June 2017 starters

Just popping in from the May thread to say hi. I had second FEC today. If you’re starting tomorrow then drink lots of water today, tomorrow and Saturday as it helps. X

Skells, hope you can slow down, and maybe take time off work. I still have a sore throat. Parecetomol and ibuprofen are helping, and I was given a mouthwash.

No temperature, so good.

My boy comes home from.university this week coming. Exams finished so I felt it was right time to tell him.

When is there a right time? Ugh.

Anyway. Like Skells, feel very tired.

Does anyone know when first blood test is done? I am seeing District Nurse to clean PICC line tomorrow, and not sure if they want blood now (day7) or before next cycle (day 21)?

Any advise appreciated.

Hi everybody,


Sounds like you’re all doing really well so far! You all have a lot to be proud of so as you go on this journey so try and remember that when you feel exhausted. 


Skells, you’re trying to do this and carry on working?! I can’t imagine how tough that must be. Can’t work give you a break, even for the first week or so? I’m still struggling to get myself dressed before 12 and I haven’t had treatment yet! You must be a warrior!


They haven’t told me about a picc line. Perhaps I need to enquire…


Thanks for the tips on mouth wash too. Will get some ordered, I think.


Really undecided about the cold cap but have had lots of advice from the lovely ladies on the May monthly starters group so will give it some more thought. 


Daughter has has returned from school with an apology and a sheepish look and a few tears. Guess this is hard on us all x

Abulafia, I had a blood test the day before chemo. I think they need to check white blood cell count as if it’s too low they’ll postpone the treatment. I’m booked in to have picc line dressed each week at my Dr surgery. They take blood while changing picc line.

Thanks Skells.

Very helpful. x

Thanks misyangel

I met with my boss today and said that each cycle I won’t be doing anything for the first week and a half as a minimum. I also said that each cycle is going to get harder so I’ll be working less. He seemed to think it would get easier as your system gets used to the drugs! I would consider going on sick leave but I’m worried about getting paid. I wasn’t expecting to feel so bad with treatment so I planned to work when I felt able. I feel better after chatting to him today as I feel he has a better idea of how much work I’ll be able to do.

My scalp has felt quite sore today so thinking my hair might be about to come out. Or it could be my toddler yanking at it yesterday!

Hi  Is it possible to join please? I am due to start my chemo tomorrow 4 x EC then 4 x Tax. Had my Port fitted yesterday and feels a little uncomfortable. Thanks ?

Welcome Nixons3 and all the best for your first session. I had my first FEC (yours with the 5FU added) at the start of the month and after a few crappy days, I’m feeling back to normal and ready for the next cycle on Thursday. Make sure you’re well hydrated before the session and in the days after to help flush the drugs through and prevent bladder irritation (which is caused by the Cyclophosphamide). Having a port or line already will make things so much smoother and hopefully you won’t have to spend too long at the session.

Feel free to let us know how you get on and any advise regarding managing side effects.

Wande x

Hi Nixon. Welcome. Glad you are here.

Wandestrong, things sound good. I bought packs of Cranberry Juice, not my usual drink of choice but with ice, very welcoming for sore throat.

Skells, sounds like work are being more understanding. Hope you don’t do too much. Body needs all the rest it can get, among the exercise and work.

My throat is still like a razor blade, but can live with it. Got out on the bike yesterday for 5 minutes…was so nice.

I’ve also developed a liking for warm stodgy chips, and spinach pasta and grated cheese. Like being pregnant again.

I think I might change to plastic cutlery also. Metalic taste on usual stuff quite overpowering.

It’s a beautiful day out there today. Hope everyone gets to enjoy it a bit. xxx​:heart::heart::heart:

Hi Nixon,
Welcome, when I had my Pic fitted I also found it uncomfortable. I was given a little heart pillow when I went in for my lumpectomy and found sleering with that under my arm was less uncomfortable.
Good luck.

Hi Abulifelia,
Hope you are feeling a bit better. My treatment is on a Wednesday and I go in on a Monday to have my bloods done. They should give you a date. I’s your treatment every three weeks ?

Morning ladies and welcome to Nixon. I hope your first treatment goes well today. We’ll all be thinking about you. I’ve got my first chemo Amazon package arriving today - have ordered shampoo, mouthwash and head scarves. I’m going to have to start stepping away from the computer soon as this situation is starting to cost me a fortune! 


Been chatting to the the ladies on the May thread about wigs. Curious to know what you have all done so far (if anything). I was going to try and manage with hats and scarves but now I’m not so sure. Have strong suspicion I’ll look ridiculous in a wig xx

Hi all. Everyone seems to be doing well. I am day 4 post chemo and not feeling too bad. Had to administer my first injection today. Not too difficult. So far, coping. 

Best of luck to all starters.

Thanks everyone for the warm welcome. Just finishing my first treatment. Realise it’ll hit me sometime but so far not as bad as I feared. Even the cold cap was not too awful. Best of luck to you all! X

Hi Ali I organised a wig as my kids are a little apprehensive about this all and I didn’t want to make them anymore unhappy. Not sure if it’s better to do it with less hair though? I did have my fairly long hair cut shorter though x

Thanks Jintz. x

Okay, things I learned today…

Throat got so sore could hardly swallow. Called triage nurse, thing to look out for is temperature and ability to eat.

Told me please to call GP. Got back within hour and prescribed antibiotics and Nistatin.

Relief was almost immediate. So glad I made the effort rather than struggling on.

Got picc line cleaned and changed. District Nurse was amazing.

Oh, and none of us should be paying prescription fees. The pharmacy will give a form to fill out.

All in all good day. x❤

Yes, my daughter is concerned about me losing my hair too so I might consider it for her sake. We’ll see.


Glad you all seem to be on top of things at the moment but, if things get difficult, don’t be afraid to tell us. That’s what we’re here for! 


Good tip tip about the prescriptions, by the way!



Just finished my first chemotherapy and survived to tell the tale!!! Feel huge relief that the first one is over! The worst bit was getting the cannula in!! Time to rest now and see how the next few days go.

Thanks for the top tips on mouthwash.

Also now have the dates in for my remaining 3 sessions - so gives me an end date to aim at firmly.

Love to all xxx

Hope you get through it smoothly Tripletmum.
Have just ordered some Manuka honey thanks for the tip! This chemo business is expensive and time consuming!
Trying to drink lots. Feel ok butbspaced out.
Yes Ali I’m the same with my boys re the wig. we will have to see what happens x

Hi everyone. Hope I can jump on the bandwagon here. Had my first FEC today. So far feeling hungover. Was meant to have it yesterday but had to wait because my bloods were abnormal. Doctor thinks it’s the gabapentin I take for the nerve pain following mx so we went ahead today and just keeping an eye on things.

Absolutely petrified of being sick. Got ginger capsules to. Will try anything.

I let my son shave my head on Monday so that’s already gone. I couldn’t let cancervtake control of that to so I did it while the decision was still mine.
