Amanda i just wore what was most comfortable for as long as i felt the need, mainly sports bras, im not very buxom but found my normal boned bras pressed right on my node scar , im back in them now but still glad to take them off when i get home! Xx
Morning all. I’m still on the sports bras although am now managing to fit into smaller/less upholstered types if you know what I mean. Sports Direct currently have lots of special offer. I picked up a couple of nice ones earlier this week - white and not too sporty that I can wear under normal clothes.
Amusing incident last night. I went for a drink with my two best chums - it will probably be the last time we’ll get together before I start chemo. About two drinks in, 7.30ish, I got a phone call from the hospital. I signed up to take part in a study over the next year about the emotional impact of my reconstruction and how it affects my life. It’s possible that pictures of my boobs will be making an appearance at conferences worldwide over the next few years :smileyvery-happy: Pub was rather noisy and the research person who wanted to talk to me seemed very surprised that I was in a pub so soon after surgery. I ended up in a corner of the pub garden trying to talk quietly about my new boob, glass of wine in hand. I think the researcher might have been a little envious that I was in the pub and he was still at work!
Wow, that is spooky Fiona, but good karma for you, what a nice thing you did!
Haha PeggyCat, surveyed in the pub, so it was looking like you weren’t having any emotional impact…or that you had taken to the bottle to try and drown your sorrows!
My first album was the Bay City Rollers, first concert was the Moody Blues, who’s music was introduced to me by my older brother.
Amanda x
Loving the pub survey story Peggy that made me smile!! I went out last night too with some workmates, so nice to go out and do something a bit normal isn’t it, good luck with your chemo :smileywink:
I was using Asda sports bras at first but was finding them uncomfortable to sleep in after a while, so have opted for cotton crop top things from BHS which are comfy to sleep in now I’m a few weeks on and don’t need quite so much support at night, also bought a seamfree shaper bra from there which is comfy and got a bit more support, both stretch well so not too traumatic on the poorly side for putting on but probably couldn’t have managed it just after op. I can’t have anything that has a seam through the middle of the cup due to where my WLE scar is, as anything like that rubs on it, so shopping was a bit of a challenge but managed to find something in the end. I’m also finding that alternating the crop tops, sports bra and shaper bra helps as boob gets a bit grumpy if it’s in one type too long for some reason!!!
Well done Fiona on raising the money for this wonderful site, without people like you none of us would have this forum and the amazing help and support it gives :smileywink:
Julie :smileywink: x
Not just content with getting your boobs out for random medical professionals Peggy,now you want to exhibit them at Conferences???
I hope they manage to liven up a dull PowerPoint presentation for some people Jill. :smileyvery-happy:
Hi all, hope you enjoyed 1D . I saw Take That it was a 40th present :). I am still wearing t shirt bras not full ones yet. I have ordered 2 mx bras as I have had my prothesis fitting and they now have it in. On a plus note feel better today. Picked my wig too xx
Did you go for something different with the wig Ange?Glad you are feeling a bit better .
Hi Jill, gone for something shorter than my usual and quite choppy( looked more real) I think we have to quite close to my natural colour. Will see when we pick it up. Had my hair cut today so all short and ready for the shave ( when it comes). Xxx how are you? Xx
Glad to hear you are feeling better Ange.
I’m now booked in for my big hair chop next week. Not looking forward to facing the full extent of the grey. Oh well, at least I won’t have to put up with it for too long. x
I’m ok Ange, infection cleared up, still feeling very tired after radiotherapy , just getting my head round the fact that I have to leave "cancer world " and try and deal with work again.
Glad you’re feeling a bit better today Ange. How realistic is the wig? x
Glad your infection is sorted Jill, it must be strange thinking about getting back to the treatment free world, I have a long way to go yes Barry the wig I am getting is pretty good, I guess it depends on face shape. The long ones looked like wigs on me but the shorter ones were much better xxx
You will get there eventually Ange ,long job this cancer business isn’t it?
Make sure you have plenty of treats along the way.
Yep, I am going to take one day at a time. I’m in it for the long haul but I will get there xxx
Evening everyone, including the 1 Directioners! I have to admit that one of my favourite records is ‘the Story of My Life’ by them, my guilty secret, lol. The best concert I ever went to was Madonna at Wembley in about 1990 I think. She was amazing. Also saw Michael Jackson in his prime and he was great. We had tickets for his last tour but unfortunately he popped his clogs before it even got off the ground. I’ve had a better day today and am seeing my GP tomorrow. I’m still a bit bothered over the hospital’s decision to give me 25 rad sessions rather than 15. I’ve phoned the Macmillan helpline today to have a chat about it and one of the rads team is going to call me tomorrow. I haven’t found anyone else who’s rads have been adjusted for their breast size and I want to make sure I’m not unknowingly being included in some sort of trial! Call me paranoid but I’ve been through enough and don’t want to have 10 extra sessions if there’s no real case for it. I’ll have a 60 mile round journey as it is every day. Sending hugs to all, especially Ange. X Francine
Well done Ange, I guess it’s good to get things underway, not so scare, I suppose, once you get going…the unknown is always where the fear lies!
Oh Jill, it must be quite daunting going back to work, I expect it will take a little while to get back into things. You will be able to keep chatting with us anyway, I hope you won’t leave us!
Amanda x
I don’t recall anyone weighing up my boon size to determine how many rads. Thought it was based on size of tumour and clear margines? I’m big boobed but only had 15. Had a very scary turn this morning. Eye sight went blurred and while body went cold. Was really scary I nearly called someone but it went off after ten mins but left me feeling a bit strange all day. Anyone else had similar? X
Sounds like you may have had a sudden drop in blood pressure, which can happen for no particular reason. You feel cold because your body is trying get to push blood to your vital organs to protect them. Make sure you stay well hydrated and if you are getting up from a lying position do this slowly. My blood pressure became quite unstable after my second op and I used to feel like that when it was low. If it happens again I think you should just get it checked out at your GP. It could also be a migraine type thing, you don’t always get a headache but you can get visual dusturbances and feel cold. You feel a bit hung over for the rest of the day and tired. Is a bit scary though.