July 2024 chemo starters

Oh interesting the onco was up for it at 1.1!

Thought the cut off was 1.5….

I’m like you as just want this done. I was diagnosed by mammo unofficially 20 Feb and officially from biopsy 27 Feb

Literally have spent most of my last months as a 49 year old in sort of treatment & like many of us, so much more to do

I used to loathe the word journey but it really does describe it

Hope the neuts are at the right levels! :crossed_fingers:t2: and toes crossed xx


@idcand49 my treatments (paclitaxel) have gone ahead with neutrophils at 1.1 and 1.3. Prechemo I was at 4

The filgrastim injections I have 1 in 3 cycles elevate it to above 10 but they always drop again after the next cycle.

I hope you are through the worst of the pain with the injections @Deb1. I get bad lower back pain and leg pain. The bcn said it was the bone marrow of the long bones growing white blood cells. Bloody painful though! Interested to hear about anthistamine helping will try that next round.

I am having a week off treatment as rash has come back, arms are hot to the touch and red. I am back on steroid cream and antithistamines. I have an appointment for a scan next week.

Has anyone had their rbc and haemoglobin fall a lot? I guess its a common side effect. Trying to eat more iron rich foods but not a big meat eater!

@booklover1 wow so the 1.5 is not necessarily a cut off

My HBG and WBC seem solid and platelets even gone down to a healthy number (thanks chat gpt for the info :rofl:) neuts defo down by a lot but looks like maybe if just below 1.5 will be ok? I’m projecting of course as it’s currently 1.9 lol

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Hi @idcand49
I was admitted with neutropenia. Before infusion 7 of Paclitaxel/ carbo/ pembro, I had a count of 1.23. The consultant said i was borderline but it was worth the risk. I ended up spe ding 5 days in with a mysterious infection. On IV antibiotics and then oral to take home. They wouldn’t let me out until my neutrophils were near 1 and on day 5, they were .95 so i was allowed to go home with cautions.
This is my dilemma how long will they take to improve? Apparently nobody can predict because they plateau occasionally.
I’ve had a delay of one cycle. I am concerned tjey wont be ok for next week or if they are they will dip again.i can’t imagine that this is a good result or use of their limited resouces.
I have an appt with my oncologist just before my next infusion. I’m nervous already!!
Clare x

Gosh that’s super low! Did you have a fever too or was it just from the bloods they knew ?

This worries me as think sometimes we are experiments of risk and they calculate x % get this and deal with it when/if it happens

Hope you get to the next cycle swiftly

Light is there at the end of this long tunnel

Hi @idcand49
I think my lowest was ,7 when i was admitted. I had a fever and was vomiting.
I’m trying to work out what happened. My chemo finished at 3 and i was admitted at 10pm so it was a direct result of (I guess?), low neutrophils? It wasn’t sepsis. I’m hoping ill be offered neutrophils enhancing drugs next time it dips. I have a run of 6 weekly treatments next so i can envisage it all happening again. I did ask why i just couldn’t be admitted to save me the worry of working out if I’m ill. I think they thought i was joking…
Clare xx

And yes. I was told this was a risk and basically get on with it by a snotty oncology registrar. Im hoping my oncologist will be more understanding of how upsetting these experiences are (happened to me twice now but 2nd time was worse).

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Hope everyone’s ok in our July group xx

I’m about to get my 7/12 weekly PLacitaxel and starting to experience neuropathy 2-3- days after treatment for 2 days.

Has anyone else had this and they reduced the dose?

I’m still cold capping and no hair loss as of yet. Xxx


Keep going ladies you are doing amazing!


Had round 3 last Tuesday - taken till today to feel OK - Docetaxol is taking it out of me - but at least no infections so far this time :crossed_fingers:
Take care all xx


I watched Strictly Amy: Cancer and me - on BBC 1 today. You can watch it on iPlayer.

Felt very real, I recommend for others (our support network) to watch as she was very open about the emotions we are feeling going through treatment. Àmy was only 32 when diagnosed.

Another warrior xxx


@kerrylou1 I had to have my dose reduced a bit due to tingles (and I iced my hands & feet during infusion) maybe ask what the options are? My onco friend says using compression during infusion also helps & her hospital has it on offer for treatment.

Let me know how you get on.

