Just been diagnosed

Phew just to let u all know cr scan came back all clear what a relief!!! Start chemo in 2 weeks fect for 4 sessions every 3 weeks xxxx

That’s great news Purple! I’m really pleased for you. Now you can lift that particular weight from your shoulders and start getting on with the treatment. xx

Oh yes I could have kissed the onc lol I was spook relived I can tell u, now onwards n upwards start chemo in 2 weeks let’s get this gremlin out!!! Love n hugs to u all xxxxxxx

really pleased to hear the good news it such a relief when your able to just focus on the treatment take care x

really chuffed your scans were clear purple! alex xx

So pleased that your scans are clear Purple, great news xxxx

Great news purple, i hoping i get my scan before my chemo, hate this waiting game, and to have to wait till after chemo would make me insane.

Hi purple,
Great news that the scans were clear! So pleased for you just got
To start the chemo I’m not sure when I’m starting mine yet. Got another
Onc appt in 3 weeks but got to heal from this surgery 1st.
Lots of love Fran

Hi Purple, Just wanted to say what fantastic news that is. I’ve posted for the first time today - quite hysterical - and it was your posts that I was originally following as also a single mum of a teenage boy (mine’s 15yrs old). I am praying I will be able to post a similar upbeat comment next Weds 1st Feb when I get my CT scan and IBC (Inflammatory Cancer) Biopsy results.

I am surprised at how many people start Chemo before surgery ? I have been told that if my CT is clear then they are doing mastectomy and node clearance first and Chemo would start approx 6 weeks later.

I guess any treatment is better than this waiting ;-(

Aww bless ya angell sweetie i tell ya these ladies are right the waiting is the worst part !! But once u get all ur results back and have a treatment plan u know it’s onwards and upwards from
Here On:-) I’m always about if unwanna chat or send me a pm
Keep ur chin up darlin we are all here for you, lots of hugs n love To you :slight_smile: take care
A xxxxxx

Hi all now got to have a muga test this Thursday obj the joys it never ends lol

Hi Purple - what’s a Muga test ? Have they also said why you are having Chemo first if the CT scan showed that it hasn’t spread anywhere ?

I was told that if not spread then I will get a Mastectomy first to remove it all and then chemo and rads. Wonder why different hospitals etc do it in different orders ?

I get my results of CT scan etc tomorrow and am going from being incredibly positive - almost convincing myself that the entire thing is one big mistake and they will say - “Oh really sorry, we were looking at someone else’s notes - you don’t have cancer at all !” and then late at night I switch to doom and gloom.

Think by tomorrow night I will be numb from it all. Just what SOME treatment - anything - now !

Hiya angel a muga is to check my heart is ok for chemo, I’ve got to have chemo first to shrink the tumour as it’s 7.5cm let us know how u get on at the hospital we are all here for u darlin xxxxx

Hi all, I just found out last Friday that I have grade 3 breast cancer and am going in on Monday 6th Feb for my op and to remove surrounding tissue and lymph node/s - I’m really, really worried about the results and how I will cope if its spread?

Hello knoxybabes

Welcome to the forums, this must be a very worrying time for you but you have come to the right place for support from our experienced users who I’m sure will be along to support you soon.

In the meantime maybe you would like to talk things through with a member of our helpline staff who are there to offer emotional support as well as practical information.
The free phone number is 0808 800 6000 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9.00 to 5.00 and Saturday 9.00 to 2.00.

Best wishes
June, moderator

Hello Knoxybabes

I’m in a very similar position to you. I was diagnosed last Friday with grade 3 breast cancer. I’m having a mastectomy and lymph node clearance on 13 Feb. Having a CT scan this Friday (to look for possible spread) but won’t get the results until the day of my surgey. Ugh. Anyway all the best to you. I’ve had some fantastic replies to my posts here - really encouraging and supportive, so I think you’ve definitely come to the right place! I’ve also found the helpline to be invaluable.

Angelherts: All the very best for your results tomorrow. Please keep us posted.

