June 2024 chemo starters

Love this, thanks for sharing!

@pat I asked on the cold cap FB the other day if anyone got a big shed again around day 18 on Docetaxel and people said they didnā€™t and eventually saw growth. Obviously I donā€™t know how different it will be now youā€™ve had to stop, but might be worth seeing what happens? Obviously go with whatever you feel is right for you though.

@charley Iā€™m the same. Sick of the mouth thing, dodgy stomach, not sleeping properly and tiredness. Really hoping my antibiotics sort it all out soon.xx

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@charley Im sorry you feel so rotten after your first Docetaxel. I felt exactly the same!! Tired, awful mouth - to the extent i thought I may have oral thrush - bloated tummy, etc. Overall i felt better then the EC, even though I felt dreadful, because I didnā€™t have the lightheadedness and dizziness. Tiredness was worse. But I got up on the 10th day and felt pretty much ok. 12th day today and I feel normal so hopefully you will be the same :crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

Also cardboard tasting food had gone and taste back to normal :woman_shrugging:

@wjs Thanks i think i shall hang on. Head itchy so maybe its going to shed but who knows


Oh thank you @pat for the encouragementā€¦ yes true the woozy ness of the EC was dire but it didnā€™t last as long as this. Iā€™m on day 7 today and still pretty much pootling around my bed / the sofaā€¦
Will press on and hopefully feel a bit better in a few daysā€¦
Ps How do you know itā€™s not oral thrush ? I wouldnā€™t knowā€¦

@charley - I didnā€™t really know but my tongue was all furred, sore and yuk :nauseated_face: plus the no taste etc. I decided to go to a pharmacist in the morning and when I got up my tongue was much clearer and less sore so i just left it!.

It took me 10 days to feel ok on EC as well so no different with this except tireder with the Docetaxel


Thanks for your replies ladies.
I spoke to a friend tonight who had BC at the back end of 2019 and chemo through Covid times. Sheā€™s 4 years on from completing active treatment and feels happy and healthy-it was a great reminder that the dark days will pass, and life can resume.
I think youā€™ve nailed it @donna_51 that what weā€™re all going through is much like grief. Iā€™m certainly feeling grief for the care-free existence I had before the big C was slapped on my back and questioning how to come out the other side of this-but with the support of this group we will all get there! :two_hearts:


@pat good luck. All those weeks you managed to use the cap will hopefully have helped. Mine is so thin now too, which is why I asked the group.x

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As i said i still have enough to use just a band but if you lift the hair you can see my scalp easily. Not sure what it would look like from the back on a windy day :see_no_evil::rofl: I noticed today that my fringe is thinner too. I have bought a couple of hats but they slip upwards and Iā€™m wondering if thatā€™s because i still have hair!?

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@charley Ive just remembered - my sister gave me these and i found they really helped with the horrible taste. I found some on ebay


@donna_51 wow what strong words that just hit home. Thankyou for sharing. Sat here with tears as I read it.

@charley sorry so rough. My tongue goes furry and horrid for a week and then goes very pink each treatment and Iā€™m 4 in. Somehow it sorts itself out. The taste thing is a nuisance as I crave anything that just tastes normal :crazy_face: so I eat it all! After number 2 I noticed a pattern on how I felt and then realised 1 rough week and 2 better weeks so I planned stuff in for the good weeks - I chunked my diary out - if I felt rough when I planned stuff I could cancel but I had things to look forward to that werenā€™t too distant and it felt good. Good luck.

@pat on the hair front I started to lose my day 18 - unbelievable as predicted. Slowly it gets worse. I shaved mine day 30 with encouragement from Donna & Alig - it was absolutely the right thing to do - when you turnover at night and you have hair all over your face from the pillow and you shower and you are so shocked at whatā€™s in the shower tray. Looking back my hair was bad but I thought it was ok :crazy_face: I shouldā€™ve done it at day 25 when there was more there - it looks so much better - when I shaved mine it was quite old manish - it had patches of baldness mixed with patches of hair. Yes there were tears and yes I struggled with it for about a week as I adjusted - now it is what is! I loved my hair - it always used to look good. Be brave - have good friends with you - sending you lots of love and hugs - it is like shaving away your identity but you are still you - my sister told me :heart::heart:. It is growing now albeit very fine and no idea what day Iā€™m on now but Iā€™m 60% through!

Happy Saturday all xx

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Wellā€¦., docetaxol isnā€™t nice either :weary::joy:. Anybody suggest anything that actually tastes nice? Xx

@alig1961 I found iced drinks were better, plus stronger tastes, chutneys etc. On the plus side my taste went totally back to normal after about 10 days xx


Thanks Pat. Iā€™ve discovered strawberry milkshake this afternoon. Iā€™m only on day 4. This is torture. Xx

Iā€™m on day 9!!
:crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2: thank you.
A neighbour who is a chef brought over a curry last night which I did enjoy! Lamb bhuna.

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Hereā€™s a giggle for you. I was in so much pain earlier with my joints I got into my hot tub with my beanie hat on whilst sucking an ice lolly and wearing marigold gloves so as to protect my nail beds. Not a pleasant sight. :joy:


@alig1961 just a beanie hat and marigolds and nothing else :flushed::flushed::rofl::rofl:


@pat thank you for giving us hope! Iā€™m also on day 9 and I think half my tongue is actually starting to feel normal as is my stomach!

@charley i really fancy a curry now!:yum:
@alig1961 whatever works :laughing:

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I totally thought that my tongue/taste issues were there until I finished all the Docetaxel cycles so I was very surprised, and pleased, to find that everything has gone back to normal and allā€™s right with the world :grin:

Next time it will be better as we know what to expect and that it will stop after about 10 days :crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3:

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I didnā€™t have the energy to put my cosy on.

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