June 2024 chemo starters

Thanks @pat … trying really hard not to be disheartened but finding rather challenging at the moment!! :weary: but we keep going :muscle:t3::muscle:t3: xx


@wjs … thanks … it’s been good, thank you! :smiling_face:

Mine was bread I think … it just really doesn’t taste right when I’m eating so given up now for a bit … which is heartbreaking in its self … cos I am the queen of sandwiches :smiling_face_with_tear::rofl::rofl: but now you’ve said pizza I could murder one … ham, mushroom and pineapple with fresh chilli’s :grimacing::rofl: … probably the marmite of pizzas :rofl:

I found my holistic assessment pretty good … really made me think what I needed support with at the time … which was right at the beginning…probably good your doing yours now as your in the thick of it so have a better idea of what support you need? Xx


I’ve gone off coffee a bit and the other day I had some Cream Crackers which tasted like cardboard and a bit stale. Hubby assured me they tasted normal to him! Everything else seems to taste normal.

Oh by the way CRUMPETS :grin::grin: I’ve always liked them , now I love them :rofl::rofl:


@pat … I haven’t had coffee for about 4 weeks now … I’m not missing it though … more of a tea girl … except I’m on decaf now, which you can’t really tell the difference I don’t think!

The taste thing is so strange … only things I can really taste is sweet stuff … everything else just kinda tastes bland and i feel like it’s only cos I know what it should taste like that I am actually tasting anything … if that makes sense?! :rofl:

I actually had a craving for a hot chocolate yesterday so got one from Greggs on the way to the seaside … it was blooming delicious… and I’m normally not a fan!! In fact I’m going to make one now!! :rofl::rofl: xx


Omg what a great idea! You’ve made me want some now!!! Here I go trundling out to the kitchen :rofl::rofl:


@charlie22 glad to hear that they are changing your treatment if they know it’s not responding. I was told that I won’t get a scan until towards the end of my chemo, so this seems positive that they can switch it up for you. I’m sure it’s just more added to the mental load as you get your head around your new plan, but you’ve got this!

Crumpets are the best @pat, I love to melt cheese on top of them for my lunch! Nom nom…


All this talk of food sounds really tempting but I’m on a bland diet now for the next 10 days. I’m going to be living on scrambled egg, jacket potatoes , rice, jelly, custard and rice pudding. Something tells me that the senna is going to be needed. I have made a note about crumpets for day 11. I’ve also bought a pizza oven for the bbq off Vinted. So my daughter needs to find a good pizza base recipe ready for happier days. Although what’s the betting that I’m going to fancy chocolate spread on it instead of veg and meat🤣. Xxx

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Oh I really want some crumpets now :laughing: I’ve been lucky so far not to lose my taste. Not sure I can blame my food cravings on the chemo though as I’ve always liked my food :laughing: The nurse did tell me on Friday they didn’t want me to lose weight - good job :laughing:

Wondering how the hair is holding up with the cold cappers. I’m still shedding bits - wondering if it will make it to the end and if it might slow down again :face_with_peeking_eye: I have ‘Wendy Wig’ (named after myself :wink:) on standby if not though!


@wjs I’ve not really lost any since my big shed just after my second EC which left me with a patch on my crown and thinning all over - all still coverable with a hair band. I’m wondering if it’ll restart in a week or so, 18 days after my 3rd EC?

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I started with very thick curly hair and have lost a lot of it despite cold capping. I’ve retained my hairline for now so can tie it back in a small ratty pony tail and feel relatively comfortable at home and with friends like that. It’s very thin on top, so I have started to pop a cap on when I go out and have enough bits to pull out of the side to make it look ‘normal’ (although I’m not normally a cap wearer!)
My big shed happened at day 18, and I’ve continued to shed daily (although much smaller amounts as have less to lose I guess)
My hair was always quite coarse and dry, but the dryness is at a new level now-poor hair! I’m switching to P next and the hospital have said hair can start to regrow if I carry on, so I’m going to try…
How are you getting along?

