I’m guessing you have decided to go ahead with rads then Francine if you have had your sexy tattoos ,I think one of mine has come off!!!I have big boobs and had a lot of problems with skin reaction and infection but I was led to believe that skin type plays a part as well.5 weeks is a long haul but hopefully you will finally conclude your treatment soon.
Hi Jill
Yep after a good talk with the consultant I’ve decided that I should go ahead. He was quite upfront and said that my Grade 3 invasive BC would have been treated with immediate mx in a lot of hospitals and I was fortunate to have a surgeon who was dedicated to breast conservation he felt the risk of not having rads was too high for a recurrence because I had a large area of DCIS also. I start on 14 October but 5 weeks is a long haul. Met some very lovely ladies yesterday too, who are going through much harder things than me so I gave myself a good kick up the backside! Still feeling very low and husband has persuaded me to go and see my GP. She’s very nice but not sure she can do much for me other than prescribe more tablets. Still perhaps it’s time to accept some help, which I’m not very good at (you may have guessed!)
Glad you’re getting help fuffs…what ever it takes to make all this easier I say. Taking anti depressant which I was against but then thought how ridiculous! It’s like refusing treatment for bc, why would you when you know you’re depressed and there’s help. We are funny creatures. Sending love Lorna x
I think all of us have had times when we have felt very low during this,it batters you mentally and physically, I think it would be very unusual not to have a reaction.Its difficult to call when additional help is needed or whether time and physical recovery will be enough.None of us like admitting we are not doing as well as we would have hoped.Go and see what G.P says,don’t give yourself a hard time for feeling c**p,this experience floors the strongest of us.Do you have to wear a bra during rads,my boobs were “borderline too floppy”, so I had to have my bra chopped up and marked up and got to wear the sexy thing every day!!!
Morning ladies. Take whatever is available that’s what I’d do. This is a horrible thing and do whatever it takes to get through it with as few SEs as possible.
We’ve got another fertility clinic appointment today, wish us luck x
Good luck Barry and Nikki x x
Enjoy your last week off Sarah,I have one more week.Hope you get something positive out of your appointment Barry and Nikki.
Good luck today Bazza and Nikki - thinking of you xxx
Good luck Barry and Nikki. x
Do you still have your chopped up bra Jill or did you have a special burning ceremony when rads were over?
Hope you enjoy your last few days off work Sarah. I’m just about to take a call from work which I am slightly dreading. My brain has not been in that mode at all for at least the last five weeks and possibly even before that when going through tests and diagnosis.
Yes ,I torched it in the BBQ whilst drinking a glass of bubbly Peggy!!Hard to think about anything to do with work when you have all this going on isn’t it ,I will have to dust the cobwebs off my addled brain before I go back.Have Occy health appt Friday not sure what that involves .
The BBQ torching with bubbly is a great imagine Jill. I’ve only had five weeks of these post-surgery sports bras and am fed up with them already!
I filmed it for posterity !!!Went up pretty well with the assistance of BBQ lighter fluid!!!
Good luck Barry and Nikki.
I’ve been really poorly this morning, not good, but feeling a bit better now at least it did not mean another hospital trip xxx keep strong. Jill fab news about the bra burning love it!!! Francine stay strong you can do it ( if I can do this!!!) xxxx
Glad you’re feeling a bit better Ange. Have you taken all your meds?
Seen the docs, she explained the risks. But they’ll give us a decision this week
Hi Barry, felling a little better. Just taken my missed meds ( rang the unit first) still feel utter pants but not being sick so alls good xxx
Hopefully by tomorrow you will feel a little better Ange.Barry hope you get the news you want.
Yes, good luck Barry and Nikki, take/make notes as well.
Gosh Ange, you are being brave…have you tried mint tea? I think you can buy ginger tea as well, but goodness knows what it tastes like!
More confusion about my errant surgery results, phoned breast care line and receptionist put me on hold and then came back and said the MDT would be looking at my histology in Thursday’s meeting…then a few hours later BCN phones to say it’s still not through and might not make Thursday! More tears from me…so much for their ‘Our Service Pledge’ booklet where they say “You will receive results from your surgery within two weeks.” I did very politely point that out but they can’t do anything.
I am falling to pieces and have gone back to all the morbid scenarios, I have no reason to believe I am going to get bad news but not knowing day after day is just wearing me down, it’s 2 ½ weeks now, and I won’t even know it it was even heard until Friday, which will be 3 weeks post surgery and they might phone and tell me it’s going to be another week!! ?
Amanda x
Terrible to keep you waiting this long Amanda I only had to wait 12 days and that seemed like forever.Hope they get your results back in time,I know mine only arrived back the day before they met to discuss them,but that was 2 weeks not 3.
Hi Letitia,sorry you have had to join us, did they give you any more information re your diagnosis?The surgeon will talk you through your options which will depend on the size ,position and number of lumps you have.After surgery information they get from testing your tumour and the sentinel lymph nodes helps decide what further treatment you may need ie chemotherapy and radiotherapy.Im guessing you are probably in a little bit of shock if you are not feeling much, my husband was in tears but I was as calm as any thing when I first diagnosed,I think I had been preparing myself for the worst for 2 weeks so in some ways it was a relief just to stop the waiting and wondering and get on with getting rid of the b****y thing.
Oh Amanda I can think of the stress it’s putting you under. Big hugs, don’t let it wear you down (easier said than done)
Hi Letitia, you must be made of strong stuff but glad you’re ok. And welcome of course x
We’re doing something social tonight as we have 1D tickets lol. I’m still feeding Nikki nutribullet shakes. I think a treat out later may be in order!