June 2024 chemo starters

@wjs I’m sorry you have to stay in. You know it’s for the best even though you don’t want to be there. Hopefully your temperature will behave itself and you can be sprung tomorrow. :hugs::hugs::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

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Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:t2: you can get home tomorrow xx

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@wjs honestly it’s for the best. It’s vial but it’s for the best. Fingers crossed it’s just for the night. Let them do what they’ve got to do. When was your treatment and was it the full dose? Xx

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@wjs i thought it was the injections that were causing me the issues when I had to go to hospital but they really wouldn’t listen. Please tell them your thoughts xx

@alig1961 I had the full dose again last Friday. Ironically I felt a bit better yesterday apart from my stomach. Only rang for advice on that. Turns out I have oral thrush again though so at least got meds for that as am sick of my tongue. It’s just my temperature went up again so they didn’t want me to end up having to come back to A&E in the night if things got worse which makes sense. I did speak to the Doctor about the injections but unfortunately they are needed due to my low wbc count so got to keep going on those. Certainly don’t want my last chemo delayed. Got my own room though so could be worse I guess. (The advantages of low immunity :roll_eyes:)x

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@wjs Be prepared for them to need 24 hours without a temperature spike before they release you. If you’ve got that in your mind it won’t be as bad and ask what your temp is at each time as they recorded one of mine incorrectly. Xx

@pat amd @donna_51 … thank you for your kind words and helping me feel like I’m not the only one :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: that smashing activity is defo one to book :facepunch:t3::raised_hands:t3::rofl:

I do feel sorry for the men folk a little … if I’m being totally truthful my relationship has been strained and I am being a complete bitch … but they don’t understand, especially the hair angst and as much as they try they never really will!! But we’ll plod on :grimacing:

Oh and as for “the countdown” pep talk …. Arrrrrggghhhhh it drives me mad …. I know people are trying to be helpful but again it’s not finished … in my head there’s still months left :weary:

@nicd i know what you mean about the “sick” look something I’m really struggling with at the moment mentally… and same a little bit of make up does lift me … that and doing mini manicured on myself!!

@alig1961 @wjs hope your both ok and your temps/ bloods are behaving?

I have a telephone appointment with my oncologist tomorrow morning so I hope he’s prepared for the long list of shitty side effects I would like sorting before next treatment :weary::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Keep going ladies … sending love and positivity… I’ve kept a little back for myself and hoping I’ll be 90% out of my funk by tomorrow :crazy_face::rofl: :heart::heart:


@charlie22 you will get out of the murderous phase! I am leaving mine, not quite out of it yet but definitely leaving it.

I can almost see my darling husband physically stopping himself saying things that he thinks may be controversial :rofl::cry:However hard he tries he just doesn’t get the hair angst.

Your Oncologist better look out tomorrow! Give him/her what for!!!

This afternoon my hair angst/overthinking over boiled. I phoned my lovely hairdresser who had me down at the salon in no time. She examined it all very carefully, tried on the hats/hairbands I brought and suggested that rather than shaving it all off, which I had almost resigned myself to, in order to not look like a straggly tramp, she should cut a very short bob just under my earlobes. Somehow she’s made it look thicker and has made me look like me again! When the hat is on now the hair just peeps out at the side so i am now a happy bunny :grinning: I am trying a wig on Tuesday so :crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3: as that will give me an alternative when I’m inside for coffee, meals etc

@wjs i hope you have a good night.

Lots of love everyone :heart: :two_hearts:


@pat … aww love that about your hair … I bet that had lifted your spirits no end :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I had a big ugly cry with my mum and dad today … that has helped me a lot :face_holding_back_tears::heart: determined to try and finish this week on a positive :muscle:t3:



@wjs i hope you feel better soon xx
Every time I come on here I don’t feel so alone and I’m so thankful for that.
I went to get my prosthetic boob yesterday as I had a flat mastectomy in May.
The nurse talked to me for an hour before she even did the fitting , she was very kind.
It’s all so hard.
Take care everyone. Please count me in for a whats app group
/ meet up if I’m able
Charley xx


@charlie22 hope you manage to come out the crappy days and have yourself some better ones.x

@pat so pleased you managed to find a solution you are happy with re your hair.

I agree, men do not understand the stress of the hair loss. My husband definitely doesn’t.


Happy Friday!

@donna_51 @alig1961 i hope you are doing ok after your treatment - it is a dumb thing to say - but hope you don’t get temperatures and more sh*t than you need.

