June 2017 starters

Thanks, all. I spoke to the BCN and she wants me to keep the pre assessment appointment on Friday and said chemo might go ahead anyway, depending on how I am. The GP has given me 8 antibiotics a day for 10 days which is a bit OTT if you ask me but I’m going with it for now. I just want to get treatment started now…


Looks like it’s going to be another hot night. Good luck, everyone! 



Snap on the tonsilitis. Mine kicked in about day 7. With antibiotics and nistatyn I am coping pretty well. Hope it doesn’t delay chemo too much. xxxx.

Hi Abulafia,


I’m sorry to hear you got it too and on top of going through treatment! I’m hoping I’m going to feel better by the weekend now that I’m getting pumped full of antibiotics but I’ll have to wait and see what they say on Friday. The waiting is seriously getting me down now. We’re meant to be going to a gig tonight. The tickets were bought back in December but the thought of standing in a massive crowd of people isn’t really appealing. I know my husband will be really disappointed if I don’t go so I’m going to have to pull myself together, stick some make up on and get on with it. I’m sure I"ll enjoy it when I get there. I’ve become a bit of a recluse since being diagnosed…


Anyway, hope the tonsils aren’t giving you too much pain. It’s yoghurt for breakfast for me! 



Ali, tonsilitis… bleurgh…but doable! xx

I am changing through this process. Always…oh I dunno…just learning to love each day and not worry too much about tomorrow. Just take each day…and live in it as best I can… Don’t know if that makes sense, and it’s taken me a while to make peace with it all.

I hope you go, but you know what’s best for you. xxx

Hello everyone. Good to see most feeling positive even in the heat! 

Day 8 and feeling pretty good. A wig I ordered arrived but not sure I will want to wear it. Looks fake. Maybe with a scarf… Only 2 more injections to administer this cycle. 

Keep positive and sleep well.

Hope you feel better soon Nixons3.

Sound like u doing great Daffodil54. Baby steps hey !

Hello ladies,


Well, I’m happy to report that I went to the gig after all and it was the best decision I made. It was at an arena so the place was buzzing (and a little tense with armed police on the streets). My throat felt like it had a golf ball stuck in it but that didn’t stop me singing every word to every song and waving my arms in the air like an idiot all night. I danced till my feet hurt and came home at 11 pm, exhausted but happy. 


Funnily enough I went to another big gig when I’d just been diagnosed and was as miserable as sin all the way through even though I loved the music. I think the difference this time is that I’ve had a bit of a shift of gear. Going through treatment means the cancer is being dealt with - I’m dealing with it - and that’s a positive. I know it’s probably going to make me feel rubbish at times but it has a purpose and that purpose is so that I can go on singing and dancing and being daft with mates when I want to. 


I hope I can keep this frame of mind going when I’m feeling low. Big hugs to you all today and here’s hoping you’re all doing ok. I’m off for my pre chemo haircut this morning. I will report back! Xx

Sounds fantasting. Probably did u the world of good. Keep that positive attitude and when u are low, chat to us and you’ll get through it !
Take care x

Thanks, Jintz. I will! 


Hope you have a good day today. Looks like it’s going to be another hot one! X

I am a bit emotional too but not over hungry ! I can do without putting on more weight anyway ! I believe it’s the steroids so just go with the flow hun. Big hugs

BTW Fantasting must be my phones new word. Cross between fantastic and fascinating ! ?

Morning all. AliOG, hope your new hair cut is great. Had very restless night last night. Not sure whether to blame heat or treatment. Eczema suddenly rearing its ugly head to add to everything else.

Hope you all have good, cooler day.


Morning everyone.


AliOG, I cheered and thumped the air.  So glad you went.  


I went to see the oncologist the other day and the biopsy on my other breast came back and revealed DCIS, so my boobs are truly f ##ed. Have to laugh.  After all the trauma of diagnosis, they are now talking about the importance of reconstruction in some form…I just think…I am 56, I don’t care, I just want to give myself the best chance of cure ifmat all possible.


Chemo sent up another nice little side effect.  I thinkmI brought it on myself by eating spicy food.  Diarrhoea.   Took immodium and seems to have worked.  Lesson learned…oops.


Off to the hairdresser today to get my wig cut.  Day 13 and no sign of hair loss as yet.  Dreading it, if truth be known…


All best for a good day to all you ladies. Xxxx



Morning all,


Trip to the hairdressers went well. I didn’t cry! Yay - go me!! I’ve known my hairdresser for years and I’d already told her on Facebook what was going on so she knew the score. I already have pretty short hair but I have now lost floppy fringe bit and gone for a crew cut type thing. I also had it dyed its usual bright red so I’m verging on an Annie Lennox circa 1982. I can live with that until it all falls out. I also had delivered a really nice hat from Suburban Turban yesterday - also red to replicate my hair! Not cheap but totally worth it. 


Antibiotics seem to to be kicking in so I’m hopeful things will go ahead on Monday. I have pre assessment tomorrow so will find out more then.


Hope you’re all doing ok today. It’s a lot cooler today so hopefully a restful night for all. 


Abulafia, I love that you punched the air for me! The buzz of the gig has kept me going all week! X

Hi Abulafia,

I love your posts. Although I know it’s serious , your sense of humour makes me chuckle ! I think you should write a book.
So sorry to hear the diagnosis of the other boon too.
Best of luck and please keep posting !

Sorry s/b boob! !

Second FEC done and dusted… PICC line made the administration easy and no injections! Only downside is that I have to attend the hospital weekly to have dressing changed and saline flushed as a district nurse doesn’t do home visits for this. Feeling quite ‘drunk-like’ but I think it’s the steroids, apart from that just trying to get plenty of rest…hoping the side effects aren’t any worse than the first cycle… Good luck to you all on forthcoming cycles x

Well done wandestrong. I hope the side effects are OK. I’m hoping second cycle is a bit easier now we know what to expect.

I’m at the hospital tomorrow for the consultant then second cycle on Saturday.

I’ve joined the local shine cancer support group. It’s a nationwide set of support groups for people with cancer in their 20s - 40s. I think there’s lots of local groups so might be worth looking into.

The first meet up is in a few weeks. I’m hoping it will help to talk to people who have been through chemo and come out the other side.

Thank you to whoever shared the link to the blog posts from the best surgeon who then evermore beat cancer. I found it really interesting to read. I also got a few hints about how to survive with no hair. She got some temporary tattoos to put on her head. I’ve done the same. They arrived today and once my hair has totally gone I’ll give them a try.

Hugs to all.

* breast surgeon who went on to develop breast cancer *