June 2017 starters

So well done on shaving your hair. I’m still clinging on to mine. It’s so fine and flat anyway, a wig will probably look tons better.

How do you stop a wig from falling off in the wind? I know that’s probably a silly question, but something that intrigues me?

Afternoon ladies! Currently lying in the back garden sunning myself viol! About to start chemo on 27 June so a late June starter.  Doing 3 x FEC and 3 x FEC-T. Have the choice of using cold cap, so I’m gonna try it for my daughters sake as she is distraught at the fact I will lose my hair.  Also have chemo pre counselling on Monday then MUGA scan the following day. 

Wow didn’t realise wigs could come off so easily! ?

 I wasn’t going to but tried cold cap and it wasn’t pleasant but manageable. Same as you did it mainly for kids and not to regret not trying really. Not sure if I’ll manage the whole lot but will see. Hate not washing my hair though!! X

Hi everyone. Day 5 post first ec. Feeling much better. Second injection self administered. Will see how the next week goes. Constipation so eating prunes and liquorice. 

Welcome to the group velvet. I hope you find it supportive.

Someone was asking about what everyone is doing re wigs and scarves so here’s my thoughts.

I’ve been thinking about getting a big hat instead of scarves / wigs. I’m thinking a bit Ascot style hat. It’s hard to tell what it would look like as I still have my hair. I’m also not sure if it would give enough sun protection. I have bought some fashion wigs (pink and purple ones). I wanted to go for wigs that didn’t look realistic because I don’t really want to cover up. For me it would feel like I was wearing a wig because I’m embarrassed or ashamed of having cancer and going through treatment. I would rather brazen it out but realise that’s not for everyone. My daughter is young enough that she’ll be accepting of whatever I choose. Sorry, a bit of a long ramble there.

Morning everyone. This is day three post first FEC treatment for me. So far I don’t feel to bad. Maybe a bit like a hangover but not horrible I’m just hoping this is how it stays. I have emend which I’ve heard many people rave about. Also omdasnetron and steroids and some stand by anti sick pills.

Shaving my head was great. It hasn’t bothered me at all and if anything has been liberating. My wig should be ready to collect next week so that will be a giggle if nothing else.

I’m having six FEC cycles. My oncologist decided to remove the T bit to help give my fertility the best chance. Has anyone else got this.


Hello. A decent wig should not blow off in the wind!  I have one although I don’t wear it very often as I like the baldy look.  It has little adjusters inside a bit like bra straps so that you can loosen/tighten it to suit your head.  It started off pretty tight but now I’ve “worn it in” and it’s pretty comfortable.  I wore it on the sea front in a pretty strong wind and I had no worries about it blowing off.

My hair started coming out last night so I’ve shaved it all off this morning. I got my toddler to help so she wasn’t freaked out when she saw it!

Off into town to buy my big hat!

Hugs to you all xxx

Hugs also to you skells. I had 8 lots of injections after fec. Bone pain started, but ibuprofen amazing.

Throat pain finally easing and a mosquito bit me! (not so toxic lol)!!

Baby shampoo fantastic for hair. Getting wig cut by a trained hairdresser this week. Wig doesn’t have fringe and I do.

Feel all this is exhausting (day 9), but again… do able… Starting to feel normal again. xxx

Day 6 still got sore throat and some back muscle pain. Also more tired. But doable. Thanks everyone for encouragement and feedback. No hair loss yet.

Got my hat and it was reduced so I’m happy.

My hair started coming out on day 15. It felt like loads was coming out but I looked before I cut it and I couldn’t really tell. It’s only clipped at the moment. I think it’s a number 2 or something similar. I was planning on shaving it too but my mum was getting a bit upset.

I’ve got my next chemo on Saturday and I’m starting to worry about going through it all again.

I’m meeting the oncologist on Friday. I might ask about skipping fec-t to save my fertility. I’m not sure if she’ll agree because I don’t have a plan for having another baby. My husband died when I was pregnant and I haven’t met anyone else. I always thought I would have another baby but can’t see how it’s going to happen.

Oh Skells what a time you’ve had. Wishing you the smoothest of journeys x

skells. x

fwiw, my friend went through a brutal chemo 30 years ago, and has since had two wonderful kids. On just got her PhD in mathematics and now teaches at uni, and the other is a master’s in town planning.

one, not on!

Thought I would check in on day 3 post chemotherapy no. 1. For day 1 I felt just spaced out but yesterday I was totally exhausted with any small effort just wiping me out. With 3 small children in our house I think I will need my parents to come and help my husband for the remaining 3 cycles. Apart from being tired I have a ‘fuzzy’ mouth and zero appetite but nothing else to report!

Hope everyone else is doing ok and good luck to anyone starting this week xxx

Hi Triplemum,
Well done so far ! I agree you should get your folks to come and help if they can. Im on day 5 and past 2 days have had very painful legs and felt weak. I have had both my daughters come out to help me so definitely think you could do with it.
Take care and keep posting !

Hi Tripletmum I’m say as you I think- last of my steroids today so expecting dip tomorrow. Take all the help you can get. It’s not forever. Good luck! I feel slightly hungover and not quite with it! Not very ill so far though x

Morning ladies,


Quick update from me: I’ve been diagnosed with tonsilitis and given antibiotics. This means that treatment is probably going to be delayed. I’m just about to pluck up courage to speak to the nurses about it. I feel like I’ve waited so long already and can’t bear the thought of more waiting. I think I might literally go round the bend. I had geared myself up to start a week today but I’m teetering on the edge of bottling out completely. Feel so frustrated!!!


And breathe…


I hope you are all coping with the hot weather and that side effects are not spoiling these lovely summery days too much. 


We had a street party on Saturday so I can sympthaise with feeling hung over and being a bit spaced out. I like to call it training for chemo!


Anyway, happy Monday to you all. 



AliOG take care of yourself first. Hopefully your antibiotics will clear up the infection quickly and you can be back on track. Much love xxx

I love your sense of humour ! I am sure that will get you through. So horrible that you have tonsillitis and are on a antibiotics. Hope you recover soon and then you can start treatment.
Good luck