@pat lovely news about your hair - it definitely is one of the mental things that really affects you - I hope the wig shopping goes well - I took a friend and there was much laughter as well as tears.

@charley glad to here your appointment went well - the teams that manage and support us all are incredible :heart:

Trying to focus on the future …. Hubby and I sat and had sundowners on Tuesday … yes I had a drink :crazy_face: it felt nice but naughty …. It was good to sit and chat … more tears … I’m sure I drive him to distraction. He’s very supportive and a fantastic husband and he’s also very matter of fact … most of the time it’s just a cuddle I want. We talked about the future having had “the tug” it’s just the simple things - family- each other - friends - I guess because we had organised a celebration of life for a friends wife that day made us realise how fragile life is. In reality we are doing ok even though it feels rubbish at the moment.

Anyway … enough rubbish … a meet up would be super … sat here with my body aching, hubby gone to work … only 12 injections out of 69 left ( plus the extra herceptin :crazy_face:) it’s Friday - the sun is shining and I’m going to go for a short walk!

Hugs to everyone :heart: thanks for being there x


@wjs good morning. I hope you managed some sleep last night. Every time I woke up in the night I thought about you. Please keep us up to date with how you’re getting on.
There are some great stories on here this morning @pat so pleased your hair is sorted.
@charlie22 glad to hear you had a good cry. Tension relief is good for you especially in n a safe place with lovely parents.
@charley its great when you get a good appointment and feel like you’ve been listened to and cared for fully.
Good to see you back on the chat @collywobbles sharing inspirational family chats.
Has anyone else had a look to see if any other group chats are in excess of 1000. This is an amazing group.
My little win is that I don’t have 7 injections anymore they’ve reduced to 5. So I only have 10 left. Still dreading them as I’m sure it was those that spiked my tempera last time.
Anyway have a lovely Friday everyone and a great weekend. Keep in touch. Xxxx


Hi all, so I’m still in the hospital but hope to be going home tomorrow. TMI ALERT :nauseated_face: They found a bug or bacteria or something in my stool sample which is the reason my stomach has been so bad. So this afternoon they switched me into some different antibiotics which should hopefully sort that out and I have some nice banana flavour medicine sorting out my tongue! The Oncologist that came round this morning did say in her experience those that have been through EC then onto Docetaxel do find it harder, partly due to the build up of chemo too. I will try and have a better chat with whoever rings me before the final one as the Doctor assessing me in the CTAU yesterday also said a small reduction in chemo should be ok. So all in all it’s been worth stopping in.

Anyway hope everyone’s doing ok. @alig1961 great news re less injections! :partying_face:

Wendy x


Thanks for the update Wendy. Have been thinking about you all day. Glad they’ve found the issue. Fingers crossed for an early release tomorrow xx

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@wjs thanks for the update. Not great that you have an infection but it’s good in a way, as at least that means it can be treated. Hopefully you can go home tomorrow and you’ll recover quickly from this little hiccup!!!

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@wjs hi Wendy! Glad they’ve found the cause and hope you are feeling a bit better. Fingers crossed to be let out for the weekend. X

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@wjs hope you get to go home today - at least they know what it is and you’ll feel better soon :two_hearts:

I am exhausted… round 7 has beaten me this time and I’m horizontal today… Stupidly felt ok yesterday and went for a dog walk up a (small!) hill with my friend and nearly fainted! I had to sit on a grassy knoll with my head between my legs whilst dog walkers squeezed by me. A stark reminder that I need to take it easy even if the steroids give you some false energy for a while!!! I finished my 4 free counselling sessions and we talked a lot about not rushing back into your old life but slowly taking steps to regain physical and mental strength whilst working out what your future life looks like - I need to heed to that advice!!!

Happy weekend everyone… xxx


@charley do you think you’ll go for reconstruction at some point? I’m going to consider it next year when I feel I can make a rational decision! I’ve only had a softie these last few months so I need to have that prosthesis appointment soon but not sure I can cope with any more tears for now - glad you managed to go and get it sorted. I hope it’s ok for you xx

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Little update. I was a bit optimistic about escaping today :see_no_evil: I need to stay until at least Monday to give the infection more time to improve and apparently it’s contagious so obviously don’t want to be passing that into the family! I am feeling a lot better in myself though.

Hope you get some of your energy back soon @donna_51 but in the meantime take it easy.

Hope everyone else is doing ok.x