July 2024 chemo starters

Hi, seems the nerve pain is a normal reaction to jabs, I have been doing them in the morning so will try them in the eve next time :crossed_fingers:

Great news re your scan, mine is on Friday :grimacing:


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I am on weekly PAC/Carbo ā€¦ not on Pembro because of my liver. Although my liver is now fine according to my bloods, so I have requested they review it.

I have 12 x weekly, I have done 8/12 and then I go to 3 weekly x 4 of the EC.

I think I have also been pushed into medical menopause at age 45. I am experiencing hot flushes and night sweats. I do get tired and nauseous.

Paddle boarding was pushing it, I didnā€™t stay out long!


@bex1 i remember you saying now you have two teenagers - mine are 12 and 15 so similar. Hate to say it but canā€™t wait for end of summer hols (am I a bad mother :see_no_evil:)

Ah so Iā€™m two weeks behind you as about to have 7/12 PAC but Iā€™m not having any other chemo with it.

My periods have stopped as I said above but no flushes/sweats YET!

My ec is supposedly going to be fortnightly for 4 cycles - I do wonder why they do some 3 weekly and some fortnightly

Oh ā€¦ I am so ready for my kids to go back to school, yes - same ages (14&12). They are bickering and they are ready too. I took them to buy their school supplies today! Not a bad mum - itā€™s totally normal.

I canā€™t wait for some routine. Although I gave up my full time job when I got my diagnosis. I am worried I will be bored. I just donā€™t do sitting down well.

I donā€™t know why the treatments arenā€™t the same in frequency, it maybe about scheduling rather than science?


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Hi. I first noticed tinnitus a few years ago but i definitely noticed it getting worse after i started treatment xx

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Interesting about the side effects of the injections. I hope you donā€™t get the nerve pain next time. Good luck with your scan on Friday xx :heart:

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Good luck with the oncology appointment @cf640. I am glad you have been able to recover at home xx. I think I have seen the books you are talking about (I work in a library!) & the author is a historian. I havenā€™t read one yet. I started reading You are here by David Nicolls a while ago and just picked it up again. Its quite sweet, 2 middle aged people set up by their friends & a lot of hiking.

@alisona1 everything I book now is always refundable - after this year, too anxious to throw caution to the wind

@kerrylou1 still cold capping and although the first 10 min are harder with less hair I find chewing ice chips and icing hands/feet worse. My docetaxel is now over 2 hrs since my reaction and gave up ice chipping last cycle. My lips were blue & felt so nauseous I stopped with 35 min still left. When I see an ice cube I feel sick :face_vomiting: itā€™s defo some sort of post event trigger

The weather is Devon is finally turning and we went for a lovely cream tea today in Hele at an old mill. Felt normal for a bit (tired but normal)

@booklover1 @cf1979 I used to read a ton of fiction but since my diagnosis Iā€™ve lost the umph for it - must get back to it !

@caz1970 all the best for Fridayā€™s scan :crossed_fingers:t2:


Well Iā€™ve come to sunny skegness for a last minute break. Nice and relaxing until my mum was ill we had to call an ambulance. Bless her think sheā€™s had a TIA. She recovered fairly quickly but was really scary for us all. After an hour inside ambulance decided no hospital needed but doctors when we get home. Bless her shes in her 80s and says she canā€™t be ill because ive got enough to deal with. A couple more days to go. Its nice to be away but not sure how relaxed i feel. Really upset my 15 year old seeing his nan ill. Phone appointment with oncologist before I set off home on Saturday and i hope he remembers to authorise my treatment this time for next Friday. Xx


Hi all
@kerrylou1 Iā€™m on paclitaxel/carboplatin every week for 12 weeks with immunotherapy. The. EC 4 cycles, 3 weeks apart with immunotherapy. Then surgery. Then more immunotherapy. Ive got triple negative bc.
I had a nice surprise at my oncology appt @idcand49 and @booklover1. They have decided that my hospital admissions, rash, back pain, were a delayed reaction to paclitaxel. So Iā€™ve been taken off that and given another week off to recover and put on nab-paclitaxel.
All i wanted was a reduction in the dose but this is even better so Iā€™m happy. Fingers crossed i dont end up in hospital again but ive packed my bag with more books and a kindle just in case.
Sorry to hear about your Mum @debi1. I hope she feels better once youā€™re home.
Best of luck to those of you getting treatment!!
Clare xx


