. What will be will be i suppose. Take care xxx

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@caz1970 the side effects of each med is so hard to navigate tbh
Glad youā€™re feeling better. How many more cycles have you got?

I had my 3/4 TC and it well better than the 2nd with the Docetaxel being infused over 2 hrs not 1 and taking more meds to stop a reaction. The day was extra long and I came home with quite the cold capping forehead imprint. The nurse I had didnā€™t know how to put the gauze to protect me like the 2 other 2.

@debi1 im dreading the GSF as this cycle I fasted for just under 36 hours (desperately trying all hacks - 24 hrs before & 12 hours day of) and hand on heart I feel way better than my first 2. I mean low level nausea lingering but not the usual horrible ā€œchemical feelā€.

Those shots give me a horrible lower limb pain too. Iā€™m taking x 1 centirizine am 5 days leading to it and will take x 2 when I start them (am /pm) and down to 1 a day post last injection for 2 days

Oncon approved but didnā€™t quite believe it would help. Not enough studies to prove it I guess lol but there has been come an anecdotally it does trick.

I do have a q for you wonferful July starters. What are your current neutrophil levels

Mine is now 1.9! This was for my bloods cycle 3. I hear 1.5 is the cutoff and obv worried I will be delayed

Prechemo mine was 4.7
After cycle one 2.8, drop of 60% ish
After cycle two 1.9, drop of 69%

I feel like I donā€™t have more room to drop!

Any advice on this? More protein? Rest? Avoid colds

I really donā€™t want a delay or something worse like neutropenia (Iā€™m checking my temp twice a day now)

Anyhow I seem to have a very snorer husband so will get up and have a coffee while my tongue is not icky yet


My eyelashes are dropping off already! Lower ones by the inside corners - sticky eyes from it

And my lady garden is pretty gone but an area ā€œhanging in toughā€ :rofl:

Hair is about 30% gone too but mainly thinning so far & hidden bald patches my by ways and scalp by ears. My 15 yr said itā€™s not bald bald, kinda like dad s where this a bit of hair sprouting



Morning @idcand49,

I am 7 down on weekly Paclitaxol then start EC for 4 cycles every 3 weeks! Plan then is surgery followed by poss Radiotherapy and continue on Pembro for 4 cycles! Seems like forever still :pensive:

With regards your q on neutrophils that was one reason I was delayed on Tues as mine was 1.1!! But onco wanted me to proceed! I am having bloods done again today ready for next Tues so will see what they are later today :crossed_fingers:

Like you just want to keep going, although have found the last 7 weeks have gone quick considering :crazy_face:

Take care all :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: