June 2024 chemo starters

@wjs Oh I’m sorry to hear you will be in for the weekend but great that you’re feeling better so the treatment is working! Are you in a room on your own? If so have you got a telly to pass the time??

How’s the food? Any cake?

Love to you :heart: :two_hearts:


Hi Wendy
Glad you’ve got your head around your stay. You seem more positive than I was. Keep smiling and recognise that the meds are doing their job. Try and relax in between all the observations. Xx


Thanks ladies. Still in a room on my own @pat. If I wasn’t in my own room I think id be finding it harder. No cake but menu isn’t bad. Am eyeing up crumble and custard for tomorrow’s pudding :wink: I’m just glad to be feeling better.

Got Channel 5 and Netflix on my iPad so I can binge some crime dramas in between reading my crime drama book :laughing:


@wjs enjoy that crumble, it’s almost cake!!! Netflix binge a good idea too :two_hearts:


@wjs @donna_51 absolutely!! Crumble and custard is just as good, if not better from some perspectives.

Isn’t it amazing that you can sit there and watch the telly on the ipad as if you’re on your own sofa. We rarely watch anything live nowadays and struggle to find stuff on terrestrial telly to be honest. If you have Channel 5 you can watch All Creatures Great and Small :grin:

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@donna_51 Hi
I’m not sure about reconstruction… I couldn’t think about it at the time as I just wanted the cancer gone and the team agreed so they could get on with the chemo quicker as less recovery from the op.
I’ve had a softie and now the prosthetic, I’ve felt ok about it but don’t know how I’ll feel later… one day at a time I guess. They said reconstruction is an option for me if I want it. Or I can have a reduction on the other side …don’t think I can think about it all now though. At least I’m getting more use from it than the wig I bought!
Hope your energy is renewed soon …
@wjs … take care and I hope you get sorted soon. Thank goodness for iPads eh… and hospital TVs.
C x


@wjs crumble and custard sound good and even better when someone else is cooking. Relax whilst you can. Glad you’re feeling a bit better and fingers crossed for going home tomorrow.

@donna_51 well done on completing the counselling - it sounds useful even if we don’t also heed the advice. I think we think we are superwomen sometimes :crazy_face: in reality we probably are but sometimes we just run out of energy. Take care of you.

I had an interesting question last night when friends came around - what are you going to do after recovery? I think I took it the wrong way and said I don’t think you ever recover and rambled on …. My husband said to me later I think she meant after your treatment. I don’t think I could answer that either …. I will be booking on to the other course and get the counselling.

It’s pouring here this morning and decided that’s good - it’s a jigsaw puzzle sort of day and relax. Take care all xx


@donna_51 please can you share the counselling service you recommended- I know you shared the link previously but I can’t find it :crazy_face:. Thank you.

@alig1961 i think you said there was a session on the future…. What’s next kinda thing…. Please remind me who organised that? Brain fog :roll_eyes:

Thanks both x

@collywobbles and everyone … definitely worth doing. We covered a lot in 4 sessions, really useful!

Bless your friend @collywobbles … they probably thought they were going to get an uplifting bucket list type answer but the reality is v v different!!! We don’t recover, we learn to live differently I believe and I’m starting to slowly think we live better if we work at it (counselling helps with that mindset!!!) … I’ve already noticed that friends are all ready to celebrate the ‘end’ of all this and I will take that in the spirit that it’s meant but again, the counselling helped me realise that I need to slowly recover and not rush to act like this is all over and done with … no superwoman here any time soon!!!

Happy Sunday ladies wherever you are … with cake and crumble :two_hearts::two_hearts:


@collywobbles this is the Moving Forward course. I’m planning on doing this at my local Maggies after Radiotherapy. There’s in person or online options.x


By the way, anyone got any issues with red cheeks? My son said I look like a gnome - he’s not wrong :laughing: I’ll definitely be ready for that LGFB course next month!x

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Thanks @wjs and @donna_51 - I will book those.

Enjoy your Sunday :two_hearts: x

@collywobbles it wasn’t me who mentioned this course, but I have requested to do it thanks to @wjs. I don’t have a maggies by me so I’ll have to do it online.
I’ve started the counselling sessions recommended by @donna_51. I’ve still got another three to do. It was interesting what I spoke about. I thought it would be about dealing with the future but I talked a lot about work and how I felt this illness had stripped me of my identity and how I was grieving my former life. That’s deep for a Sunday morning. :thinking::face_holding_back_tears::weary:


My hubby said i looked red yesterday. It was just after I’d had a little nap.

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Yes to red cheeks!!! Think it’s the steroids or could just be standing up making my cheeks look red as I’m now so pale so any exertion makes me flustered !!!

@alig1961 it is interesting what you end up talking about with the counsellor isn’t it! I chatted about my mother a lot which @ 52 is surprising but I went with it as it’s all relevant in some way! :two_hearts:


Hi ladies, I wanted to come on and say a very belated “hello”. I have been here since the beginning but have been reading comments, suggestions and advice and not really participating in any other way. I have found out loads of helpful info along the way and have been glad to not be in all this by myself. I found a lump just before my 57 birthday in April and was diagnosed with stage 2 lobular cancer in June. I started on EC in June x 3 and started docetaxel x 3 last month, so one more to go. I have been pencilled in for single mastectomy on 20th November and node clearance and I have been told that I will have radiotherapy too.

I was unable to start a ‘new topic’ so apologies for jumping in with the ‘reply’ button.


@wjs yes to the red /rashy ( amd this morning some scabby looking bumps) face. Ive had it for about the last month, i am not on steroids now since switching to abraxane rather than paclitaxel (not that my sleep has noticed this …), so can only assume its drugs/hormones.
I have been using moo goo products that sooth a bit, but no miracle cure!

Also wanted to share this…

The short little clips i find quite uplifting…hope someone else enjoys them too.

Keep going well team…I’m keeping busy as i can before last treatment thurs, all being well …


Has anyone developed or suffered with neuropathy during chemo? I’ve had 3 X EC and 5 out of 9 paclitaxel so far. Yesterday the tips of my thumbs went numb and the feeling hasn’t come back :weary:. I assume it’s neuropathy. Not sure who to tell or when to tell them - do we just mention to the nurse at next round/oncologist at next appt? I really don’t want any changes made to my treatment plan. I just want to get through the next 4 sessions of paclitaxel :pray: xx


@nicd I think I was given some MooGoo cream in my Little Lifts package so will have a look when I’m home. Got some Aloe Vera with me so using that as the skin had gone a bit dry too.

Hi @jojoh glad you’ve found all our ramblings useful :slightly_smiling_face: It really would have been so much harder going through this without this amazing group.

@rrey I would call the helpline for advice and hopefully they can put your mind at rest. If you leave it and it gets worse that may cause you more problems in the long run? Although I don’t know a lot about neuropathy. Obviously others may have better info for you if they’ve experienced it.


@rrey I have had 3 x EC and 2 x Docetaxel. I developed pain and tingling in my feet after the first Docetaxel. Oddly it came on for 2 or 3 hours in the evening only. It lasted about 7 days and then went. I contacted my breast care nurse, who spoke to the Oncologist. We decided to continue on the same dose for the next treatment. This time the neuropathy ‘episodes’ have been longer but now, on day 15 have disappeared.

I would advise you to report what has happened before your next treatment. I rang the helpline but found that I had more joy when the Breast Care nurse was a go between. You won’t necessarily have to reduce your dosage :crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3: but its better safe than sorry

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Thank you. It’s been a lifeline to be honest.

I’ve had the really red cheeks too, but only since docetaxel - even worse when I’m having a hot flush too!

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