It definitely must be the weather or something in the water!
We have been saying on the rads thread Sarah that the initial elation of finishing treatment is replaced with a flat feeling and the reality of what has happened and the consequences both physically and mentally…
We are all sounding the same. I like your philosphy Spongebob :). Maybe I am expecting too much. I am watching wigs on QVC some of them are ok. Xx
Sorry for those of you feeling tired and low today.
I had a lovely day yesterday as we had a street party and I managed for a few hours to totally forget about this blasted BC. Feeling a bit panicky today just simply worrying about all of the things I need to pack in to the schedule before the chemo starts in about a month: trip to the dentist, pre-chemo hair chop, GP visits, all the hospital visits themselves, trip to visit my elderly mum several hours away who has dementia and who I’ve not told about all this yet, trying to maybe fit in a week at work to buy myself some more time at a later date on full pay …
In comparison to your situation Ange looking after small children as well, my concerns seem insignificant and I am really lucky that I’m only 40 minutes travelling time away from my hospital whereas I know lots of people on this forum have a lot longer journeys. I’m still tired however just thinking about it all.
Strength to you all. x
I am lucky with my hospital too 25 mins away. If I had radiotherapy I would have had to travel to Cambridge every day which would have been a nightmare. I am just having one of those days I am sure I will be ok. Normally I am really upbeat. X Jill when do you have your next appointment now radio is complete? Xx
No Ange ,you are not expecting too much,but I guess we all know our other halves and what is within the realms of possibility !!!Peggy ,I have thought a few times , having cancer is more hectic than being at work ,it’s exhausting!!
Next review in 8 weeks time with Onc Ange by which time I will be looking at wigs too by the rate my hair is breaking off and falling out on Tamoxifen !Even bought a powder to fill in the bald spots.Cancer is not fun!!!Where’s the vodka and twiglets…,
Sarah ,Im not looking forward to this time next year when my boy goes off to Uni,he rarely talks to me but I still like having him around for the few minutes each week he decides to be "human ",it will be very weird to be back to being just 2 of us at home.The cat is more chatty but it’s not quite the same!!!
That’s so funny I get my best response from the cat . I need to speak to the bCN about the wig as I don’t know if I wil. Get a voucher for one or how much tbe voucher is worth?? Most of the information I get from this site and you lovely ladies. Sarahd has been great on the chemo thread so I am preparing myself, but it’s the usual waiting for the appointment which is annoying. The blinking cancer waiting game is the toughest one I have been on. Jill/ Spongbob don’t rush back to work until you are ready. I have a few years to wait until my kids are old enough to leave home. Yep Jill join you in Twiglets and vodka
Ah yes, wig and other head covering research to add to my to-do list as well. You are right Jill that this seems like a full-time job.
I too have cats Spongebob and they have been a great comfort to me over the last few weeks.
Dull question for anyone in employment: what sort of documentation have you been sending to your employer to cover absences? My HR department told me before I left for surgery that they would need a “statement of fitness for work” on return. Would this be my GP? Having been fortunate enough never to have been ill for more than a few days in 25 years of working I’m a bit clueless about this sort of thing and my BC nurse is on holiday this week so I’m all adrift.
Yep you’ll need to get a letter from your GP, just like you need one for your time off. Covers them
Hi I got a doctors note to cover my mx surgery, it runs out next week, since then I have had an ANC so I hope that I will just be able to get one for another couple of weeks. Xx
I need to get one if them but my surgery didn’t have one. Would the hospital have one Sarah SB?? Xx
Thanks everyone.
My lovely BC nurse sorted out the form for my free prescription card for me and despite hearing that it can take up to eight weeks to arrive on application, mine came through in less than a fortnight.
Bugger hope they can still do my reconstruction… Don’t think I can live with my Frankenstein chest forever xx
My boss to me to get a “fit note” from G.P and get it to specify what hours you feel able to work ,any changes in duties and they are pretty much bound to honour that .
Don’t worry Ange every hospital is in a financial mess ,it’s pretty much par for the course, all seem to survive by the skin of their teeth at the moment.
I was devastated when my eldest left home he was only 19 but had always been so independant! He came back for 6 weeks earlier on in the year while he was buying a house! 7 years after he had left home. Amazing how quickly I got used to having him back! And to top it off my grandson being here every other weekend and one night a week. Loved every minute. My youngest is taking a gap year to help me but is staying in Bristol for his uni course next year he will be living at home for quite a while xxxxxx
I had to shout at my husband! Which I don’t normally have to do but it worked slowly but surely he is getting better. I’ll see what happens on Saturday when Bristol City are playing at home and I want him to come home early! Xxxx
Hi Ange I got my wig voucher when I went for chemo assessment, you have to pay about £65 and then you can choose a nhs wig for up to £130. I ended up picking a private one that you couldn’t use voucher for was £200. My BCN gave me the prescription form.
My daughter also goes back to uni at the weekend which will be hard she’s been home since my diagnosis at the end of June. She’s been a great help with my son who has special needs. Gonna miss her loads. Hope you manage some rest this evening! Take care xxx