Hi historygirl, so sorry to hear of your diagnosis - I’m really not bothered about the surgery at all…its the results I can’t face, I can’t eat, sleep and just feel constantly sick and to top it all off I now have a pain under my right breast and in my back and I’m worrying myself sick thinking its the cancer that has spread? I can’t stop crying. I’ve been for my pre-op this aft so all set now for Monday. I’m seeing my cancer nurse for the 1st time this Thursday and even that scares me…it all sounds so scary having a ‘cancer nurse’ not sure how I am going to get through these next two weeks as I have to wait 10 days after my surgery for the results. Are you feeling exactly the same? My life has been turned upside down. Take care hun.

Hi Knoxybabes

I completely understand where you’re coming from! I’ve had problems eating, sleeping and have even got a pain in my back too. In fact I’m developing more symptoms that you can shake a stick at - a sign or something dreadful or just plain bonkersness? I don’t know.

Being this scared is a bit exhausting. I went to my GP and got some diazepam (v low dosage) to help me through the very bad patches. I find that when I wake up in the early hours a couple will put me back to sleep for two hours or so. I’ve only taken them in the day time once or twice but it does take the edge of things a bit.

Some days are better than others. Sometimes I think I’m getting a grip on things and then a few hours later I’m a wobbly jelly again. I have found replies on this forum and also the helpline very useful (and kind and generally lovely). Trying to keep busy and not dwell too much on the unknown is good, if very difficult to follow, advice that I’ve had.

The general opinion from people much further down the treatment track than us seems to be (judging by replies I’ve had) that this waiting period of finding out exactly what we are dealing with is the one of the hardest parts.

All the very best for Monday, do keep us posted, and feel free to send me a message if you want.


hi knoxibabes and history girl i was diagnosed on the 11th jan and its been a terrible time. everything happens so fast. i saw changes in my breast as hardened tissue and dimpling. i talked to my sister and asked her to take a look and although she didnt say so at the time she said she was so worried. i made an appointment with gp and on his examination he said he thought it was just breast tissue. two days later i recieved a letter for a mammagram which was only days away.i couldnt believe how fast everything was happening. i had mammogram and us when i went back into the room to see my con i asked do you think it is and she said yes. i literally ran out of that room. she said she wanted to do a biopsy and it took me half an hour to go back in.she said i should collect the results in two days so on the friday morning i literally couldnt go, my family were all saying you have to… you have to i was terrified and i guess felt bullied although there intentions were there best for me but i felt this is not happening to you. i didnt go and wrote a letter of authorisation for my oh to collect them and fortunatly they agreed. when he came home he said it is.i had an mri last thursday to determine the size and position as lobular tends to hide within the tissue.
i was dx with lobular grade 2 and on friday are due to have mx and node removal and of course are terrified.i do smoke and more heavily since dx but con said not to worry at this time we will deal with it later.
your feelings are so normal your lives have been turned upside down and i think every emotion going you experience at some time or another. i couldnt eat sleep and like you too have experienced pains in my breast shoulders etc since.its hard to keep busy and hard to focus at times but we are on this path now and we have to like so many others have to deal with it the best way we know how.im terrified of being put to sleep and dont know how i,ll cope on friday but we cant run away, when i went on monday and my con told me the plan i did feel much better because they are going to get us better and we will become much stonger than we were before. so girls grab hold of the inner strentgh you have. the women here i have met are more than wonderful and they know onlt to well the best advice to give as they are part way or fully recovered now. i send my love to all i have met and to you both. you will be get through it you will. lots of hugs and love jane

Hello ladies, I was dx in sept, I’m on tamoxifen and going through radiotherapy just now. Everything you have written was exactly how I felt. It does get easier and you ladies will get through this. The most powerful part of our body is the mind, I had pain everywhere, and imagined the worst, but that wasn’t the case. I wish all of you luck for your results and ops. Try and stay strong the worst part is the waiting. As for smoking jane, don’t beat yourself up, you will stop when your ready, I stopped when I found out, then had a meltdown and started again! Its so hard, but you will get there. Love and hugs to you all, karen xx