Well done re the hair! I’ve lost 30ish % and need a headband to feel confident but shedding has slowed & I have one more treatment left if things go to plan (mid Sep)


@bex1 I have been following Amy since my diagnosis & think she’s such an inspiration. I’m going to get up & watch it now as my teens and hubby are asleep

We have managed to escape London to Devon. I booked a last min (refundable haha) cottage for after my 3rd treatment

Onco approved as it is UK travel

I was on day 5 and felt awful on the way here yesterday but we plan on not doing much today but relax & enjoy the country views.

Do have a q for you lovely July ladies … has anyone developed tinnitus from treatment? I have cycle 3! So weird

I also haven’t gotten my period (I did btw cycle 1-2) so guess this is the chemo induced menopause?

Hope everyone had a wonderful bank holiday


@cf640 how are you feeling now? X

Having had the injections again this week I have had severe back/neck pain over ths weekend it feels like nerve spasms rather than bone pain which is typical with the filgrastim jab, or could this be nauropathy symptoms which tends to affect hands and feet??

Yesterday just felt like flu symptoms and ached all over :pensive:

Anyway in for Pac no.8 today so will discuss with nurses.

Haven’t wtched Amy documentary yet but will defo catch up on this later today.

Just wondering if there is any alternative to these pesky jabs?? At least thats them done for another two weeks :tada:

Hope all goes well for you all this week ladies :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

All the best for no 8!

Ticking them down must feel amazing!

Not sure we can avoid the jabs but let me know if you find out - loathe them too :wink:

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@idcand49 so pleased you got away. I managed to go to our Annual camping trip for BH. I even managed a bit of paddle boarding. Although, I agree that maybe that was a step too far as it exhausted me. :rofl:

I am glad your hair is holding on. I didn’t cold cap, I shaved my hair to a grade 1. I am on cycle 3 of 4 pac/carbo. AND my hair is growing back. I’m sure it will fall out again when I start the EC. But it’s strange. I am on a reduced dose of pac.

Enjoy your break @idcand49, hope you have a lovely time. I will look out for the documentary on Amy. I am impressed with the camping & paddleboarding @bex1! We are trying to get away for the weekend before oyr youngest goes back to college.

@caz1970 I hope no. 8 goes well & you get an answer to the neuropathy question. I have had a little bit of tingling in my hands/feet this last cycle that I was going to ask about next time. I have been wearing compression socks & gloves to try and prevent it but not sure if there is anything else.

@cf640 how are you recovering at home? I wondered whether it was worth asking about the filgrastim injections to help with the neutrophils. They are not much fun but do seem to bring the numbers up quickly…

I had my scan this morning, I was so nervous but it was good news. The 2 lesions had shrunk by approx. half and also the node. It made me a lot calmer about missing a week while my rash clears up.

Good luck everyone this week x


Hi all!
I have had a lovely week off. I decided not to worry about what the lumps are up to if they are not getting nuked…
I’m feeling so much better and sort of dreading the next infusion in case i end up in hospital again. Illl ask about injections and dose reductions and see where it gets me!!
It sounds like you’ve all been active which is great to hear. I cant imagine paddleboarding or camping or going away at the moment!
I found a very strange library book about a medievel num solving mysteries by Peter Tremayne @booklover1 - ever heard of thees books? I can’t work out if I liked it or not.
I hope you all have a positive week! Ill report back about what ny oncologist says.
Clare xx


Have you continued to cold cap with losing the 30%? I’m only 6/12 of the PAC before another 4 of EC and fully expect some to start dropping soon! I mention the tingling each week but nothing been said as of yet. Will mention again this week.

I too started my period the same day as my first taxol and then nothing since ( so it’s approx 3 weeks late) so I assume I am too headed into chemical menopause at 45. :see_no_evil:

@bex1 are you on the 3 weekly PAC - do you have to have injections with it? I start my 2 weekly EC whenever my PAC stops (dependent on neuropathy) . Well done on the paddle boarding not sure I could face that! :heart:

@cf640 if you don’t mind me asking what infusion are you on? And glad you had a pretty normal week . You deserve it xxx :kissing_heart:

Hope we all have a good week. I find I get excited to get to another chemo day then sit there and think it’s chemo what am I getting so excited about :rofl: xx

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Hi all,

Good to hear all your updates, we are getting there ladies :muscle:

The injections are really shaking it up for me, I suffer severe chills and cold like symptoms the day after my last one and them I’m ok again. Only one more EC to go then onto the ‘T’ part, I’m going to mention it to the Oncologist at the weekend.

So good to hear we are getting out and about in between treatments. So tempted to book a little break abroad next year but not quite daring to take the plunge yet :see_no_evil:

Hugs to all :smiling_face: x

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