July 2024 chemo starters

I actually asked my chemotherapy nurse about kombucha and she told me it was fine. I’m having EC and then Doxetactel, I case that makes a difference. The kombucha is my treat.

Hi everyone. Back home from jollies had appointment with oncologists ready for my treatment on fri. Starting 1st of 3 Doxetactel. He said side affects will be slightly different. More feeling nausea, 1 in 10 people suffer bad muscle pains and my hair will probably fall out. Yay cant wait lol. Tbf i thought my hair would be long gone by now anyway. :confused: take care ladies xxx


My last lot of injections in tummy got me really hard. Day 1,2,3 were fine then day 3 and 4 they bruised me and on day 5 the bone pain I had in the night was awful to the point in was crying. It only lasted a day but I don’t want to go through that again. Need to talk to the consultant about it on Friday next week x

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Sounds like I’m at same point as you. Start weekly on 9th September with 3 weekly injections in thigh.

Little bit apprehensive of what symptoms will be.

The unknown is sometimes the worst!

Sending hugs to all you lovely ladies.

Thought my crazy head wear might make you smile


Love this. :heart:

Love this headscarf !

Yes the bone pain! Only had it mild for a little bit before… its the sickness that gets me. Also had a bit of earache from them too… its all fun isn’t it :joy:… x


Loving the scarf! Really suits you :grin:

Yes, I wasn’t too concerned about the change to weekly until my chemo nurse kept telling me not to worry about it! I said I wasn’t and she told me that people get very worked up about it and to expect lots of diarrhoea :flushed::face_with_spiral_eyes::woozy_face:

Well, suppose it’ll give me time to stock up on the bog roll :grin::grin::grin:

Oncologist said injections will stop for me, but maybe she just meant the 7 daily. Haven’t had an issue doing those so if there are more to come it’s not the end of the world.

Have a good week one and all :wink::partying_face: xx


I am on my second time chemo on docetaxol (secondary BC) and this time I have one injection of Pegfilgrastim in a preloaded syringe 24 hours after treatment rather than the series of several days I had last time. It is so much better - maybe ask your consultant about it @louc?


I’m day 5 of second cycle and the bone pain for me is the worst.

Hello. I’m on the same treatment plan as you also for tnbc. I had a grade 3 anaphylactic shock to pax ( terrible experience but I passed out quickly so can’t remember much) and they switched me to nab every three weeks. Just had the second cycle of it. I can’t feel my tumour anymore which is a great relief. I think the three week cycle helps retain some normal life through a month.

Bone pain, the terrible mouth taste and constipation have been the worst side effects for me.

Wishing you all the very best x


Hi @naughty_boob
Isn’t it interesting how the treatment varies. I"m going on weekly nab and carbo. It’s been great having two weeks off with no treatment but they will prob add the weeks onto the end so now I might finish Boxing Day (if they open then?).
Does anyone else feel angry? I’m upset about losing my easy optimism. I feel i have to keep down the fear and convince myself it will be probably ok. And i don’t have a person to focus my feelings on…just these lumps which i can’t see.
I’ve lost a bit of faith in the process, I think. My appointment with he surgeon has come through and i want to say- Slow Down!! Im not ready to think about that yet!!
Maybe i need to stop thinking and just turn up.
Clare xx


Sorry that last message was for you but i put the wrong name tag…
I wanted to say- that must have been a frightening experience and you’re doing greally well to take the nab instead. Do you have injections to help with neutrophils- is that where the bone pain is coming from?
My stomach is ok as long as i don’t have pembro, but that’s every 6 weeks- are you having that as well?
Thank you for your message- it is encouraging to know the drugs are working!
I hope it continues well for you.
Clare xx

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Morning all

Hope you are having a good week.

My lot are back at school tomorrow and feel ill prepared. My middle one is in her final year of 6th form and can’t believe this time next year we will be packing her off to uni.

I feel like cancer has been engrossing my mind that I am letting my life go by sometimes.

I am not sure how you are all feeling hormonally but I am all over the place. It is my big 50 next week and I have no plans bar seeing my oncologist and look awful.

This is not how I envisioned my big day and I hate it. I have friends who keep asking me what I am doing and I need to celebrate it. I feel like screaming - “I can’t. I feel like s&^t half the time and all the things you see me due takes more effort than you realise. My birthday is with my Dr discussing my next chemo”.

I know I need to have more grace as people don’t understand what it is like for me but sometimes, I just can’t stand it. I even had a friend who was “rallying” me by reminding me by messaging, “at least you just have one more to go”. She doesn’t understand that it doesn’t end after my last chemo. I am in a forced menopause, radio to go, I have hormone treatment for around 7 years and the anxiety of a recurrence.

