June 2024 chemo starters

Congrats to everyone who’s finished (I did three weeks ago), chin up, nearly there to those still going, and good luck to all with ops coming up.

Having done with chemo (and having surgery back in May) I’m now moving on to the next stage. Just started taking letrozole this last weekend and wondering if low mood is a coincidence or a side effect! But also supposed to start a biphosphanate - specifically alendronic acid. When this was first mentioned a few months ago I thought I’d be having six monthly infusions. Instead I’ve been given a daily tablet with v rigid instructions about how to take in the morning - completely at odds with the morning routine I’ve stuck with for several years now to manage a balance condition and vestibular migraines.

Before I go back to my oncologist I wondered whether anyone else has been prescribed this and been offered infusions instead of tablets?

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I have been offered an infusion instead of tablets. I heard it can be hard if you have stomach issues. I’ve had my gall bladder removed and have reflux issues due to this so was told an infusion is better for me. But I think the first line is tablets. I’ve also been recommended another drug alongside letrozole … amimbociclib ?? Or something like that… not looking forward to either of them… radiotherapy next for me though…
Best wishes
Charley x

I seem to have gone mad today :flushed: I feel I’ve coped fairly well with everything from diagnosis to finishing chemotherapy, with no crying and just 2 sort periods of feeling ‘down’ mostly about my hair (now sorted) We went to the supermarket this morning - all ok. Tired when we got back so sat down for a rest and decided to look for a gift for my sister who, with out fail, has sent me a parcel of goodies and lovely things before each chemo session. That was at 2pm and the tears have been sliding out of my eyes ever since!!! I stopped looking for gifts but have since cried at puppies, kittens, babies, beautiful views, even the M and S Christmas food magazine!!!:woman_facepalming:t2: OMG - what a loony


@pat it’s so hard sometimes and just the smallest thing can set you off. I’ve had many moments like this and you’re definitely not a loony! But know exactly how you feel 🩷

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@pat bless you. You’re only just coming out of the chemo side effects and I feel personally that it will take time for it to sink in that the chemo is finally over. Then there is getting your head round moving onto the next stage. So perfectly normal to get so emotional.

What a lovely thing for your sister to do. I’m glad you’ve managed to sort the hair situation too. I’m starting to see some hair growth above my ears. I’m hoping the top of my head will be the same but can’t tell at the moment!x


Thank you both!! My sister lives 4 hours away so I haven’t seen her during the chemo, but it was lovely getting a treat every 3 weeks.

Im not sure that my hair is growing, though I never shaved so there is still some there. A few eyelashes are still hanging on for dear life :joy::joy:


Thanks @charley. I don’t have stomach issues though have been taking omeprazole for years as I am on a strong daily anti-inflammatory for rheumatoid arthritis. I will ask about the infusion. Totally wiped out this afternoon- possibly down to the letrozole. Good luck with the radiotherapy - have been fortunate to be spared that.

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@pat that is all perfectly understandable. For some reason, despite being euphoric last week about finishing chemo, I’m now on a bit of a downer. Everything seems to upset me… kids, hubby, tv programmes, books I’m reading. Maybe it’s normal? This has all taken it’s toll and I guess it’s showing. But as nicd said before, we need to be sooo sooo kind to ourselves. This journey doesn’t magically end when treatment finishes so we need to take our time. Cry away… a good blub over M&S food and beautiful views is great therapy!!

@lolac … I thought everyone got the 6 monthly infusions (and think that’s what I’m having as I’ve already had one infusion alongside chemo) but perhaps it’s different for everyone? Annoying though as you need to adapt again. Is Letrozole the same a Taxi something? I think that’s what I have to take for 5 years after radio… all a bit of a blur as I didn’t take anything in apart from the chemo regime!!

Hope everyone else is doing ok … whether finished or finishing/moving on etc… keep going team and keep posting. I think we need the support more than ever now we’re moving on!! xx


I think I just have Tamoxifen to move on to for 5 years. I’m waiting for an appointment with the Oncologist. They said I could start it shortly or if I prefer I could have a chat with him first. So I said I’d prefer to do that and find out about any side effects/plan going forward. They will review it after 2 years.

Think my side effects are slightly better with the chemo reduction this time. Just hoping I can get through the week and meet my friend for coffee on Saturday!

I’m hoping to go back into work in a couple of weeks (maybe a couple of days a week) as I’ve hated being stuck wfh. However, I am conscious that I don’t look like the me that they saw back in June. Hopefully the LGFB course next Tuesday will give me a bit of a boost and make me feel less crappy. I’m
planning on going back to my ballet class (only beginners I’m no expert!) after half term too which will be good exercise for my surgery arm and hopefully help shift some of the cake weight!

I agree that we all still need support wherever we’re at with our treatment.x


Just back home after finishing last chemo and a half hearted ring of the bell. Still two thirds to go BUT so glad the chemo part is over!
Love all the supportive messages of this amazing group, thank you :blush:


@jojoh Hurrah. Well done. A step closer and the hardest part done.

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@jojoh well done on reaching the end of chemo.xx

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Whoo hoo @jojoh … so glad you’ve made it, a fabulous milestone!!! Now treat yourself wonderfully over the next few weeks - you deserve it! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@wjs I know what you mean about getting back to work. I normally go into an office 2 days pw and I’m sort of itching to get back but I know I need to take my time and do it my way. What do you do? Just make sure it works for you xx :two_hearts:

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@donna_51 I’m a secretary so I’ve been able to wfh as it’s audio typing which has given me a bit of normality, but I just want to get back into the office and be around people again. I have got to be sensible though and do a gradual return as much as I just want to go back to normal! Hope you’re able to get back to a bit of normality soon too.x

So……just had my last bloods done ready for last chemo tomorrow. It wasn’t the best experience, it took 5 minutes just to find a vein :see_no_evil:. I hope this isn’t a sign of things to come for tomorrow. I’ve treated myself to a nice pastry as it’s going to be a while before I can taste again.
Hope everyone is managing their side effects as well as possible.


@alig1961 fingers crossed it’s all ok for tomorrow. Damn veins have clearly had enough but they don’t affect your white blood count so you’ll be fine. Let us know how you get on!

@wjs similar to me, I’m a bookkeeper and have wfh through all this but will go back into the office for a couple of hours at a time until Xmas I think. It’s not a physical thing but more people talking !!! I’ve got used to everything being about me pretty much all this year so the thought of that office small talk makes me shudder! I’m sure I’ll get back into it but baby steps definitely. I LOVE the sound of your ballet class, v brave of you but sounds lovely. But don’t EVER give up CAKE !!! Ha …

I have my radio all set up for 4th Nov. 5 sessions over 5 days… piece of cake (ha!) after what I’ve just been through… whoooo xx


Just had phone call from hospital. My blood had clotted so can’t run the tests. I’ve got to go and have blood taken again this afternoon. :disappointed:

OH NO… that is soooo frsutrating!!! Have a big SCREAM then get on down there and get it done (again!!) surely all this drama means it has to go ahead tomorrow!!! Fingers and toes are crossed for you xxx


@donna_51 I start radio then too. Impossible for me to give up the cake. Determined to make out for cake for my friend’s Birthday on Saturday :wink:

@alig1961 hope the second blood test is successful and you get that last session out the way. Everything crossed for you.xx🤞🏻

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@alig1961 That is so bloody ANNOYING. Obviously you’ll have to have another pastry when you have your second test. You’re worth it :joy:

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