Liverpool Meet Up, IDEAS??

Have a great time - make the next one soon !!

Want a full run down of the “do” later !!

Love to you all xxx

Lizzie, many thanks for your kind offer. If the next meet’s in Liverpool, I may take you up on it :slight_smile:

I’m thinking of having a Billy-No-Mates Meet. I’ll be either at Picc Station or Malmaison on a certain date and time, and if anyone wants to join me, that’s fine. If not, I’ll have my current book with me, have coffee and lunch, and come back home. No stress. No fuss.

Have a fantastic time, girls. We’re off to the caravan this affo so I’ll catch up a week on Monday. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Good luck to us all.
Maureen xx

Hi Maureen - it doesn’t matter where it is - I can still take you so you must take me up on my offer !!!

That sounds like a good idea for Picc Station or Malmaison (that’s where Take That stayed when they were on tour !!) and see who turns up. I am sure there are a lot of ladies around the Manchester area on this site. But you can’t beat a scouser for humour can you ! (I’m Welsh but live in Preston). I notice you said on another thread you were off to Wales - where is your caravan. I am down at my friends in North Wales end of next week.

Liz xx

Anglesey. Not far from Holyhead. We used to be at Trearddur Bay until we all got kicked off the site. Long story. Can’t name names but she was a right bitch, the new owner. What goes round comes round and she got her comeuppance in the end, thank the good Lord above.

Whereabouts in Wales are you from, and where will you be visiting? Nosey divil aren’t I hehehe.

Maureen xx

Nope you’re not !!

I was born in Deganwy, over the river from Conway. Went to school in Llandudno. Came up here with my dad’s work when I was 16 but still consider myself Welsh ! I love to go back. My mum was one of 10 so have lots of cousins and quite few still living in the Colwyn Bay area. I have 2 aunts still living so visit them a lot. My friend lives in Dyserth, Nr Rhyl. I went to primary school with her and then to grammar school. We lost touch until the Friends Reunited site came out and she got in touch with me. It’s quite spooky as our lives are now very, very similar.

Long journey for you but worth it eh? Glad to hear the woman got her comeuppence. I am a great believer in what goes around and everything happening for a reason. Still waiting to find out the reason why BC got me !!!

Just taken youngest daughter (21) to Manchester airport at 6 this morning to a bit tired and hope to have a nap ! Not slept the last few nights worrying about stuff, as you do !!

My eldest daughter moved into a flat in Hulme a couple of months ago and the youngest just moved into flat at Ancoats, few mins behind Picc Station. Doing a lot of development work around there, I could get a job as a taxi driver around Manchester !!!

Liz xxxx

Hi everyone
It was great to meet you sorry I had to leave early but my daughter was going to party and I had her new shoes and present with me also wanted to see her before she went. It was nice to put faces to names. Would love to meet again, Nicky will fone you next time I am at Marina Dagleish . Take Care all of you, Liz x

Hi all … Just got back … it was great to meet you all … wish I couldve stayed longer …next time perhaps when the others come …you are all lovely xxxxxx
Take care and good luck xxxx

I should be in bed but I wanted to post and say how special it was today meetin everyone. One of the things that got to me was that out of 7 of us 3 had mets. This isnt some ‘trendy disease’ which is easily curable and one that everyone survives for 10 plus years with its serious and pretty crap at times.

However i have to say the mets ladies are FANTASTIC and i look forward to many meet ups with them.


Ruth I am with you on that 100% They are amazing was bowled over by their strength and zest for life !!!
But the rest of us werent bad either !! I thought a lot on the train home and I came up with the same thought as you …its not an easy disease to battle and we should be proud of ourselves that we are and we will xxxx

Hi girlies,
Had a fab time yesterday! Thanks everyone.
Got MRI scan on Monday and bone scan on Friday and will get results on the 17th.Fingers crossed!

Have a lovely time in Ireland Ruth.Hope the weather holds out for you!

Alli xx

Alli good luck be thinking of you xxxxxx

Keeping everything crossed for you.
Take care Lizx

ps Already looking forward to next meet.

It was great meeting all of you, and I hope we can stay in touch. Good luck with the scans allie-I’m keeping every thing crossed.
Liz, hope we manage to meet up when you have you’re next herceptin.

Thanks Ruth and Allie for organising it and have a great holiday Ruth.

Love Nicky

Hi all

I’ve just arrived home (Sun eve) so been on the road since thur and I’m knackered, can’t do it any longer, feelike a right oldie!

It was a special day and I was so pleased we all seemed to get on so well. And strength, well I’ve not seen the like before. You gorgeous girlies who have been dealt such a crappy blow are an inspiration.

Can’t wait for the next one. October was mentioned, but does anyone want to meet sooner? If we do one in Oct I can only make it in the middle. Sept quite at mo. Aug my daughters wed so pretty busy.

I may even get to the Klimt exhib next time, and will make an effort not to have a bad hangover too!!

Love Irene

Hi everyone , wish I could put a face to your names. I guess it wasnt too hard to spot each other in Cafe Rouge?

I will have passed my yearly check up come September which I’m anxiously looking forward to - another milestone to put behind me. Summer hols are busy but September is usually quiet for me too . My little one starts nursery in September which means I’ll probably be crying for most of it . Bless her she even calls herself a cutie pie now .

cally x

arrr thats dead cute that is! Looking forward to meeting you Cally

I agree Irene we were very comfortab;le with each other prob cos we are all connected by this bloody ilness but you would never have thought it to see us …I am ok fror any time as long as its on a train route xxx Irene if you are ever in nuneaton let me know xxxxx
it was such a good afternoon and look forward to you other ladies who could not make it this time meeting up on tyhe next one xxxxx

I would love to meet up with you all in September, I am orginally from Liverpool but now live in Wales, so I can pick up along the way (A55). It was lovely to read that you had a good time. I am just getting over my reconstruction surgery!!

Hi Elizabeth 10
You would be very welcome we had a lovely time.

Prob be Oct for next meet up if thats ok with everyone.

Too all those who have had scans this week and are getting results next week, I am thinking of you.

Love Rx

Hi All
Just saying Hi to everyone. Alli will be thinking of you tommorow, take care.
Hope to see you all soon Liz x