June 2024 chemo starters

Ive had red cheeks on the steroid days with Docetaxel. Cant remember having them with the EC

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The doctor said it could be the steroids causing the red cheeks. Iā€™ve only had this since being on Docetaxel too.x

They mentioned last night I might be able to come home today :crossed_fingers:t2: Time for one more apple crumble and custard though :wink::yum:


@jojoh welcome to our lovely group - itā€™s been an essential for me through all this so glad you can join us.

@wjs yay to going home, fingers crossed. Enjoy the last crumble (and being served it in bed!!). Let us know if you get to go home

@rrey Iā€™ve had on and off odd feelings, in my toes especially. First round of pax it was hot and really itchy feet (I had to rub my feet on the carpet or dog to get relief!) ā€¦ now I get almost sharp stabbing sensations every so often. My fingers also feel a tad numb every so often but it seems shortlived. I was really worried about neuropathy so had long discussions with my team before pax and the general advice was to tell them ANYTHING you might be feeling. If the pain/sensations donā€™t go away in a few days etcā€¦ then call them. They can either reassure you that itā€™s ok or adjust the dose, give medication etcā€¦ but if you donā€™t tell them they canā€™t do anything to help. My onc said that heā€™d never know neuropathy to be permanent in anyone he has treated (heā€™s a very senior and experienced doctor so reassuring) but I knew, personally, that if I had anything that went on for too long, Iā€™d be reducing the dose in an instant. I donā€™t want a permanent reminder of this, whereas some women are happy to do whatever it takes and will take the consequences of that ā€¦ personal choice etcā€¦ so definitely call them.

Hope everyone else ok - I seem to have picked up a bit of a cold (damn kids going back to school maybe!) that has wiped me out. Ughhhā€¦ lots of sofa time this week for me x


Same here. Didnā€™t have them on EC either.

Has anyone found anything that tastes remotely normal or good whilst on docetaxel? I think my taste and smell are bothering me more than the aches. Feel very sad today. :disappointed:

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@donna_51 what you describe is exactly what i get with the neuropathy, though sometimes it is really quite painful. Iā€™m encouraged by what your Oncologist said. My additional worry is that Iā€™m diabetic and therefore at extra risk :see_no_evil:

@alig1961 Im sorry uoure having a bad day. I have had a bout of very low mood with both my Docetaxel treatments, which isnā€™t like me, but Iā€™m not sure if its the drug or getting towards the end of treatment. I have had a horrible tasting, furry tongue, with most savoury things tasting off or of cardboard, for the first 10 days or so of the Docetaxel. This has suddenly resolved and the remainer of the time everything has tasted normal.


@alig1961 my first 2 pax meant a fuzzy tongue and food tasting odd for a few days but generally it all came back after 5/6 days. However, I think itā€™s cummulative as I canā€™t seem to taste much nowā€¦ doesnā€™t stop me trying though (just had a jammy doughnut and some cadbury eclairs - I am experimenting to see what I can taste!!! ) ā€¦ and honestly, itā€™s another crap thing in all this. Looking forward to a nice cuppa and cake/treats is something to get us through the day so I get why itā€™s upsetting. Eating and drinking are one of the great joys in life and this has been robbed too!!! BUT it is temporaryā€¦ everyone Iā€™ve spoken to further down the line has regained taste really quickly ā€¦ we just have to get through itā€¦sighā€¦

@pat Iā€™d definitely mention anything to your team as youā€™re diabetic. They want to know so itā€™s worth chatting it through with them - thatā€™s what theyā€™re for.

Hang on in there teamā€¦ we can get through this no matter how slowly this all seems to be going. Honestly, some days seem to last foreverā€¦ especially the ones when Iā€™m feeling miserable and full of doom and gloom. Itā€™s all temporaryā€¦ we will see the light and have real happiness again xxx

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@alig1961 sorry youā€™re having a rubbish day. Both times Iā€™ve had an awful white coated tongue. Iā€™ve got medication this time as it was oral thrush so itā€™s feeling much better now. Could that be what you have?

The Doctor has discharged me this morning so just waiting for my antibiotics then I can go home.x


@wjs hurrah! So pleased youā€™re going home! Will you survive without apple crumble and custard? :joy::astonished:

@donna_51 I mentioned it last time and after discussion everyone decided it would be safe to go on with the same dosage again which I was happy with. Iā€™m going to mention it again this time as the symptoms have been a bit more prolonged.

With the taste thing - Iā€™ve found that on the whole sweet foods taste generally ok, which is fabulous. Its savoury that tastes yuk, but as with you mine has gone back to normal.

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@pat managed to fit another one in at lunchtime :wink::yum:


Hi all ā€¦ and especially hi to @jojoh ā€¦ like the other ladies this group really has kept me sane a lot throughout so thank you :heart:

@rrey ., I had terrible neuropathy when I was on the paclitaxel ā€¦ even worse when I had the one round of abraxeneā€¦ I did tell my oncologist and it was decided that due to that and all the reactions I would start my EC earlierā€¦ it has worn off now and my fingers feel much better thank goodness!

Hope youā€™re feeling better @wjs amd enjoying the comfort of your own bed tonight!