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Thanks @ljlj … it’s starting to take its toll I’ll admit :weary: just have to keep trusting them and hoping for the best :smiling_face:

Why are you on a bland diet @alig1961 … sorry have I missed something? Hope you’re ok? Although tbh that all sounds delicious :blush:

Hope you enjoyed your hot chocolate @pat … I had mine turns out it was just the Greggs one that was delicious :weary::rofl::rofl:

Hope everyone has a fab day … another day of sitting on the sidelines for me … whilst my sister toes my youngest swimming, which I’m super grateful for … but it just makes me sad deep down that I can’t join in :smiling_face_with_tear: and then CT scan this afternoon … so no eating for me for 4 hours before :frowning::rofl: … sure I’ll make it up for it after! :rofl:

Take care all x


H @charlie22 im Ona bland diet due to the nausea. I have to sip on full fat cola too. It’s horrible. Xx

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@alig1961 … aww no sorry to hear that … it must be hard!! I take it the meds you have aren’t working great? X

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Best of luck for this afternoons scan x


Have been cold capping and using Daniel Field products and not lost any hair so far. Only washing a couple of times a week and had it cut to a bob (was long) before I started as I’d always pull hair out at the best of times (frizzy and curly). But I’m only doing weekly paclitaxel and it seems that’s a bit better in terms of hair loss than EC which a lot of you are having to deal with as well.

But while chemo has been going well, breaking a bone in my back two weeks ago has been a real bummer. While pain is fairly under control if I’m lying down walking, standing, sitting are all really difficult. So all the activities/treats I had planned to compensate for no hols this summer (country walks, pub lunches, open air theatre) are out now. And worst- when i mentioned to the spine consultant this Monday that I still hoped to go to Edinburgh in two weeks to see my daughter in a fringe show he looked at me as if I was insane! So am going to have to cancel that too. A low point - did shed a few tears.

The Olympics are keeping me going at the moment! Will need to find some new amusement once they’ve finished.

Sorry for the moan - I know others have been going through much worse than me with different chemo regimes. Thinking of you all - hang in there.


Aww @lolac I would have cried too… so sorry to hear that you are having such a tough time!! It’s so hard when you pin your hopes on having nice things to do and it’s taken away, even more so knowing how much your already having to sacrifice :smiling_face_with_tear: moan away … we all understand having experienced similar set backs and emotions! :heart:

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Thank you for the hair update ladies. I’m still just about getting away with not having to wear a wide headband, not sure how long for though. Will see what happens now EC done and what Docetaxel brings. Feeling slightly more human today but still 2 more lovely injections to go.

@lolac so sorry you’ve got added disappointment - as if it’s not bad enough, particularly through the summer hols. I would have cried too.xx

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@charlie22 … it’s hard for you right now, lots of things changing so the stress and anxiety ramps up (even more!) … you’re doing well to just keep on going. It’s a :poop: time and we just need to put one tiny step in front of the other. Your team have got you … and thank goodness we have a whole variety of treatments that can be used to tackle each diagnosis, even as things progress! It’s hard when things change but it will give you the best outcome so you never have to sit on the sideline EVER again … unless you choose to of course!!! :two_hearts:

Crumpets… I thought it was just me!!! I used to occasionally have them but now that toast tastes mouldy/odd only crumpets will do. With loads of marmite… yum yum x

And who mentioned Greggs!!! :joy: I’m still hankering after the vegan roll … might have to go into town to get one and the hot chocolate!

@lolac … arrghhh having to cancel is grim. You look forward to something that might give you a bit of relief from all of this and bam it’s gone. The good days will come again. The Olympics are getting me through the days … what will we watch next week? It will be post Olympic blues on Monday !!!



@alig1961 and @pat on paclitaxel I was given emergency antibiotics to take away with me in case I became ill and directed to take them by the on call team. They’re backup and I never had to take them

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@ljlj mjne grew at least an inch during paclitaxel and I didn’t lose any. Wish I’d had AC first so would end on a high note rather than it disappear just as I am coming to the end of chemo (15/16 next week) :woman_shrugging:t2:

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