Anyways, sorry for the rant but just need to get it off my lopsided chest! :wink:

Hugs to all x


The fear and anger is always lurking for me too

People say it will subside but so not there yet

Good luck with the surgeon
I loved mine - so much nicer than my onco lol xx


Morning, yes, i am struggling with people outside the cancer world. I don’t feel I can integrate anymore! My main focus isn’t on other people anymore, it’s on what is going on inside me and all these appointments.
It must be so hard with younger children! I can’t imagine how you are all coping. My kids are adults (although one still lives with me and is financially dependent). I haven’t got to help them emotionally or worry about school or their friends. How are you all juggling that?!
I hope all your partners are fabulous and supportive.
Clare xx


I think you are amazing :grin: Rant away, get it off your lop sided in this safe space because we get you 100%. Be angry and sad, be frustrated with well meaning friends, getting your blood pressure up isn’t a bad thing, I sure as hell have done it. Use them to vent, push back on what they say if you have to even if you push the friendship. My bestest friend told me she’d managed to live her entire life with short hair and a flat chest and it was ok :flushed:. I almost ripped her a new one.

Tell everyone you’re staying at 49 until you’re ready for the party :tada: My 50th was during lockdown and I still haven’t celebrated it yet :grin:

This year is shit and we need each other just to know we can say the things we have to say about it being shit that we all get. Different stages of treatment yes, pre surgery, post surgery, different chemotherapy etc, but having a space to not to have to show we are coping or ‘you’re so strong’ when we aren’t is fantastic.

Big hug today to you sweetie xx


Hi @cf640

This cancer journey can be anything but smooth for many. I have read many posts that say if they miss a dose it’s just missed and not caught up at the end. It may not be the case for you. On my third week of Paclitaxel I had an allergic reaction at an outreach hospital served just by nurses. I was hot and sick as a pig. I was able to intravenous piriton ( even though I’d only just had them as premeds) but they could give me a more anti sickness odenestron ( also pre med) without a doctors agreement, that took over an hour to get. No doctor in outpatients at the local hospital would prescribe and they struggled to get the oncall oncology doctor on the phone. Suffice to say, my treatment stopped after about 25/30minutes and wasn’t restarted. So I missed at least half a dose. Had I been at the main centre a doctor would have come to observe me and maybe treatment could have restarted. I felt a bit let down that I had lost so much. I also had my dose reduced then and again after being in hospital.

What I’m trying to say is don’t be disheartened if they don’t add it on at the end.

As far and fear and anxiety it’s part of the course for most of us. Some people are happy to go out and mix with others. I wasn’t. Each to their own.

@idcand49 Happy Birthday in advance. You can do your 50th celebrations when this is all over, maybe a double celebration.
So many don’t get ‘it’ unless they have been there. I had a friend who texted 5/6 times in 6 months and didn’t see the issue when I called her out (advice from a counsellor) for her lack of support especially during chemo/surgery. We have to live with this for the rest of our lives, fear of recurrence or spreading, and hoping that it won’t.

All I can say is do what feels right for you. Don’t feel pressurised by others to do ‘normal’ things as it’s not ‘normal’ times!

You are all doing fantastic :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@idcand49 totally agree with what you’re saying. I was diagnosed in May and had a left mastectomy with reconstruction also lymph nodes removed a week before my 60th in June. Luckily I’ve managed to postpone most plans until next year.
I’m on chemo now and I’ve had so many people saying to me “well done you’re half way through your treatment” I know they mean well but like you I feel like saying it’s only half way through my chemo, I still have 3 weeks of radiotherapy after that and because I’ve now found out I have a gene that makes me high risk for breast cancer (and some others) I may need a right mastectomy too. If that wasn’t enough they found a large polyp in my gallbladder whilst having a CT scan for my breast. This could be cancerous or have a good chance of becoming cancerous so they want to take my gallbladder out after I finish my treatments. Just keep thinking what’s next?!
You have to remember that you are doing great just getting through this however you can and to be coping with family life and children too is so hard. I am in awe of you as my kids are all grown up and living away so being on my own I can just have a duvet day if I’m feeling crappy.
This will definitely make us all stronger even if we don’t feel like it at times and it has definitely made me think about what is important in life.
Try to plan something to celebrate your 50th even if just a meal or takeaway with family and a few close friends. They probably feel a bit helpless and want to do something to make you feel better. It’s hard for them to know how we’re feeling as you really have to be going through it to understand.
Hope everything goes ok with your doctors appointment. Remember how well you’ve done to get this far. We’re still all fighting and we will get through it. Just enjoy the good days and get through the bad ones as best as you can. Be kind to yourself and listen to your body :heart: x


Isn’t it rubbish how up and down this journey is. Last week I was ready to fight anything and everything, today I am really fed up and don’t want to do it anymore :see_no_evil:
I do feel for you ladies that have school age children to think about, that must be really tough, you are amazing.
It sounds like 2025 is going to be a year of belated celebrations… and so it should be.
Keep going ladies… we’ve got this :muscle: xx