Just diagnosed and wanting to talk to people who understand

Wishing Nikki and Barry all the best for tomorrow. Will be thinking of you. As Amanda says, don’t be afraid to ask questions. Re the aspirin, they recommend 75mgs a day. You can buy ‘enteric’ aspirin from the chemist, which is coated so less hard on the stomach or ones you dissolve in water. X Francine

Thinking of you Nikki and Barry. x

So after an hours wait, we were told that one more node was positive. So 2/13 in total for Stage 2, Grade 3 bc. Meeting the oncologist next Wednesday.

No further surgery required Barry?

So nearly the same as me. Is Nikki Her2+ too? She will probably have radio as she had a lumpectomy. At least you know now :slight_smile: xxx

All clear, so no more surgery. Chemotherapy and then radiotherapy l. No is HR negative. Ange you should look into Nuvovax, I think that’s what it’s called and is being trialled now.

Hope it goes well for you Chris.Francine ,good luck with you’d results tomorrow hope surgeries are behind you now.Sarah stock up the fridge you need some treats to get you through chemo days.

Caffy so you had no lymph nodes involved? We’re meeting the oncologist next Wednesday.

I’m her- I’m still not sure what the difference is? Hope you are both ok now you know what you are dealing with. Yes I’m all stocked up for tomorrow thanks Jill. How are you has boob got better? Hope everyone else today? Xxxxxxxxxx

Hi Sarah it means you have not got the her2 gene which makes cancer more aggressive and difficult to deal with, but herceptin is the wonder drug that seems to keep it all at bay. Before herceptin my chances would have been reduced. Monkey about 20/25% of people have that gene. I got offered a couple of trials but I am not sure been doing my homework. Xxx

I feel better today, went to work and sat in a team meeting then went for lunch. Made me feel almost human again :slight_smile: xx Barry that appointment came through quick. Icefish they would hurry up and tell me my start date. Are you all stocked up and ready to go Sarah? Jill how are you? Xxx

Hi Sarah

ER + is when the tumour is reactive to oestrogen so they put you on either Tamoxifen or Anastrazole, the latter if you’re post menopausal, to block the oestrogen from reaching the breast. HER+ is when the cells are reactive to herceptin which is a protein involved with cell growth. More of a pain to treat HER + cancer, treatment by injection for quite a while but results good. Can you tell I’ve swallowed the guide to BC!!? Barry, that’s good news then, only 2/13 nodes, which did their job and trapped the little **bleep**! Chemo and rads then, not a pleasant prospect for anyone but you’ll battle on together and all will be well at the end. Feeling nervous about my results tomorrow but prepared for either rads or more surgery. So much to look forward to, lol.

Thank you for that ladies it’s the question I keep meaning to ask but haven’t. Xxxxxxxxx

Hi Ange ,thanks for asking I am ok, very very sore and tired but glad I don’t have to go to the hospital every day now and can start thinking about doing non cancer things.Francine ,they can’t possibly have left anything nasty this time !!!

So with the herceptine does anyone know if the treatment stops it being her+ just I know I’m going to be having it for a year. What exactly does the year of it do? X

Thanks everyone , still the treatment to get through but one step at a time. Oh, the surgeon said he’s recommending Nikki be on Tamoxifen for 10 years too!

Good luck tomorrow Francine x

Good luck cuffs x Barry it must be a relief to know what’s happening now even though chemo is scary…it does the job for lots of people. I thought no one was writing on this page then realised when using phone it takes you to the beginning of the thread! Grr x

Good luck for tomorrow francine sorry meant to put that on last message but husband and son always decide to have a full on conversation when they see me typing a message and then I forget xxxxxxxx

Lisa ,I just think the Herceptin reduces the changes of the cancer coming back like Tamoxifen does for ER + cancers.

Yep Herceptin similar but is that taken only for a year? As I mentioned earlier there’s a drug called Nuvovax that is for Her2 positive bc and has had a 77%success in trials. In stage 3 of trial now.

Also, the nurse and doc were impressed with how much I knew!