@debi1 hope your mum is ok, what a shock for you all. She sounds a lovely lady. Hope she recovers quickly & you are able to relax at bitx

@cf640 thatā€™s good the oncologist has got to the bottom of the symptoms! I hope the next round will go smoothly for youxx

@idcand49 I used to read up to 6 books a month but have slowed right down, lucky to read one. I also canā€™t focus on anything too complicated. Hoping this is temporary! At least the paraolympics has startedā€¦

@alisona1 I hope the move to T goes well is that Taxol? I move onto EC in Octoberā€¦

Lots of love to everyone xx


Thanks. Mums been fine the last couple of days. Keeping an eye on her. Its been nice here and the weather is lovely. Just thrashed my boys at crazy golf :golf: will try doing the same with bowling later but i may use those kiddy shoot things. Lol. Thinking about you all good luck with treatments. Xxxx

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Glad to hear your Mum has been ok @debi1, and enjoy the rest of your holiday.

Good news following Ultra sound scan today which showed the tumor is shrinking so I am responding well to treatment so far :+1:

Good luck to all of you this week, and keep going as this can be beaten :muscle: xx


Great to hear positive news re shrinking of the tumours!! It makes the horrible chemo worth it. Itā€™s also blasting any stray cells too.

@debi1 And so pleased you are having a lovely holiday and beating your kids at golf! This girl can!! Except when I beat my kids at bowling the other day, they said it was because I was on steroids :rofl:
So nice to be somewhat ā€˜normalā€™ for a moment and distraction from the C!!

I had session 8 out 12 of the weekly carbo/pacti yesterday and today I feel wiped out. I have pretty much been on the sofa all day. So listening to my body, so hopefully tomorrow I will have more energy.

Other symptoms are dodgy tummy and, tingling toes (neuropathy).


Hope you feel better soon xxx

Brilliant news @caz1970 thats great to hear. @bex1 its been a good distraction been away. Back to reality tomorrow but onwards and upwards get this treatment over with xx

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@cf640 great news moving to the non pax. Iā€™ve heard itā€™s so much better than paclitaxel & docetaxel. Itā€™s very expensive which is why itā€™s not a default drug. NICE guidance reckons you have to wait for a reaction to move to it :rage: all about managing cost & medical benefit

I had another reaction to Docetaxel & had to do a quick an and e - steroids / antibiotics given but wonder if I should ask for a change for my last infusion ā€¦Iā€™m already reduced / longer infusion more pre meds - my body just keeps fighting it

much to think about

Let me know how this new drug goes

@caz1970 what amazing news re the scan! Nice way to enter the weekend

@debi1 hope your mother is ok now. That must have been a fright! But sounds like all in hand and you are having family time. :raised_hands:t2:

Weā€™ve brought our badminton set and I canā€™t play very well - at all lol ā€¦ as for bowling Iā€™m awful too

We arenā€™t heading home til the day before school starts and hope my youngest has his uniform sorted as Iā€™m and to work Wed! How much do we think there will be a last minute panic haha

Hugs to all other Julyā€™ers and hope the weekend is kind to us all xxx


This made laugh

Itā€™s how I feel when people ask how I am feeling


Ooh sheā€™s got my eyes :joy::joy::joy:

Just had my third and last EC today and my eyes look just like that this week. 3 weeks to weekly paclitaxel x 9. Hoping for a little more life soon, feeling absolutely drugged up, but reading your comments, Iā€™m having a better time than many of you and Iā€™m very grateful for that. :hugs::hugs: hugs all round girls :hugs::hugs:

Have a good weekend all - keep smiling :woozy_face::face_with_spiral_eyes::kissing_heart::person_bald:t2:xx


Very good, definitely how Iā€™m feeling today!

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