June 2024 chemo starters

Hi all. A friend has told me about this. I know nothing about it but wondered if any of you have heard about it and signed up.


@collywobbles FANTASTIC photos… I love that big smile. What a milestone to reach :two_hearts: We’re all going to get there - keep going everyone else. Nothing can be as bad as chemo so just get through that horrible stage!

@nicd yuk, hope you feel better soon. Hang on in there, you’ll be back soon.

@alig1961 how lovely is that? There is so much support out there isn’t there! I might give that a go when I see some hair growing back properly - hoping to have a bit of hair by December as I have lots of celebration/Xmas stuff going on - fingers crossed x

Happy weekend everyone xx :smiling_face:


So last one is done and PICC line is out. Wore my Amy Dowden Tickled Pink t-shirt for extra positivity today :slightly_smiling_face: Here’s me with the bell (hubby wanted me to crop him out :laughing:) Not looking very glamorous but an important milestone. Here’s hoping I can get through next week without an infection!

For those with more to go, keep going :muscle: Still here for you.x


@wjs important milestone :heart: well done! Nice to see a few are getting to the end of this flipping chemo rubbish so we can think ahead at least a little! Keep going all …. It’s daunting, it’s exhausting and it’s hard work - hugs to all.

Have to say I am totally wiped out today, a bit queasy as well for the first time - the least I have done in a long time…. Just jigsaw. Looks like the last of the sun tomorrow so will aim to get in the garden.

@nicd hope you feel a bit better.

Enjoy your weekend all xx


Well done @wjs. Another super picture. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bell at my hospital. I may take my own next week. Take it easy and fingers crossed for manageable side effects. Xx


I also had my last one today.
No pic sorry
But also no picc!! It’s out.
Feeling very knackered so in bed and hoping to feel better tomorrow
Well done everyone for soldiering on…
Charley x


Fab news @charley and @wjs … loving the smiles as we all creep towards the end of chemo. Keep on going everyone… we can see that light shining brightly ahead :two_hearts:


Congratulations @charley - hope the side effects aren’t too bad for the final week.x

Awake at stupid o’clock thanks to the steroids but came across this for those still to have surgery. Little lifts have now launched a surgery box you can apply for.x


@charley huge congratulations. Take it easy now and fingers crossed for this next 10 days. X


Congratulations @charley …. Hope the next week is as gentle as it can be. Xx

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Does it get sent to the hospital or your home address as when I applied I had to put where my consultant is as no option for the 1 here? I am not there until the 23rd.

Hi Linda. @Linda_Corinne My little gifts was sent to my home address but mine was the chemo gift box, not sure if that makes a difference.


I’ve just received the radiotherapy one to my home address. It’s lovely…
I may have got through it before radio begins though in Nov.
Thank you everyone…
I hope the group keeps going. It’s been such a lifeline to me these past few months.
C x


@Linda_Corinne my chemo one came to my home address. You just have to provide proof of your treatment and hospital etc so they know you qualify for one.x


Well done @collywobbles @wjs and @charley on completing your chemo.

I had to go to the dentist yesterday as my wisdom tooth was causing me issues & I could barely open my jaw….now I’m on 2 lots of antibiotics to try and stop the infection, which is making me feel really rubbish this weekend- I cannot wait to get into bed today!

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend and feeling as well as possible!


@ljlj oh poor you :pleading_face: the antibiotics should kick in soon hopefully. Plenty of rest and regular painkillers!! :hugs:

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@ljlj oh no that’s horrid :weary: I hope the meds kick in quickly for you - nasty on top of everything else :crossed_fingers:hope you feel a bit better soon x

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Thanks @alig1961 have had a look too as I hadn’t heard of them

Thank you for the insights and suggestions of surgery ladies. You’ve been really helpful :blush:

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Well done all the finishers! We’re standing at the finish routing for the rest of you still going…
@ljlj hope the ab’s kick in quickly…

Everyone else keep well. I had a turn and improvement yesterday and made all my weekend plans…yay!

Wishing everyone a good week ahead…x