June 2024 chemo starters

Pleased to say that second bloods went ok. I’ve heard nothing, so presuming all good for tomorrow. I’d cut my pastry in half @pat so I can have my second half tonight :joy:. I need to lose so much weight after all of this.
When I went this afternoon I asked if they’d pencilled in my planning scan and radiotherapy. If it goes according to plan I should have the scan on the 17th for a start on the 4th nov. Not as lucky as @donna_51 because I’m under 50 I have to have 9 sessions. I feel more like 75 at the moment. Fingers crossed. :crossed_fingers:. Xxx


@alig1961 Im pleased it went ok this afternoon. As they were so prompt withthis mornings sample I’m sure they’d have contacted you by now if there was another problem.

Good that they’ve told you what is happening next. It does help to know. Not great about the 9 sessions but compared to what you’ve already been through it’s doable.


Ah the 3 of us will all be starting on the 4th :slightly_smiling_face: I have 15 to do but that’s because I’m having it instead of surgery for the lymph nodes. Good luck for tomorrow and side effect week.x

Re the dodgy tongue/taste. Do you all get a white tongue? I’m not sure if it’s oral thrush again or just the normal side effects. Don’t have any spots in it.


Hi @wjs I’m pleased to say that is one thing I haven’t had. My mouth and taste is bad but no furry white tongue. They prescribe difflam oral rinse which I use in smaller amounts but more regularly. Xx


@wjs After first 2 Docetaxel I had no taste and a furry, off/rancid tasting tongue :nauseated_face: I wondered if it was thrush but it suddenly cleared up on day 10 or 11. I mentioned it to the chemo nurse this time and she gave me Nystatin, saying that it may or may not work but it was worth a try. This time I’ve lost taste but no off/rancid taste or furry tongue. Possibly tongue has been a bit more sore than before?


Thank you @pat @alig1961. I don’t think my tongue is as bad as it usually is so will keep going with my Corsodyl mouth wash for now and hope it clears up soon, as I now have 2 coffee/cake trips planned at the weekend with friends (so much for losing the cake weight :laughing:).x


@wjs I have coffee planned with friends on Friday so I’m praying that my taste has returned by then. Before, sweet things have been generally ok but this time I’ve lost that too :pensive:

I think it’s far too early to cut back on cake. We don’t want to cause a relapse of side effects after all :face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I totally agree with @pat … we all risk severe side effects if we give up cake til at least NY so I say we keep going for health reasons!! Hee hee…

Good luck today @alig1961 … hope the side effects aren’t too bad. BIG milestone.

I had usual tongue/taste issues this last week but now I’m in week 2 (and beyond, I never have to think in weeks again!) I feel like my tongue and taste is near normal - ready for a weekend of eating and celebrating, food wise, properly. Whooo

My friend who had BC 4 years ago had 10 weeks of radio… imagine that!!! Either way, radio will be a doddle after this. We’ve got this! x

@charlie22 hope you’re doing ok - still thinking of you girl xx


Congrats @jojoh for getting to the end if this rubbish - ye-ha🎉

@alig1961 sounds like a tough few days with too many flipping needles - good luck today thinking of you.

@pat sounds like your sister has been supportive which is lovely. Must admit I found this week hard after finishing chemo last week - quite tearful. I did my first counselling session - thanks @donna_51 - of 4 - that was tougher than I expected but it felt good to do and lots of tears.

I did the LGFB hair and scalp call on Tuesday - it was very interesting and talked about the lifecycle of a hair (when was that interesting before :crazy_face:) so I feel better informed - I also had the aloevera with teatreeoil already thanks to @alig1961 -

Just trying to get through this week by relaxing as I have a black tie do - lah di dah - on Saturday - my very good friend who has been amazing on this journey so I am going to be there! I have a dress, my wig and got accessories sorted. She’s sitting me on a small table in a very large room right by the exit for some air :crazy_face:. Not sure how long I will last but that’s my plan!

Spoke to onc the other day and she recommended min 3 months to take it easy in large crowds and holidays as immune system will still be low. So we must take it careful she said partying on Saturday!!

Happy Thursday and hugs to all for next steps……


@collywobbles ooh black tie!!! Very posh. Have a great time.

@alig1961 I hope it all goes OK today xxx. Nearly done.

@donna_51 I will be having my radiotherapy in January so I will be most disappointed if you all give up cake before I’ve finished all my treatment!!! :pensive::face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Good luck today @alig1961 hope it goes as well as it can.

Wow so many starting radio soon, feels like it’s way off for a few of us, but great we’re all progressing from the dreaded chemo.

Cakes all the way to January then @pat :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::cake:


Good luck for your last session today @alig1961

Cake should at minimum remain a weekly treat, and will always remind me of the banter in this lovely group!


The reality is I’m never going to be able to give up the cake - just going to have to get my backside moving a bit more once the energy levels allow :laughing::cupcake::cake:


Of course once I finish my surgery and radiotherapy I guess it will be February/March time and some of us will be coming up to the first anniversary of our diagnoses, particularly those who had surgery before chemo. Therefore we will need cake to commemorate that, and the anniversary of us all starting chemo, and finishing chemo… do you see where I’m going with this :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:


Last be done yay :raised_hands: so pleased. No message like you @donna_51 but nice bright colours to celebrate. Thank you guys for your support throughout xxxc


Congratulations @alig1961! Lovely photo.x

@pat i discovered my lump just after my Birthday in January so I think I definitely need to start the year with a big piece of cake :wink::laughing:


@alig1961 Well done. Hurrah. Another step forward!

@wjs definitely a cake situation

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Whooo @alig1961 … you did it!!! Now relax (with cake!) and enjoy the freedom of never having to do chemo again!!!

I think we can safely say cake is here to stay :yum: my onc reminded me that I’ve done all this so I can enjoy life and having a cake at least once a week is part of that - yum!!!

Keep going everyone else, we’re all here cheering you on xx :two_hearts::two_hearts:


Cake to celebrate.


Sorry for such a late reply - only just spotted your message today in my junk mail (not a worthy place for your reply!). Letrozole is one of the alternatives to tamoxifen that they give those of us who have been through the menopause. So far not too bad. Decided I’m going to speak to my oncologist about changing my alendronic acid tablets for infusions.

Just joined a health club and have enjoyed a swim and aqua aerobics class this week. Need to do more exercise if I’m going to join the rest of you and celebrate with cake!