June 2024 chemo starters

@alig1961 thanks. Can you put clips, hairband etc in it without making it go weird?

Yes. I wear headbands in mine or I even put a hat on top too x


Hi all
My gp has invited me for the covid jab. I havenā€™t had one for a long time as Iā€™ve never fallen into the groups. Has anyone had it and been advised to have it by their team?

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My oncologist said I could have the Covid and flu jab as long as it was more than 5 days after chemo. So Iā€™ve booked it for two weeks after my last one. Although, my husband has just tested positive for Covid and weā€™ve got no more tests in the house :woman_shrugging::see_no_evil:


@jojoh thanks for this - a great read for anyone going on holiday - I did read it months ago but forgot! The list of insurers is good as that is what Iā€™ve used. Sensible advice and will start my lists from this article! Thank you. Iā€™m still hoping to go especially as itā€™s with friends who we had to let down earlier this year with the surgery :crazy_face:.

@pat great news! Hopefully you get more confident with it. @alig1961 never thought if actually styling the wig :crazy_face: thank you!

Pouring here todayā€¦. Have a good day all!

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@pat glad you like your wig! Photo please if youā€™re braveā€¦ I find that my various wigs smell ā€˜fakeā€™ ā€¦ does anyone put anything on them to smell more hair/human like??

@collywobbles I am envious of your cruiseā€¦ are you going on Royal C? I want to do that exact cruise at some pointā€¦ you ARE going (and will let me know how fab it is after!!).

Off to have my picc line flushedā€¦ am soooo fed up of the horrible taste it gives me, yuk. But I must admit it is nice to go somewhere and everyone is soooooo nice to you. Letā€™s face it, that doesnā€™t happen in ā€˜normalā€™ lifeā€¦ in a perverse sort of way, Iā€™m going to miss my little team when I no longer have to go. Stockholm syndrome I think itā€™s called !!!


@donna_51 Hi. How are you washing your wigs? I like the smell of mine as it smells of fabric conditioner that I leave on. I use a small amount of baby shampoo to wash it then rinse it then a teaspoon of fabric conditioner in a bowl of luke warm water and then leave to dry I do it every two weeks.

I have noticed a slight smell to mine that I was hoping would disappear! They have given me some some special shampoo and conditioner that smells really nice so Iā€™ll try that when the time comes. She said how often to wash it depends on how often I wear it, obvs, so Iā€™ll have to see how that works out. Yet another learning curve that I never thought Iā€™d ever be on before all this started :roll_eyes:


@alig1961 I havenā€™t worn any wigs outside of the house apart from my pink party wig - so havenā€™t washed them!!! I think Iā€™ll gently shampoo the one Iā€™m going to wear and see if that helps. I donā€™t want to hug people and have them think I smell synthetic !!!


@donna_51 you always make me laugh :laughing:. I donā€™t think people would ever turn their nose up at you! I too got special shampoo and conditioner with the wig but havenā€™t used it yet ā€¦. Itā€™s probably another ridiculous product Iā€™ve had to buy!! Iā€™ve worn the wig about 6 times ā€¦ :joy:

@collywobbles @nicd @donna_51 I used insurance with for a 1 week post chemo trip to Portugal and it was very reasonable, the questions they asked felt relevant as if the quote was personalised and I couldnā€™t say that for any of the others I tried. I didnā€™t have to claim so canā€™t say how good they are for that but theyā€™d definitely be the first place I go for any future travel. I know cruises are a special case and likely to be different :face_with_diagonal_mouth: it baffles me how much they charge for travel insurance in Europe given we have the EHIC but then I donā€™t know the ins and outs of how that works . Fingers crossed for everyone hoping to get away


@kaydee82 thank you. What was the name of the insurance please - I think predictive text changed the name? The specialist company I called, InsureCancer, was great and very helpful too Iā€™m seriously thinking about the whole holiday thing now :disappointed:

@collywobbles insurancewith , same one as in the whiteboard pic

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@collywobbles please donā€™t rearrange your holidayā€¦ I know itā€™s hard and we have so little energy to fight anything at the moment but your holiday is BIG part of your recovery. Insurance is just annoying admin that needs to be sorted and for now, will be harder, but you can sort it. Just imagine being on that cruise; lots of yummy food, no cooking, cleaning or sorting anything, lovely celebratory drinks, husband, friends, sun on your face, wind in your newly growing back hair, new adventuresā€¦ love of family and friends, real freedomā€¦ living life to the full. Now that is worth fighting for! If I could sort your insurance myself I would !!! xx


Happy to report that just over 5 weeks since last paclitaxel and I can see tiny scalp stubble beneath the ropy possum hair where the scalp cooler sat :grinning: still nothing around the mutton chops area where it didnā€™t reach. Donā€™t get me wrong, itā€™s a total mess and I wouldnā€™t put it on show but Iā€™m hopeful


This is such a warm and lovely message!

I too am dreaming of holidays. We had a week booked in Easter next year, and I decided today to extend it to two weeks as I can cancel the hotel right up until the last minute. I thought Iā€™d wait and book flights nearer the time-but so helpful to know about the insurance options and to hear that they arenā€™t crazy expensive, maybe Iā€™ll look at booking them sooner!

I enquired at our local Helen Rollason centre yesterday about reflexology, and would you believe it theyā€™d had a cancellation and a slot that day so I ended up having a lovely relaxing treatment! It felt like a real treat, as havenā€™t had anything like that, nor hair/nails etc done since being diagnosed. If youā€™ve any similar places nearby you should contact them to see if you can access some complimentary therapies too-you all deserve a treat too!

Hope everyone is doing well and getting through the week ok! Iā€™ve got a very salty tasting mouth post my treatment on Tuesday, but otherwise okā€¦Iā€™ll take that!



@ljlj ooh all this talk of holidays is making me want to go on one!!

Meanwhile we have just watched Mrs Harris goes to Paris, yet again. I absolutely love this film, and the book is great too though itā€™s years since I read it. Also it has the chef from Emily in Paris in it so whatā€™s not to like! :joy:

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Hi everyone ā€¦ my dad passed away this morning really unexpectedly ā€¦ so I may be a bit quiet for a while ā€¦ plus my next chemo is on Wednesday, which always knocks me for six anyway now ā€¦. but I will keep checking in to see how you are and I am thinking of you all :two_hearts: Take care of yourselves and your loved ones :heart:


@charlie22 Oh no. I am so sorry to hear your news. It is the last thing you need. There is nothing to say except I , and all of us, will be thinking of you every day, and especially on Wednesday. Take care of yourself. Lots of love and hugs :hugs: :hugs: :heart: :heart:


@charlie22 Iā€™m so sorry. Itā€™s hard enough to deal with without the added stress of chemo too. Weā€™ll be thinking of you and sending you lots of love.xšŸ’™