JUNE radiotherapy anyone?

No…was there 11.10 to 12.45 today as first appt and had Doc review first…was door to door…have to travel from York to Leeds…there is a free minibus run by local Cancer Centre in York who do pick ups from home but i don’t qualify as live in a surrounding village so it’s just as far/easy for me to drive the 56 mile roundtrip.

Hi joy
I also have a 60 mile round trip. Where abouts are you. I live on the east coast and travel to castle hill for treatment. I think the travelling is going to be the worst part. I have managed to get most of my appointments for 10.15 so I can avoid rush hour. It takes about an hour each way depending on how many tractors I encounter. Standing joke in our family that you always have to add at least 15mins to allow for tractor time ? .
Have a good weekend everyone.

Sorry jky… *** spell checker

Hey Jan…near Selby…had choice of Leeds, York, Hull, Doncaster, Wakefield for my treatments…chose York as know it well…but Rads are done in Leeds St James’…its probably equally as far and takes same time travelling from my house to both Hospitals.
Heard good things re Castle Hill.
Know what you mean re farm machinery…get used to it living here…drove me nuts when first moved from Bradford 15yrs ago.

Morning all…
A bit sore yesterday evening around scars and wound, was pink for few hours but settled after lotioning and ‘exposing’ haha…can already see how my evenings are gonna be spent. Good job the weather’s improving soon and i can make use of our very private garden. There’s nothing like a cool June evening breeze…???

Out of interest guys…whats the breathing thing??
Was told by Radiographer to breath normally.
Is it to do with left side and damage to heart muscle prevention?..if so im a bit cross as wasnt informed of that…guess i’ll have a word on Monday.

Wonder why it wasnt discussed with me…nor in any leaflets. Just looked up a few studies and it definitely offers benefit in LAD artery and heart muscle protection.
Kitty were you given coaching on breath holding techniques at your unit?
I will discuss this for sure on Monday with the team.

Ahh…thanks Charys, that makes sense. Are you Up’ t’north as well…having family near here?
Ok, going for a well earned curry soon with the family…i volunteered to drive but hopefully will have a nice cool bevvie later in the local…have a good evening all.
Cheers, Jo.x

I had 9/15 rads yesterday and am getting more tired each day, especially with being back at work for my 4 hours each shift. It’s my weekend to work as well so haven’t even had a break from rads or work this week. I woke up early today after a rubbish nights sleep, then went to work at 2pm and have just got home, am having a 10 minute lay down as am out tonight for a Chinese with friends, I’m sure I’ll perk up after a couple of glasses of wine or even a g&t! Enjoy your curry Jo, I hope everyone else is having a nice weekend! Xx

hi jky, I had rads to the left boob a few weeks ago, I asked the radiographer about the breathing technique & she said that following the ct scan results, it wasn’t necessary.
very best wishes all

Morning all…how’s everyone doing today?
Its another beautiful day…think i’m going to go for a walk round the park & icecream before this aftys’ session.

No.8 all done this morning, just over half way through now! My appointments are 8:30 am all week, so although it’s a shock to the system being up and ready to leave home at 7:30, it does mean I have the rest of the day to enjoy the good weather in between housework!

It is a scorcher today…hope youre enjoying the sun Kim…i’m finishing the laundry and then in garden for an hour…those weeds are rampant. GoT tonight and house to myself for a change…pure bliss.
2nd one done…only huccup was all the machines down for an hour…so delayed but otherwise was fine.

Morning Kitty and everyone…
Day 4 for me…i’ve a few stabbing pains in boob and ribs and feel a tiny bit swollen…wearing sport bra for support. My wounds sore but thankfully no worse…see nurse today for review. Wish id invested in bra extenders…they sound great, instead of buying new…tho only cheap Asda ones which are so comfy.
208 miles in 4 days and im getting tired with travelling in this heat.
Have to buck up tho…we’re going to AC/DC gig tomorrow…cannot wait…got Herceptin tomorrow first in York 9am then Leeds for 1230 Rads session ?.
I missed Wembley in July 2015 as having chemo then…gave ticket to brother in law. Im determined not to miss tomorrow.
Much love to all.

Hi Charys…i had last surgery in January…5th one…but had innumerate non healing wound issues for 8 months…still small wound so i expected discomfort sooner rather than later unfortunately.?
Hope yours settles soon and yes Kitty…generally ache all over but put that down to Tamoxifen & Herceptin.
We all have to go thru some schizzle don’t we ladies…xx
Much love.x

I’m so tired today and that’s before I have my zap, boob is getting pink and has also been quite painful today. I’ve also been told that is perfectly normal and to do with the nerves mending. Off to get zap no 9 yay.

Don’t know if i need sleep, alcohol, caffeine or a hug today?

Hi Charys


16 more to go still seems an awful lot to me lol, not sure how I’m going to drag myself there when it comes to last last 5 but I know I will. 


I had a Lovely cool shower the minute I got back today now boobs feels like it’s on fire. I may have to result to the aloe Vera I have put in the fridge just to try and cool it down a bit.


L xx

Now you mention it, I get shooting pains occasionally where my nipple should be. Not so bad tho in the great scheme of things,
I didn’t get round to visiting the dentist before chemo and haven’t before radiotherapy either. My teeth feel OK despite all this treatment and my gums don’t bleed, so I haven’t worried. I do have an appointment week after next when rads have finished because I’ve been prescribed bisphosphonates to counteract bone density loss which is a side effect of the hormone therapy I e just started (Anastrozole) Don’t worry about this tho, I have a pre-existing bone density issue and the oncologist was only prepared to prescribe me Anastrozole if I took Bisphosphonates (they can effect your jaw but it’s not common)
Enjoy AC/DC Jo! I went to see Muse which fell in my good week if chemotherapy. It’s so good to do normal in-cancer related things!
Hope everyone else is getting on OK - 10 down, 5 more to go!!

Morning All…
Know what you mean re brain Kitty…just left change from a £20 after buying a cuppa at Costa…luckily was chased by server to rtn it.
In York now…Herceptin, then Leeds at lunch for Rads…then biggest baddest rock n roll band in the world!!!..im so excited and emotional today…just remembering all the past 14 months has chucked at me. #AC/DCletthereberock.
Love to all today.x