June 2024 chemo starters

Docetaxel keeps on giving. Temp of 38.2 and in hospital. Oh the joys !!! :weary:

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Oh @alig1961 that sucks. Iā€™m so sorry :pensive: hope they get you fixed and poured back into your hot tub soon

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@alig1961 Oh no! Iā€™m so sorry to hear this. I hope you havenā€™t had a ridiculously long wait in A and E where they seem to specialise in having the most uncomfortable chairs in the world. Hugs to you :hugs::hugs::heart::heart:

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@alig1961 is there any comfort in reasoning that perhaps itā€™s the infection thatā€™s made you feel so poorly and not the chemo, so you shouldnā€™t expect to feel this bad every time ?

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Iā€™m hoping thatā€™s it !!! Luckily Iā€™ve been seen quickly. X-ray done, waiting on bloods, IV antibiotics administered. Just want to go go home to my bed now xx

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Oh no @alig1961 that sounds like me on Thursday. I got sent home with oral antibiotics. As @kaydee82 says hopefully next time wonā€™t be so bad if we can get through it without an infection. Hope you make it home soon.xx

Really pleased youve been seen quickly. I hope you get home to bed soon :crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3:

Iā€™ve been admitted. White cells are too high so something is going on somewhere. Iā€™ll give you all an update tomorrow. Xx


Take care ā€¦ weā€™ll be thinking of you x

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Hope that youā€™re back home asap, will be thinking of you x

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Soā€¦ā€¦ wonā€™t be home for a while. There is an infection but theyā€™re not sure where itā€™s coming from. Having to stay in until blood cultures come back. This is going to be a very long day. My first blip so I donā€™t suppose I can complain. Thank you all for the lovely messages. Enjoy your Sundays everyone xx


@alig1961 arghhhhhhh I want to scream for you (although I did laugh about the marigolds!!!) ā€¦ you get through each day of chemo and it gives you even more to cope with!!! But, perhaps this is why you felt so yuk and once youā€™re out it will be plain sailing all the way to the end??? Hopeful music plays whilst I type this!!! :slight_smile: Hang on in there, youā€™ll be home soon. Think about 2025 and how fab thatā€™s going to beā€¦ spend the day in a blissful dream state knowing that this will be a horrible distant memory one day soon xxx

Happy Sunday everyone elseā€¦ @pat ā€¦ definitely go for the shave. I felt soooo much better when I had a buzz cut and didnā€™t really notice going bald. It was a bit like dog hair round the house rather than big clumps coming out which I know would have been more upsetting. It gave me a little bit of control at a time with no control so itā€™s worth doing just for that. If Iā€™m feeling bad about my hair, I tell myself it will grow back and now I have an opportunity to experiment with some lovely short hairstyles in 2025 - something I would never have done with below shoulder length hair xx


Well Iā€™ve just cooked a roast dinner, with apple pie and custard for pud for 7 people. Husband and daughter have gone to Old Trafford for the football, and granddaughter and her dad have gone to their house so I think Iā€™ve earned an afternoon with my feet up snoozing, with tea and cake in an hour or so :grinning:


@alig1961 hope there is progress on where the infection is soon :crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3:

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@alig1961 hope you had a good nights rest and they get you sorted fast! You need to get home to your marigolds and hot tub!

@pat Sunday lunch sounded delish and lamb bhuna nice!!

Happy Monday all - back to work for me for a few days. :crazy_face:

Still nothing to report from me. Still waiting on blood cultures. Desperate to get home. Although I feel happy in the knowledge that Iā€™m in the right place. It should have been my first day of the new academic year and I hate not being at school to celebrate the success and start a new. I feel very sad today. Oh well. Instead I will enjoy the fact that they have moved me to gynaecology and I have my own loo, which is great as Iā€™m no longer constipated. Just need to ensure that I donā€™t trip my self up on the lead to drip as I dash to the loo. Have a good day everyone xx


@alig1961 your own loo canā€™t be underestimated! I think blood cultureā€™s can take a while to come back sometimes.

Sorry youā€™re sad about the new school year. Another reminder of how life has changed Iā€™m afraid. But you are in the right place and itā€™s the place to get you better :hugs::kissing_heart:

At 2pm this afternoon, I am going to a Look Good, Feel Better makeup workshop - face to face, which is hilarious to all who know me as i never wear makeup. A bit of eyeliner and mascara in my 20ā€™s was about the limit!! Anyway, my disappearing eyebrows and eyelashes, plus seeing myself in the mirror and seeing my mother looking back persuaded my it was worth a try :see_no_evil:


@pat You will have a great time. Itā€™s worth it for the freebies. Have you decided on the shave yet?
Thank you for the message xx

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@alig1961 ā€¦ that sucks. Hopefully when they look at your cultures (donā€™t they need to grow or something to see what theyā€™re doing?) it will all be ok. Itā€™s horrible on missing out on yet another thing isnā€™t it. I thought by September Iā€™d be able to plan a bit more but no, last weeks delay well and truly bashed that thought out of me. Itā€™s so frustrating for us. Someone said to just look forward to Xmas ā€¦ great, only another 3.5 months :frowning: Hang on in there ā€¦ use that loo as much as possible!!!

@pat ā€¦ seeing your mother in the mirror ā€¦ scream!!! Hope it goes well xx

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@pat its my dad that Iā€™m seeing not my mum :joy: