June 2024 chemo starters

Yes great news re wig so pleased you’re happy. Can you put hair spray on synthetic wigs anyone know ? Xx

Oh so so sorry …. No words. Thinking of you at such a sad time :cry:

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@charlie22 I am so sorry to read your news - it’s very tough times for you and your family. I can’t imagine how you are managing. Sending HUGE hugs to you :mending_heart: and sending energy your way. Xx


@charlie22 , sending you love and strength to get through this sad time. Make sure youre kind and gentle with yourself.

And lean into your family, friends and folks here, for anything you need. You know we’re all ears for you and rooting for you xxx


Only Elnett was advised as it is so easy to brush out. You can also use a bit of styling wax. I use the vo5 brand. Hope that helps.

@jules8 i dont have a wig, going with the bald, but sure i read on here Ellnett was ok (so presumably others are too…)

Sending you so much love at this very sad time. We’re all here for you if and when you need us. Huge huge hugs. :blue_heart:


I made it to my last chemo yesterday. We can all get there…

Im bald, rashy/red faced, somewhat achey and exhausted but done.
And they agreed to take my picc line out. So 48 hours of keeping it dry but then i can shower freely and think about being ‘normal’.

My onc nurses and BC nurse were all fabulous. I had some tears and talked through all my odd emotions and irrational thoughts, all entirely normal they reassure me (and ive read about).

It feels less of a celebration, which lots of friends are expressing, but certainly a big tick and next stage on this journey.

Tamoxifen to start in 2 weeks and waiting for radiotherapy dates…

Now to rest for the next week or so…
Much love xxx


Oh thank you yes it does help. Have a good day xx

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So today is the day that I ve been putting off forever. Today I have tried false eyelashes for the first time as I have none left now. I think I can also say that it will be the last time too :crazy_face:.
Have come to the conclusion that a bit of carefully applied eyeliner (must practise more) on the top lid will do the job. Any tips or advice out there?
I’m on day 9 of cycle 5 and I’m feeling quite good. This has been my best cycle yet. I hope the last one goes as well (or better).
I’ve booked 2 days away in London area during half term as my daughter is doing a special effects makeup course at Elstree studios. Not quite the holiday that everyone is talking about on here, but still a change of scenery.
Nearly another week done. Hang in there everyone, we’re getting there. Xxx


Hi I have been thinking of getting false eyelashes when that time comes early days for me. I was told to try magnetic ones!! Sorry no tips but will be interesting what the other ladies say. Lovely to hear you’re feeling good gives hope for all of us. Have a lovely time in London with your daughter x

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Hi all,
I’ve just applied for a little lifts box for when my radiotherapy begins in November.
They have really lovely things and it’s free from a charity.
Here’s the link to the website.

Hope everyone is ok. Another week closer to the end of chemo… I’m hoping my last one will be a week today but I’m currently about to go to the GP as I have a urine infection so I’m really hoping this doesn’t delay things.
Take care everyone

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@charlie22 big hugs and love :two_hearts: we’re here when you need more support xx


So sorry to read your update, sending you hugs and strength x

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@nicd big CONGRATULATIONS… a massive step!! I bet you had lots of different emotions… the best advice I was given by my bcn a couple of weeks ago was to slowly get back to ‘normal’. She said to use my hair regrowth as a guide; you may feel like you’re normal but just like your hair, it will take time to get back. But wow… enjoy the hellish part of this process being behind you :two_hearts:

@alig1961 well done for trying the false eyelashes!!! I’m not a make up or hair type girl and resent that this makes me have to think about eyebrows and lashes and hair waaayyy too much. But I have seen others with eyeliner that gives the impression of eyelashes… will require a bit of practice I guess!

@pat I LOVED Mrs H … I rewatched it during chemo a few rounds back. It’s a definite ‘feel good do what’s important to you’ type movie, v uplifting. Add the gorgeous chef and some cake, bliss.

Happy weekend everyone xx


Glad you’re feeling ok this cycle!

When I have worn them in the past I’ve made sure the glue is tacky before trying to stick the lash on, I’d try to line it up and fail so would then unstick one end and kind of wiggle each end of the lash down as needed to meet the lash line. I’ve always done it with my fingers as opposed to tweezers…
Not sure that is any help at all-I’d maybe buy a cheap pair to play about with.
Are you trying the C-lash ones?

A change of scenery is always great, I’d happily take a trip anywhere at the moment x

The magnetic eyeliner and lashes is absolutely brilliant. Waaaay easier than normal falsies!


@alig1961 I am soooooo pleased that you are better this cycle :blush: I have a grand total of 4 eyelashes on the bottom lid of each eye :joy:. There are more on the top lids, with some gaps. I have decided not to try false eyelashes. I don’t think it would end well :joy::joy:

Has anyone on Docetaxel developed very dry skin? I have flaky skin on my face and hands.

@donna_51 We have been watching all my favourites recently - Remains of the day, Gosford Park, Mrs Palfry at the Claremont. Luckily my husband is happy to watch, or sleep :joy:, so long as he gets his football quota in!


Hi Becky what make are they? Do you wear them a lot ? Any irritation or infection ? Xxx

Congratulations on reaching the end of chemo @nicd! I’m counting down the days to next Friday and my last one!

@charley I had the chemo Little Lifts one. It’s lovely.

@alig1961 glad you’ve been better on this cycle - it’s given me hope for my last one :see_no_evil: Did they reduce your dose? If so do you think this helped?

@pat my face has gone really dry around my cheeks. I’m still a little red too.

I don’t think I’ll be attempting false eyelashes - it will end in disaster :laughing: I will just use eyeliner I think.

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