I finally got some mouth wash prescribed for my furry mouth and tongue ā€¦ which I will pick up tomorrow. Had a blood test today and apparently my cortisol levels are low so need to have another test and then see whatā€™s what ā€¦ apparently it will be on the next couple of weeks so Iā€™m taking that as itā€™s not a major thing! And I got some tablets for the acid reflux which have been great ā€¦ eating is becoming more enjoyable again ā€¦ not that I let it stop me :grimacing::rofl:

All my kids seem to have some kind of lurgy ā€¦ hacking coughs, colds, headaches ā€¦ so trying to avoid them :crazy_face: ā€¦ as if as much as Iā€™d like to :rofl::rofl: although I really am like a mini hitler asking if theyā€™ve washed their hands constantly ā€¦ and slightly holding my breath when they come for a cuddle :rofl::rofl::rofl:

So this weeks focus will be not to get their germs and eat bucket loads of healthy nutritious stuff :crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3:

Hope you all have a good week and have some good plans xx


@alig1961 Iā€™ve had 5 of my 6 treatments and my taste goes on a cycle each time from furry tongue to pink tongue when taste is impacted and then the 3rd week seems to go back to normal ā€¦. I used the Colgate mouthwash from Amazon as the hospital one stung. But if bad get checked incase thrush as someone else said. Good luck :crossed_fingers:

@donna_51 what a bugger - hope you get rid of it quickly so not to impact treatment :crazy_face:

@wjs how exciting - glad you are home!! Enjoy the comforts of your family and home :heart:

Anyone looking to go on holiday - near the end of chemo - check travel insurance - holiday is what is keeping me going but our insurance company covering everything but cancer :crazy_face: booked holiday in January before diagnosed! Kept them informed all the time - complaints going in as holiday now at jeopardy- canā€™t believe it. Hubby on the case. Canā€™t tell friends as they will be knocked for six too. Bloody cancer :rage:


Thanks for the all the lovely welcomes.

Itā€™s good to know itā€™s not just me with the tongue/taste thing. Feels like my tongue has been burnt and nothing tastes right.

On a positive, Iā€™m doing the LGFB Headwear, wigs, brows and lashes online workshop this morning

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@collywobbles arrghhhhā€¦ I naively presumed that because my treatment would be finished by my Lapland Xmas holiday that Iā€™d be ok!!! DONā€™T let insurance ruin your holidayā€¦ Iā€™ve definitely seen posts on the forum here about reasonable travel insurance so it might be best to get cover elsewhereā€¦ that holiday is super important!! Bloody cancer indeed but donā€™t let it beat youā€¦ there are options. Where are you off to? If itā€™s Europe you can at least get the european card thingie that covers basic hospital stays etcā€¦


@jojoh my tongue always feels itā€™s been anaesthetised at the dentistā€¦ itā€™s horrible. But Iā€™m on day 6/7 now and itā€™s feeling better. In theory I should eat nothing but vegetables in week 1 but of course I donā€™tā€¦ I had a bad boy pot noodle last night (it was loitering in the back of the cupboard - I went hunting!) ā€¦ it was sooo spicy but it was great to taste it. My poor digestive system needs a re-set soon I think!

@charlie22 ā€¦ I have avoided my getting too close to my boys when theyā€™re at school. I have an absolute longing to hug them when chemo is finished. Itā€™s on my list of things to do. Being 12 and 14 they might squirm and hate it but I donā€™t careā€¦ BIG HUGS are coming !!!



Hopefully this pic uploads. Someone put this insurers details on our 'useful info ā€™ board at the hospital. I havent tried them yet as waiting to know my radiotherapy dates before booking a holiday. ā€¦

Re neuropathy, ive had this on paclitaxel and abraxane. My onc and nurses have said let them know about it, but not to worry and expect it. They would make changes if too severe and couldnt do buttons up
Ive also been told it mught get worse for few months after treatment stops before it gets better. Deep joy! Really is the gift that keeps givingā€¦


Hi @donna_51 my holiday was booked before diagnosis. They will cover everything excluding cancer. To begin with I thought ok. BUTā€¦ any infection you catch could be because your immune system is lowā€¦. So cancer would come into play :rage:. If it was 8 weeks after my last chemo prob would be ok. Mine will only be about 5 weeks. Also I am in a cruise out of Miami so America and Caribbean all dodgy for medical. Plus learned some cruise do not let any exclusions on insurance onboard. I then thought go to another insurance to get cancer covered - costs a flipping fortune - wonā€™t give a figure yet, as after diagnosis - and understandable will be lots of questions for oncologist to reply. My suggestion is check everything in advance so you are prepared. Itā€™s another bloody hurdle :flushed:

@nicd thanks - picture worked. I will try that. Meanwhile complaint in as current insurers changed their terms after contract signed! Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:


Hereā€™s a link to a Future Dreams page regarding travel insurance and they recommend Insurewith too, the owner has secondary breast cancer


Oh dear. We were considering a holiday abroad next year. Hopefully itā€™ll be easier to get insurance once a bit of time has passed :roll_eyes:

Meanwhile, I went and got my wig today :flushed::hushed::see_no_evil: Actually it is better than I expected it to be. The colour match is pretty good. It feels weird as it looks as if Iā€™ve had my hair blowdried, which Iā€™ve never had done. It feels quite a grown up hairdo, which is a ridiculous thing to say at my age :joy: When i got home I fiddled a bit, and tucked it behind my ears which makes me look more like me. Anyway I think I will be confident enough to wear it and I will be pleased to not have to wear a hat all the time.


Great news about the wig @pat. You can use small amounts of product in it. A bit of styling wax and Elnett hair spray.